CH 21-Buried Taboo.

Third Person's POV.

Riz's heart was beating fast. anxiety and panic were surging through her mind, with all her might she kept kicking the door but it won't move.

Trying for a very long time, she collapsed on her knees due to exhaustion, tears running down her eyes, and just when all her efforts looked useless.


A faint sound of metal ticking was heard as if a key was used in a lock.


The door opened, and the sound of rustic metal moving was loud, but somehow very much needed.

Riz stared in awe as the one behind the door was finally in full display.

It was Rain, or more like, the Illusion of Rain played by the doll to trick Riz.

Riz knew that, but seeing her son in front of her made her forget her decisions.


Riz ran to him and hugged him tightly, warping her arms around his soft and warm body giving herself comfort.

Riz-" Lord!, thank heavens you are all right!"

Rain looked healthy, unlike before his body was not looking weak anymore, and in fact, he felt a little plump, his body looked a little more androgynous, his face was flushed red and his eyes were glistening with temptation

Illusion Rain-" Mom..., I... Feel... weird, hot, like these clothes...., they are itchy, I wanna take them off."

It was an unusual demand, Rain may not feel weird about changing in front of her, but he was very much weary of it whenever outside the house.

Rain-" Just wait for a little more honey, we'll soon leave this place and return to our house! just wait for a little more!"

Riz assured him, but she knew it was all fake, everything was merely an illusion that felt too good, but it was not real.

Doll-"Give In."


A harsh and rough voice came something that came from.

Riz-" That... doll?"

Rain-" Mom!... *panting* ahn!... Hmm, I don't know what is happening ..., please ta- aahhnn!!? haha.... take these clothes off!"

Grabbing his hands Riz tried to calm him down.

She was confused and troubled.

Rain-" JuSt gIvE iN."

Rain jolted his head back, and an unnatural grinch formed on his face, his eyes darkened like coal and his voice became shallow like a gust through narrow cliffs.

Rain-" wHy dO yUo rEsiSt? yOu kNoW tHis iS nOt yOur sOn? c'Mon lOoK aT mY fLesH, dOn't yOu wAnnA kiSs thOsE lIpS?"

He jumped on her and wrapped his arms around her neck, trying to hug her.

Rain-" I cAN hEaL yOur SOn, ANd maKe hIm loVe yoU, juSt giVe in To temPtaTIon."

Too stunned to speak, she just stared at him in shock, her hands were frozen, he ripped his clothes, and rubbed his cheek on her chest.

Rain-" Ah..., yOu aRe diSsapPOinTing, hOw AbOut ThIs?"

He took off his pants and greeted her with a boner harder than steel.

Rain-"Mom... TAKE ME."

His eyes turned charred black and started to ignite in a pinkish purple.

An intoxicating aroma came from him, Riz's face which was full of shock now suddenly looked hungry.

Riz-" Ah... wha .... n..NO!."

Snapping back to her senses she, pushed him aside.

Doll-" oH! dO iT gIvE mE sOme eNtErTaInmEnT!, nO onE minDs a lItTle bIt oF inCest!, jUst Do iT anD I'lL hEal yoUr SoN!, dO iT!!"

Riz pushed him away, his body was suddenly very light and and as if being bound by a wire his whole body got yanked by a invisible force and he slammed into the wall.

Riz-"No! Rain!"

Riz dashed towards him, that demonic grinch was still plastered on his face like like solidified glass.

Doll-"You have dissapointed me, now your both .... DIE!!!!- guh!?"

The doll could not finish, as if something had grabbed it's tongue

And Suddenly in a very sweet Voice, it spoke.

??-"You want your son?"

Riz didn't knew where this voice was coming from, she just hugged her son like her dear life and remained alert.

??-Hmmm, let's see, draw me some blood, and you'll have your son back."

Riz was bamboozled, what the fuck is happening, these voices are so random and stupid she's going crazy.

that's when it happened,

the doll fell on ground, crumbled to pieces, from Inside crawled out a centipede.

it was a huge and long centipede that was fed in colour, it was a Disgusting look critter that didn't got closer to them but raised his fontal body and kept swaying laft and right.

With each sway it rubbed it pincers together making a nasty sound of cackling from its exoskeleton.

Riz pulled out her pistol from her pocket and Shot the centipede right in the head!


didn't die,

neither his movements stopped, it kept going laft and right, but now it looked more scary thanks to the shredded bits and splattered blood.

Third Person's POV.

Rain woke up, only this time he was neither on the ground nor in a house, he was looking old, like he was in his own world back away.

Rain:"....Riz....Mom.... Kana... Sister..."

He remembered everything, suspiciously enough he was not panicking.

