CH 9-Tournament of Academies.

Today was the day, the whole Academy was waiting for, every single place was decorated with flowers and ribbons, a small inside the academy grounds a small fair was organized by the students for some extra pocket money, from food stalls to knockoff toys and even a butler's café every. the event was going full swing with thousands of people coming in and out that out.

boys were at the changing room wearing their cheering uniforms.

Rain:" This is kind of ..... small."

Ethan:" Yeah, I don't know if we are supposed to cheer them or...."

Eric:" Arouse them?"

Glenn:" *scoffs* You got to remain confident, this is not the way."

Ethan:" *whispering* ever since he got selected into that drama he's been thinking of himself as a actual actor."

Rain:" *whispering* I can see that."

Eric:" *whispering* And i must say it is hard to tolerate."

As they were changing the gym coach knocked on the door.

Coach:" The opening ceromancy will began in 35 minutes. all of you come to the waiting room in 20."

Head Cheer Leader:" GOT IT, ok everyone, let's hope no one fucks up *clap clap*, if your family members are here you can call them and meet them but please be mindful of time and return within 15, cuz afterwords you won't be able to for the entirety of the event."


Rain:"Allright seeya all later, Imma call my mom."

Eric:"Me too."

Ethan:"allright we'll meet here."

Glenn:"Sounds good."

And thus all for if then went to meet their families.

Rain diles to Riz.

*Ring Ring.*

Riz:"Aye my baby boy!, where are you?"

Rain:"Where are you guys?"

Riz:"We are at this uh..., Wait Lemmi ask someone."

Rain Waits..., and soon he hears two or three punch from phone.

Rain:"Huh?, Mom? what happened, Did you punch someone?"

Riz:"Ah Sweety, I'm fine I'm fine, Someone tired to Harrass Slar, so Kenny and Ashley punched her."

Rain:"Wait Slar's here too?"


Rain:"I didn't thought you'll tag him along even if he asked."

Riz:"Said hell quit the job if I didn't."


Riz:"Kana and Sara and kinda grown attached to him."

Rain:"I am.., Nor surprised nor was i expecting it, but anyway, You found out where are you yet?"

Riz:"Ok yeah!, it's at this Royal audiance room, Princess Ava actually got us here."

Rain:"Oh...., fine I'll be there."

Rain walks to their place. Upon his entry he finds it Ava and her friends having tea with his family.

Riz:"Ah! Rain! my sweetheart baby boy!"

Riz quickly hugged him and planted a kiss to his cheek.

Rain:"*Blush* .....Mom!".

Riz:"C'mon have a seat."

Rain sat Between Riz's side, and quickly Sara and Kana jumped on his lap.

Ava:"Rain My friend Nice to seeya again!"

Rain:"Likewise....., uh So Aye Slar, How you doing?"

Slar:"Can I stay with you guys?, I'll cook, clean laundry, ANYTHING."

Rain:".....*Turns to his family.* the hell you guys did to him!?"

Riz&Ashley&Jude&Kenny:"*Avoids eye contact*."

Sara:"I'm pretty sure Slar is fed if because everyone in the house just smoaks drinks and the throws the trash on floor."

Kana:"And when drink too much, they themselves fall to the floor, like the trash they are."


Jude:"Let's Change the topic."

Kenny:"Wait wait Before that, Lady Ava, Could you excuse us?"

Ava:".....Yeah.. sure. [You fuckers are lucky I allowed you all in this place] *leaves*."

Kenny:"I don't like her."


Kenny:"Just a hunch."

Ashley:"So Rain, how are you doing?, all good?"

Rain:"All good, Just had to give up my lazy lifestyle because of this Cheer leading thing."

Jude:"Ah! finally your lazy ass will do some exercise."

Rain:"Fu- shut up!"

Riz:"Don't tease my boy!, Rain I'm so proud of you, I'm eagerly waiting for your performance!"

Kana:"Elder Brother, How long will you be in stage?"

Rain:"At the start and end if match, and on the side during the matches."

Sara:"Elder Brother, when will you be returning home?"

Rain:"I believe Winter holidays will come soon after this event."

Sara&Kana:""We are waiting.""

Rain had chats with them, until he got a call from Ethan.

Ethan:"Oi, We gathering up."

Rain:"Commin!, *hangs up* Allright peeps, Seeya!"

Waving them good bye he quickly rushed to the waiting room.

Ethan:"Ah! you are here, c'mon The gym leader is waiting for all."





In a huge stage, that was specially built for this event, it was a quad stage, On one side were students of Acadmy if Magic and science (Rain's Acadmy), right next to the students were sitting all the parents or any guests at that came.


Were the students of Adamy of Adventures and Soldier, and with them were their parents and guests.

Academy of Adventure and Soldiers, a Academy said to be one of the most strict and brutal, The rumor is any student graduated from this academy will definitely get a job in army or will be battle hardened enough to work as a adventure.

On the stage.

Two women walk to the centre.


OOOOn the left side, IS Ester Gall, Head Mistress of Acadmy if Science and Magic!! Aka (A.S.M)

OOOOn the right side!! we have Costa De Rune, the headmistress of Acadmy of Adventure and Soldier!! (A.A.S.)

Gentleman and Ladies! the event will commence in the passage of a week, from morning 9 to night 9, First! will be Academics!, the brains will bash with another! Next will be Duels! brawls! a battle of brave! and adventurers!! and the last one!! the MAGIC MATCH!! let thses kids blow our minds with their arcana ARTS!!!..

Now our honorable Head Mistresses from both Acadmys will say few words to encourage their students and also THREATEN THE OTHER!!"

Estar:"To all my students! no matter what happens!! Give it your all and make the learn the consequences of going against OUR Acadmy [My seat for President!!]"

The moment Ester Finished her words a massive thunderous Wave of Roar came from the student.

Ester:"*Smirk* Here, Miss De Rune."

Ester passed the Mike to Costa.


A Thunderous roar came the huge crowd of students of A.A.S. the only difference was, this roar felt malicious.

It did not felt like these were students on their way for a competition, but soldiers marching their way to battle.

Host:"No No No~, All the students are being warned! that although injuries are a norms in such competition, NO BLOODSHED SHALL BE ALLOWED!!! SO! play nice~★"

As both headmistress went back to their seats, students began to chatter amongst themselves.

A small ting of nervousness was among them, while the students of A.A.S were preparing for all out aggressive brawl, The A.M.S's students decided to play safe and go one with a strategic and defensive approach.

But Whatever it was, it was unavoidable, the Event HAVE BEGUN.