
Camille and Em had gone into the building despite Rowan's wishes when the storm started, they needed to get out of the oddly moving rain and it had been so long that they were both starting to worry about Rowan. Camille turned towards Em, as they huddled behind the check-in desk. "Em, I need you to wait here for a bit. I'm gonna use one of my new abilities to see if I can't find Rowan, then we can get situated.

"Be careful Cammy, you are still pretty soft, here take this!" Em went through her bag and pulled out a mallet that glowed with red cracks and handed it to Camille. Camille felt strength surge through her arm the moment she held it as she looked at the little girl in surprise. She gently rubbed her hair before turning around and activating her new skill.

[Time Trajectory] A phantom of Rowan seemed to shimmer into existence and she followed his steps as he made his way through the building. She was able to see what he did in each location. She was able to feel his heart break with each zombie he killed, and she could hear his tears splatter against the ground while he was confident that no one was looking at him. She followed him past the steps and walked up to the roof just as Rowan and Akari started to have sex, but thanks to her ability, she was able to see everything that happened up until that point and even the soul conversation was laid bare to her.

She connected all the dots and nodded her head in understanding as she cried for the pain Rowan was now exuding even while unconscious, and the pain Akari had to go through after regaining her memory as a zombie. The emotion reached such a height at one point that she sank to her knees on the roof after the vision ended, her mana fully depleted and her heart aching for both individuals. Akari told him off and saved his life as his final goodbye, forcing changes on them both that neither would fully understand until they came out of their new transformation.

Camille went over to the orb and, knowing that there was no way to get Rowan out of this, decided to return to Em. She would settle them both in Rowan's place for now. If he planned on other arrangements, he could let them know after he awoke. She walked down the steps and made her way to Em, but first locked the front door to the building before tucking the weapon into her belt. Em was rubbing her eyes, struggling to stay awake as the storm ended. "Come Em, Rowan is fine. He is just getting stronger. He should wake up soon."

Em nodded and put her bag on her back before raising her arms, indicating she wanted to be picked up. Camille just scooped her up and took the elevator up to the penthouse. The place was massive and was decorated exactly as Akari had said. The whole place was a shrine to Rowan's accomplishments. The sight of the place caused Em to shake though and say in a drowsy voice that could hardly be heard.

"Cammy, why does big bro Rowan have all these things with such high amounts of mana? I'll definitely be able to create some cool stuff for big brother. I just need." She never finished her sentence as she passed out, still in Camille's arms." The sight of Em so enamored about creating things caused a smile to come to Camille's face as she found Rowan's bedroom and laid the girl down on the bed and laid next to her.

They woke the next day to a silent place. They made food and explored the building while Camille, at some point, left while Em was making stuff in the workshop that popped up around her almost out of thin air. She returned to the stadium or the hotel and helped people with her healing flames.

Rowan had made his stance clear with the government of Evergreen city but Rowan had scared enough of the guards to not look at her twice and Em had made several things that she now kept on her at all times making her a lethal combatant to these people who hardly even sported a single item that the system recognized.

She was able to come back and forth unimpeded and this process continued for close to a week when suddenly, right before they were getting ready to go to bed. An alarm blared to life in the penthouse when a screen slowly descended from the ceiling and revealed an array of cameras that watched over the building. A gang was swarming into the building headed by a pot bellied man, and another much shorter man that was wrapped in a cloak." Em immediately sat up and slapped her face twice and looked at Camille.

"Those bad men broke the door! I'll go beat them up!' She stood up and as she walked towards the doors to the penthouse, she thought better of it and walked towards Rowan's balcony. Camille watched the little girl move in utter fascination, "Em, where are you going?" She pointed one of her tiny hands at the door. "Cammy is still soft and plushy according to big bro Rowan. Her childlike image seemed to fade away as heavy armor slowly began to appear on her body and in her hands, a pump shotgun with a massive curved blade under the barrel appeared in her hands.

"When big sister was not looking big bro Rowan told me that one day soon, zombies would stop being the problem and we would run into something like this, so big sis Cammy who is still soft should stay up here and guard the doors, I'll go handle this." Camille didn't even get to say anything else as the little girl jumped off the balcony and began to plummet down. Camille ran to the edge in time to see the little girl become a massive boulder that smashed into the ground and decimated more than ten of the men that had invaded the building while Camille moved back to the cameras so that she could hear and see what was going on.

Em's boulder form fell away, and she was at the entrance facing the two strange men and close to twenty more confused about the boulder that fell from the sky and the child that popped from inside it. Em's childish voice gained some authority as she placed a hand on her hip and used one hand to point the shotgun at the men. "WHAT! Are y'all doing in my big brother Rowan's house?"

Camille slapped her hand to her face. Odds were these people were here for Rowan. They burst in like they had a plan. They suspected that Rowan was here more likely than not. but now Em had confirmed it. The pot bellied man let out what could only be called an oink before coughing and holding both his hands up. "Aya, we surely do apologize. We didn't know that someone was living here. If this place is being used by Rowan Raid, we will surely be on our way."

He swept the room with his gaze and all the gang seemed to understand something to which they nodded. "Alright everyone, we are clearly in the wrong spot. Let's make our exit and be out of here." The man smiled and sauntered over. And was walking past Em when he lashed out. A meat cleaver from his belt slashed down towards her head while his face formed such a strange sneer that it looked like he truly was a pig. What no one present expected is that she would lightly extend the shotgun with one hand and perfectly catch the cleaver right on the blade.

Pig's eyes widened in surprise when Em flashed him a peace sign with her free hand and pulled the trigger. What happened next was a blur, but a massive blast of flame came from the barrel of the shotgun and blasted Pig right through the far wall and into the night. The cloaked figure appeared behind her back in the exact moment that she pulled the trigger , a dark black dagger aiming right for her back.

The dagger plunged downward and Em never even looked back. [Porcupine Armor, phase 2] Massive spikes burst from the armor, punching a hole through the cloak and sending him flying. The gang members charged at once and a wave of Em's hand revealed a ball of yarn that wrapped itself around the low level gang members before sapping them of their tiny amounts of mana causing them all to turn pale and feel sick while losing strength in their limbs. She flicked her wrist, and the yarn tossed them right back through the front door. She followed them out and noticed the pot bellied man rising from the rubble, as well as the cloaked tiny man.

His cloak fell away to reveal a short man no bigger than four feet tall and almost the same height as Em.He held two black daggers in his hand. "Enough games, little girl. If you won't get out of our way and Rowan won't come out himself, then we will have to get rid of you first. Pig gets her."

An earthen glow wrapped around his stomach and thick layers of mud came out of his belly button and coated his body in a mud like armor. There were a series of cracks to her left and Rabbit's legs began to bend awkwardly while green wind mana blew around him. They charged at the same time while Rat, who was on a rooftop a little way away, recording the entire thing.

The fight commenced. Em rolled around like a ball of fury, blasting away with the shotgun and stabbing with the blade as she fought them both, but before long she started to get tired and her awareness started to slip with it. Rabbit saw the opportunity and accelerated faster than she was able to track. "Goodbye little girl, it's been fun." The blade was less than a centimeter from her neck when a hand coated in thick Cyan mana caught the hand and snapped the bones in it like twigs. Rowan Raid had returned.