CH 8-Perp Time.

At the auditorium.

Anisa:"Allright, Set lights, And add about 4 colour filters in each, and i need 6 lights, Colors are Red, Pink, Blue and White."

Mr.Kane:"I think You need one more."


Mr.Kane:"For narrator."

Anisa:"Hm, You are right, White should be for narrator."

Mr.kane:"We came use gree for Safe."

Anisa:"Hm, Ok, White for Narrator, Red for Anger, Blue for suspicion, Oranges for Jealousy, and Red for anger and Lastly Green for happy/relief or Just Calm."

Mr.Kane:"I like the sound of that."

Anisa:"I must say Mr.Kane you are a very talented Boy."

Mr.Kane:"Why thank you~"

Theatre is set. And actors too, are practicing with full determination and teamwork.




Rain & Eric & Ethan Along with Princess Ava and her friends were present here too.

Rain:"So, What happened here?"

Ava:"Your friend Is complaining that Each time Nathen Stand him, with a fake knife of course, he purposely hits too hard."

Ethan:"Isn't the Blade Fake?"

Ava:"It is, but the wooden handle, is one hundred percent Real, and very blunt."

Rain:"So the fault is of?"



Ava:"Nathen is doing exactly as the script says, which is *The husband stabs the Wife's friend, with great hatred* and I assume with hate comes the force."

Rain:"And I'll like to remind you, It's Drama."

Ava:"And I'll like to underline the fact that Nathen is a very much into the character."

Anisa:"Ok ok ok calm down you two."

Mr.Kane:"I suppose we'll need to change the knife."

Anisa:"I'll do it, For now, Prince, please just play without a knife, for now, just pretend that you'll be doing staby staby, without the anything to do the staby staby."

Nathen:"*Sigh* I'm sorry Ma'am.. Sir, I'll play without a knife."

Glenn:"*Scoffs* [Fucker changed tone the moment Teachers got back] yeah thanks I'll appreciate that."

Anisa:"Allright, please return to your training, AND you kids that includes you too Princess Ava, return to your classes or to your rooms, thank you."

Ava:"Eh.... *peeks at Rain* Wanna go-."


Ava:"Allright peeps Let's go pool."

Princess left with her group.

Eric:"You replied Fast."

Rain:"I'm gonna have a perfect attendance month at the cafe, not that it matters, but kinda boosts my ego that I was consistent about something in my life."

Ethan:"Damn I pity your life."



Boys scurried out.

And then headed to the Cafe.

Inside the changing room.

Rain was in trh middle of putting on the fake eye lashes.

Rain:"God I hate Make up."

Eric:"Because You don't need it."

Ethan:"We nither, ....much."

*Knock Knock.*

Rain& Ethan& Eric:"""???..."""

Rain:"It's a changing Room!"

??:"I know, that's why I Knocked."

Ethan:"Well we are dressed."

Ethan opens the door.

At the door was Cafe's bouncer/guard/Security. Named V, just V.

V:"Excuse me."

V went in without answering much, she just opened a locker.

V:"Hello there."

Inside was a girl with a camera in her hand.

Rain:"What the fuck!?"

Ethan:"No way."

Eric:"Thank God, V's here."

V snatched the camera and smashed it to wall.

V:"Now, You are gonna pay our boss or I'm gonna drag you to cops."

That girl quickly panicked and nodded and soon after was dragged out by V.


Ethan:".... She's kinda hot."


Rain:"I.... agree on that."

Ethan&Eric&Rain:"*Nod if approval*"





Manager: What on earth just happened here?

Rain: Sorry, we didn't expect that either. This girl came in with a camera and started taking pictures without permission.

Eric: Yeah, it was a complete invasion of privacy.

Ethan: V stepped in and took care of it though. They smashed the camera and gave her a warning.

Manager: I appreciate V's quick action, but we can't have scenes like this unfolding in the café. It's disruptive and potentially damaging to our reputation.

Rain: We understand, but we didn't provoke the situation. She just barged in here.

Manager: I get that, and I believe you. But we need to ensure the safety and comfort of our customers and staff. I'll have a talk with V and make sure incidents like this are handled more discreetly in the future.

