CH 18-Terrorists

It's a calm day, evening, People are returning back home.

Winter have come.

Snow on leafless trees, frozen puddles, and lakes along with gust that feels sharper than any razor.

On this day, Four Individuals are planning to cross the border, illegally.

Four females, all half-demons, named Fi, Fai, Fo, and Fum, got their names from their Grandpa after he won the bet against their parents.

These four individuals are from the neighboring nation, and their whole lives, they have committed crimes like stealing, robberies, kidnapping, and even murder.





Fi, The leader, A half-demon, who makes Brilliant evil plans.

Fai and Fo, are the twins who manage the actual robberies, moving things and handling firearms.

Fum, the tech and mathematician of the team, handling ways to buy and scam.

These four individuals are the worst of the worst.

But they weren't always like this, the racism of this world turned them into a life of crime, and they were always seen as evil their whole life.

But these optimistic individuals never felt isolated they Embraced it, they loved this whole villain identity, It gave their meaningless life a very much-needed goal. They wanted to be the one to set the world right.


There was one slight problem.

A one small itsy bitsy problem...

They could never do any harm.

At All.


*While trying to rob a bank they somehow exposed the bank for giving out fake currency.

*While trying to kidnap a famous doctor for ransom they somehow busted that doctor's organ-harvesting syndicate.

*While trying to mug an old man, who that standing on the opposite side of a bank on the road, they helped him cross it first, and when the moment they were about to mug the man, he offered them sandwiches, kissed each on forehead, and people in the scene clapped.

*While trying to scam someone online they forgot that their demon linage doesn't allow them to lie, they solved their problems, and that person then offered to pay for their services. (Demons can not lie, true demons don't lie, half-breeds can only choose to not give full information, but they can not lie.)

Now, they are tired, they will not accept this, and no matter what happens, they will carve their names in the criminal hall of fame.




Fi:" "Quousque cogitas donec transeamus terminos?" (How long do you think till we cross the border?)

Fai: "Suus 'Agnus aliquam tempus probability alias horam" (it's gonna take some time probably another hour)

Fo:"Postremo gens alia, haec terra nostris manibus contremiscit (finally another Nation, this land will tremble under our clutches)

Fum:"heus!, cur omnes latine loquimini, iam oblitus es! homines hic Latine loquuntur! Nolo, eos terrere non possumus si nos ne intelligant!" (hey!, why are you all speaking latin!, did you forget already! people here speak English!, I don't care how hard it is! , we can't scare them if they don't even understand us!)

Fi:" "Iura est, ab hoc momento, modo Latine loqui, claves pone 8 horas ut cursum ruinae Anglice experiantur! (She's right, from this moment on, i'll only speak English, keys put that 8 hours English crash course to test!)

Fum:"*clears throat* Ok, Now, we...., go.. start, meaning farwood."


Fi:"*slaps Fai and Fo in the back of head.* No scam! Speak!"


Fum:"You double, scam again!, speak compleat!"



Fi:"Over!, we resume walk now!"

As they continue to make their way through the deserted wasteland, Fum looks to the sky, a sand storm is approaching.

Fum:"We need a envelope."

Fi:"*tilts head to side with confusion on fac*."

Fum:"Ground Storm is coming."

Fai:"You mean Sand Storm."

Fo:"Your English is even worse then ours."

Fi:"... How did you say that complete?"

Fai&Fo:"We can speak English, better then then you all."

Fun:"Why not speak before!?"

Fai:"Didn't need to."

Fo:"And wanted to surprise you."

Fum:"PESSIME ET NEQUISSIME!" (No good jerks)

Fi:"No Latin!"

Fum scoffed, and looking around to fine some shelter, and she does!

Very far, a small cabin that seems to have sunken into sand.

As Fum points at it, they all make their way to the cabin.

Fi:"this, the good?."

Fum:"Looks to be."

Fi:"Fai or Fo, dig, make hole."

They began to dig the around the window to make a entrence.

Soon they entered the cabin.

Fai:".....This place doens't look Abandoned...."

Fum:" ok, how long this sand fall runs....., 4 hours!?"

Fo:"Should we... *making snoring noises* Sleep?"

Fi:"Good brain!"

And then they went to sleep.

2hrs later.

They all wake up, and find guns pointed towards them.

Border police:"Hello there sleepy heads~"

Fe&Fai&Fo&Fum:"..... O cacas." (Oh shit.)






Border Police:"Well I should thank you for using that phone to find weather, because it helped me find this place, you know what is this place?"


Border police:"It's a off grid arms storage."


Border Police:"You tryna cross the border illegally?"

Fi&Fai&Fo&Fum:"*Nod Nod*."

Border:"..... You know usually I would just kill or send you back to the other side of border, but you have helped me very greatly so I might just let you go, But I gotta know if you people are criminals or not, and LUCKILY you demon lassis can't lie."

Fai:"*scoff* You think we answer you?"

Border Police:"huh?"

Fai:"Language problems."

Border Police:"Whatever, JUST ANSWER, YES OR NO, havw you three ever robbed someone?"


Border Police:"Ever kidnapped anyone?"


Border Police:"Ever killed anyone?"

Fi&Fai&Do&Fum:"....*looking down*....No."

Border Police:"Ever Did any crimes?"

Fi&Fai&Do&Fum:"....*looking down, with small tears *....No."

Border Police:"perfect!!, what a wonderful people you are, Aye!, escorts these ladies to the highway, and buy em a lunch along the way will ya~."










Now standing at the Highway, each with a box of Smiley Meal.

Fi:" .. is... Fine.... It is fine..., one day...all do good streak will, definitely break."

Fai:"Worry not Sister, back home even when we fired into air in the middle of crowd people just glanced us and then ignored us."

Fo:"But that won't be the case here!, no one knows us!, we will definitely make them fear us!!!"


Fi:"By to way, we crossed border..., now?"

Fai:"hmmm, shall we go and rob a back?"

Fum:"..., You are gonna scare them with a smiley meal?, or maybe try to scare them with fatty oil?"

Fi:"Let us just go and, .... Find some resources....."






Back In Young Manor.

Riz sat in her office, Wine in hand and a Rain's picture on her phone.

Riz:"*sigh*....oh my sweet summer child..., how am I gonna let you go back ...., it's gonna be hard.... But. The moment you turn 18...., my responsibilities are gonna get more extream, ..... What a beautiful sight you'll be when you grow up..."

Riz kissed her phone's screen.


Riz kept staring at her phone...., then quickly slapped herself across the face.

Riz:".....did... I just ... Felt arousal?"