??:"Hello Rain, or should I call You Alan?"

suddenly Someone walks to Him, it's a women, but her whole body is Black, so black that even the light around her seems to weaken taking a closer look he could feel the visuals around her seem to bend, as if her body was made of a blackhole itself.

She hand No face or eyes, just a black figure who's outlines seems blurry.


He replied.

The Figure Noded and took a seat in front of him.

??-"You might have some questions."

Rain-"Many, .... who's Devil, how is my sister here, why Am I here, what kind of world and I in, what happened to my Family?, from both world."

??-"I am curious And assumed how you care for both of your families."

Rain-"Why?, why are you assumed, who are you, why is my life revolving around so many fuck ups."

The entity leaned a little closer, and placed a little book of few dozen pages in the table.

it Was a book named "Yandere Girls surround Me."

Rain-"What....the fuck is this....?"

??-"Your Documentry "

Rain-"My... what?"

??-"Your Documentry, everything that have happened to you, either you know it or not, is written in it."

Rain took the book, and within an hour he read all of the contents, the last chapter was "Invasion".

As he read he was shocked, he was scared and he was creeped out, he was Confused.

Rain:"...Why.. is This Devil after Me?"

Suddenly Devil was infront of him, it was the same person he was very sure of it. she manifested from the thin air.

Word didn't came from his mouth as he just stared at the devil.

??-"You know... this is My world."

The Entity said, he voice was smokey but clear.

??-"Everything is this world, is created by me, everything that is happening is this world is becouse I thought of it, from every lead that is falling to every person that is gonna be born."

Rain-"Why am I in your world."

??-"I don't know... you are the only one I don't know about, Rain do you have any idea what the internal boredom feels like."

the entity said as she leaned a little more closer, suddenly the table vanished the Rain found himself standing on his fear as the entity held his face in her palms.

??-"Do you know what it feels like to play chess all by yourself?, Do you know what it feels like to wrap your own arms around your own body? only because you have no one else to hug?, Rain, this is My world, everything that is happening is this fucking world is mearly nothing but a fragment of my imagination, I know everything that is happening, or gonna happen, or something that might never happen, the only this I don't know about, is YOU."

She spoke every word like she had prepared a script, and have been rehearsing it for years.

??-"Rain, you are the only thing I don't know about, i don't know why you are in this world, i don't know what you are thinking, I can continue laws of reality in this world, but I don't know what you wanna eat for lunch, Do have any idea how ammused I get whenever I see you reacting to the things I do in this world?, You have played video games, You know what it feels like to be able to cheat in a single player game, it's fun in the start, but then suddenly the game Doesn't feel fun any more, But Me?, Oh Rain, I know the every Move, every thought, every step, that every single being in this world have taken, Is taking or gonna take, I didn't even knew what life was until you surpriseingly came out of nowhere, I was surprised, but It was the first time in my entire existence that I REACTED to an unknown event."

the entity held Rain's face with an iron grip, not letting go as he stared at her face, hich was nothing but an endless void.

??-"Rain, My dear, I can do many things, to you and to this world, But I can't predict you, You know Devil?, that thing is also my creativity, your whole family?, yeah I created them too, you wanna know why your family behaves the way they do?, IT'S BECAUSE I CREATED THEM IN THAT I WAY, but then .... I see you reacting to your family, I see you giving them answers that I didn't expect, everytime you talk I gain a new peice of knowledge, I was content in playing with you all my time, You know the dreams you have?, they are not dreams but your past lives in my world, that's how you have lived and died, But then suddenly something happened, Your Sister Kana also popped out of nowhere, I was surprised but greatly ammused!, oh you won't believe how exciting that was!, *sighs*..... Rain ... let me tell you one thing, that is a fact, this world is now your home, and everything that is happening, have happened or is gonna happen, is written by me, and you will be living every second of it."

Rain was dreaded, it was not a fear of death of horror or harm, but STRAIGHT UP EXISTENTIAL CRISIS.

Rain:"Wait wait wait wait, you... my whole life... you are gonna torture me... all my Suffering in this world is because of ... YOU."


He yanked himself away from her, his fear ammused her.

??-"Honey there is no point in running away, I will send you back to your family, and you won't remember our conversation, why?, because it's MY WISH, I may not be able to read your mind, But I can Always copy, cut, and paste whatever I want Into it, *Giggles* lts like I'm a programmer, I can't read the Binary language, but can only see the results in the application, Do you understand?"

Rain looked at her as if he's looking at a truck that's gonna hit him soon, but he can't move because he's frozen in fear.

The entity snapped her finger

??-"we shall meet again after you die, don't worry, I'll creat a better world for you next time~"