Eric: Thank you, that would be appreciated.

Ethan: Yeah, we didn't expect any of this to happen either.

Manager: I understand. Just try to keep a calm and professional atmosphere in the café. We want our customers to feel relaxed and enjoy their time here.

Rain: Of course, we'll do our best.

Manager: Alright, carry on with your preparations. And please, let's try to avoid any more surprises like this.

The manager exits the changing room, leaving the friends to process what just occurred.

Rain: That was intense. I can't believe someone would try to invade our privacy like that.

Eric: Yeah, it's pretty unsettling. But at least V took care of it swiftly.

Ethan: True, we're lucky to have someone like V looking out for us.

Rain: Agreed. Let's focus on our work and try to put this incident behind us.

Eric: Good idea. We have a job to do, and we can't let distractions like this get in the way.

Ethan: Let's get back out there and give it our all.

Eric:" I hate when u talk with so much enthusiasm."

Rain, Ethan, and Eric return to their shift at the café, determined to focus on their work despite the recent incident. They start attending to customers, taking orders, and serving food and drinks. The atmosphere in the café is bustling and lively.

As they continue with their tasks, a few incidents occur that disrupt their work and make them uncomfortable. A customer makes inappropriate comments towards Rain, while another attempts to touch Ethan without consent. Eric faces unwelcome advances from a group of rowdy individuals.

Rain, Ethan, and Eric returned to their shift at the café, determined to focus on their work despite the recent incident. They attended to customers, taking orders, and serving food and drinks. The café was abuzz with activity, filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the cheerful chatter of patrons.

Rain, Ethan, and Eric returned to their shift at the café, determined to focus on their work despite the recent incident. They attended to customers, taking orders, and serving food and drinks. The café was abuzz with activity, filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the cheerful chatter of patrons.

Rain, Ethan, and Eric returned to their shift at the café, determined to focus on their work despite the recent incident. They attended to customers, taking orders, and serving food and drinks. The café was abuzz with activity, filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the cheerful chatter of patrons.

Suddenly, a customer approached Rain, a sly grin on her face. She leaned in too close, invading Rain's personal space.

Customer: "Hey there, handsome. You're looking fine today."

Rain shifted uncomfortably, feeling a sense of unease wash over him.

Before Rain could respond, V, the café's silent and intimidating bouncer, materialized beside him. V's presence was enough to make even the bravest customers pause.

V: "That's enough."

With a swift and precise movement, V delivered a powerful strike to the customer's arm, causing her to recoil in pain. The café fell silent as everyone turned their attention to the unfolding scene.

Across the room, Ethan found himself being subjected to unwanted advances from another customer, who seemed intent on crossing boundaries.

Customer: "You're cute. Can I get a closer look?"

Ethan's discomfort grew, but before he could react, V appeared at his side, with clear expression that says "fuck off".

V: "Fuck off."

V firmly grasped the customer's hand, applying just enough pressure to make her wince in pain. The message was clear: her advances were unwelcome.

Meanwhile, Eric dealt with a group of rowdy customers who seemed determined to make him uncomfortable.

Rowdy Customer 1: "Hey, handsome. How about a date?"

Rowdy Customer 2: "Yeah, we could show you a good time."

V quietly approached the group, her presence commanding fear.

V: "That's enough nonsense."

With a series of swift, calculated strikes, V swiftly subdued each rowdy customer. The group stood in shocked submission, realizing the consequences of their behavior.

Rain, Ethan, and Eric watched in awe as V's silent and brutal actions restored order to the café. They felt a mixture of relief, admiration, and gratitude for the silent guardian who had their backs.

As the shift continued, the customers maintained a respectful distance, their behavior tempered by V's watchful presence. Rain, Ethan, and Eric regained their composure, serving customers with renewed determination.

During a brief break, Rain approached V, gratitude shining in his eyes.

Rain:" V, Thanks Lady, u saved our asses back there"

V simply nodded, their expression unreadable, and returned to their post, a silent acknowledgment of Rain's words.

Rain nodded and went to Eric and Ethen.


Eric&Ethan :""VERY""


