CH 19-Back to school, Again!?

Another Day,

Yada yada.

Rain is back to school.

Blah blah everyone asks things..... But Rain is not a highlight anymore!?

Rain:"I guess I ain't the relevant anymore."

Nathen:"Not a new piece of information, Far too big shit have been going on in this acadmy."

Ethan:"aye aye aye, focus on your notebooks"

Eric:"*sleeping with a blanket on.*"

Rain:"Doesn't the Prince get any tutors?, any teacher we could borrow?"

Nathen:"I got rid of them, Don't want anyone to take credit for my hard work."

Rain:"Fuck this sh-!?."


Teacher:"This isn't your home! Mr Young, Please be Mindful of your words inside the library!"

Rain:"....Yes Ma'am."

Teacher:"That goes for you too! Prince!"

Nathen:"*thumbs up.*"

Teacher:"and Why is this guy wearing blanket in a library?"

Eathen:"Thats Eric's emotional support Blanket."

Teacher:".... Do I look like stupid?"



Rain:"*silent chuckle.*"

After doing nothing but wasting time and staring at their books for long hours.

They all left to their droms.

Rain&Eric&Ethan:"why are you following us?"

Nathen:".... I have asked my mom... To shift my room... With you all."





Rain:"...This way your highness~"

Eric:"Your Highness~ care for a drink."

Nathen:"stop it."

Ethan:"Non non non non, His highness would probably prefer a drink with gold powder dissolved in it."

Nathen:"the fuck does that even supposed to mean?"

Getting in their drom

Boys now had a new addition to their team, which helped them a lot to fill the void their friend has left.

Although this peice could never repair what was broken, maybe it could make it a little easier.

Nathen:".... Kinda feels surreal, awkward too."

Rain:"Why is that?"

Nathen:"I'm not surrounded by guards."

Ethan:"We had a guard too."

Eric:"If I remember Correctly she got demoted after Rain got sick and His mother took him home."

Nathen:"But why?"

Eric:"I don't know, she probably hates us now."

Nathen:"Yes, But Why?"

Eric:"I don't know, Hope we'll see her soon, She was a very intimidating, perfect for security."

Nathen:"Yes, but Why?"

Eric:"The fuck is wrong with you?"

Rain:"Ok ok ok enough, I'm hungry, what we cookin?"

Ethan:"Can we order?, I'm in no mood to do any dishes."

Rain:"Ok...ok, so.uh, what do we order?"

Nethen:"T-Rex Steak."

Eric:"... O that sounds....., wait a second.."

Ethan:"T-rex's are endangered...., and who the fuck eats a T-Rex."

Nathen:"Royalties do, Let me call home, a servant will drop us a package."

Eric:"What other peculiar things have you ate?"

Nathen:"I've eaten every single living species available on this planet at least once, weather it's a person or a animal."


Nathen:"That includes humans, Angels and dwarves too."

Eric:"....., I'm gonna go-."

Nathen:"Worry not I don't eat people anymore, that was a one time case, it was part of a tradition, some royal bullshit I don't know, AND YES I DID NOT KILL ANYONE.. the meat was sourced from willing doners who were payed good ransom"

Rain:"How the hell is someone willingly selling their own fucking meat?"

Nathen:"Not like you would sell your whole body just a small peice from thigh or any other fatty part, that can regrow tieh magic."

Rain:"..... Meaning you may... Have eaten.... Someone's... Butt ch-"

Nathen:"Don't you dare complete that sentence."

Ethan:"....., Imagine him eating a pussy, and suddenly that girl feels her clit getting bite off lol."

Rain:" Why ... Would to say that?, like Wtf, I don't even wanna eat now, I'm going out for a walk..... Oh wait, I started this."

Nathen:".... *Glares at Ethan and Rain* I could have you executed for this insolance."

Ethan:"Aye, I'm just kiddin."

Eric:"I never thought I'll ask it...., but which Race... You know.... Tastes best?"

Nathen:"beast Race the one in Cow catagory, in fact, there was a time when they were specifically breed to be slaughtered, their meat was called Beaf."

Rain:"Another peice of Information I DID NOT wanted."

Nathen:"And their Meat too had, no wait, it have a very slimy but good taste, like in muscle you can actually feel the texture of fibres, which is absolutely exclusive to their meat only."


Nathen:"Yeah Exclusive, Exclusive to ALL the edible creatures in existence, why?"

Rain:"Just... Curious.... So what are we ordering?"






Fi:"Ya.. uh I need a carry to TV city."


Fai:"We need a lift to the entertainment City, if there is one nearby?"

Stranger:"Are you one of those immigrant idiots who cross borders in hope of becoming a movie star?"


Stranger:"And what's wrong with your accent?, what language you speak?"


Stranger:"..*looks back at her trailer*.... If you can cramp with those Iguanadons in my trailer then I don't mind."


Fo:"Cur iterum ad hospitium urbem imus?" (why are we going to entertainment City again?)

Fi:"Quia thats ubi youll 'adepto maxime Media coverage" (Because thats where we'll get the most Media coverage)

Fum:"No Latin! You forgut!"

Fi:"*nods gruntly.*...*sighs* sa uh.. we go to entertainment City and make big boom, then we are famous."

Stranger:"So you three are planning to be actors?, wow, i don't know how it's gonna work, this nation is quite racist, but I guess you can try, btw is it true that demons can't lie?"


Stranger:"Any proof?, Ok ok, I'll try.. uh what's your fetish?"

Fai:"... My friend, I may not be able to lie, but that's doesn't mean I'll have to say the truth, or in fact say anything at all."

Stranger:"Ok ok ok, uh.. are you lesbian?"


Stranger:"Are you? Uh.. in bdsm?"


Stranger:"I think I know now."

Fai:"irrumabo te!! (FUCK YOU!!)

Fi:"Es in bdsm!?(you are into bdsm!?)

Fo:"That's a new information."







(So I managed to write some chapters, I don't know how many people still read this story, but those who do, wow, you have some strange tastes, joke aside let's just say fortune have not been kind to me, I got scammed with a internship, and it killed all my will to write anything, but been in some good and on a new intership, let's hope i don't get fucked again, today I saw someone ask me in reddit about chapters, So, well there you go sir, It's not much, sorry for that.)