The Storm (Part 1)

Rowan stood there with his eyes slowly surveying everything around him. He had just come out of the cocoon and it felt like something was in his ears. He could hardly hear anything that was going on around him. It was slowly returning, but the entire time he had been watching the tiny man with bent legs standing in front of him screaming and trying to pull his hand free. Rowan had been going through his status screen, which had undergone world shaking changes when he rushed down to the ground.

He originally noticed the fight down here and was going to charge down here, but it only took one message from the system to change that. [To maximize transformation, the system has auto turned in all outstanding complete quests to further maximize the effects.] [Three bonus rewards redeemed into 2 race related skills and one attunement based skill.] [Passive and active Skill slots maxed. Please experiment and combine current skills to allow for more room.

[Comment:Not good to focus on too much. [Astra rewards redeemed and given in quest to host known As Em to allow for weapon creation.]

[Comment, time for a proper weapon.] Rowan had closed his stat screen and leapt from the roof when he saw things were truly getting out of hand down below and Em could no longer hold on, but his status page had read like this.

Name:Rowan Raid

Title: Slaughter Fairy King


Race: Human

Bloodline: Berserk Slaughter Fairy (Awakened)


Class: Assault

Attunement: Storm






Skill Points:28

Passive Skills:

Slaughter Fairy King Lvl 1 (+50% Hand speed and Mind when Not Speaking. The king has awakened. Fight! Bloodline Fear ability unlocked. )

Early Bird (+5 luck permanent)

Tier Zero Soul Lvl 1 (Heavenly Gifted +5 to all stats on a level up +5 skill points on level)

Berserkers Mana Body Lvl 5 (Use mana to naturally increase their prowess and awaken their bloodlines. Lvl 5 grants the user an increase to agility and strength based on 100% of the mind stat.)

Perfect Mana Core (Users mana core was born perfect due to the influence of the system in conjunction with the tier zero soul. Mana capacity doubled.)

Hyper Vision of the Peregrine Lvl 3 (Vision enhanced by 30 times as well as UV capability and to see at immense speeds. Capable of swapping between mana and normal vision)

Berserk Slaughter Fairy Primogenitor Lvl MAX (The first of your kind! Born to lay waste to enemies. +200% Battle effectiveness when in battle with more than one foe. +100% when against a single foe. Weak point detection.Natural Charm +100%)

Mana Manipulation Lvl 10 (Exert your will over your mana to various effects dependent on attunement. Allows the creation of unique skills.)

Two Talon Style Lvl1 (+10 Agility and Strength when wielding a weapon in each hand.)

Bloodline Fear Lvl EX (Your very bloodline can cause foes to shudder in fear, weakening their stats by ten percent per the difference in bloodline.)

Berserker's Blood Lust Lvl 1 [+1 temp point into each attribute per in battle kill. 0/100]

Berserker's Trance Lvl Ex [All thoughts are beneath the battle. Empty your mind and focus solely on the fight. Warning must be switched on with caution. Over indulgence can cause the host to enter a maddened state incapable of separating friend from foe.]

Fairy Wings- Summon your bloodline mana wings from the falcon hidden within the fairy race (+Flight. Agility +50%]

Assault Class Lvl 1 (+10 to all stats when in combat)

Active skills:

Storm Trance Lvl 1 (User can enter a meditative state to gather mana towards him. Caused storm clouds to gather that will auto set an array with the clouds to accelerate cultivation of mana and recovery. )

Slash Lvl 1 (Use a bladed weapon to cut into a foe, can be leveled up and evolved by host)

Thrust Lvl 1 (Use a bladed weapon to stab into a foe, can be leveled up and evolved by host)

Storm Steps Lvl Ex (Apply mana to the feet to better maneuver on the battlefield can be evolved through continuous use and the innovation of the user. Drain one mana point per second.)

Storm Stoop Lvl EX (Accelerate downwards through the aid of the storm to land a powerful blow onto an enemy. Power Varying on the amount of mana used and the amount of connected storm points.)

Storm Point Creation Lvl EX (Create a storm point that can aid the user.Costs ten mana. Can also be created through a direct attack on a weak point."

Storm Armament Lvl 1 (Create a garb made of the storm itself. +20% Into all attributes when worn.10 mana use per minute]

Category Lvl 2 (Create a storm localized in your area under your control.) Category 1 and 2 unblocked. Mana use 100 per minute)


Title Changed to Slaughter Fairy King. Skill cut evolved. Skill Stab Evolved. Storm Steps evolved from Lvl into EX. Meditation Evolved To Storm trance. Mana manipulation Lvl 1> Lvl 10. Slaughter Fairy Primogenitor evolved to Berserk Slaughter Fairy Primogenitor Lvl MAX. Vision skill Lvl 1> Lvl 3. Mana body Evolved and Lvl 1> Lvl 5. Berserker passive. Fairy wings unlocked. Storm Armament unlocked. Category Skill added. Berserker Trance added. Assault Class unlocked.

Rowan had sucked in a cold breath of air, while his natural stats thanks to the evolution of mana body, had undergone a massive change. It was the earth shattering differences that he would go through in a fully battle ready state. His stats would explode the moment he entered the battle. [Comment: The primordial force of the woman known as Akari, with conjunction with the rest of the blood crystals stored in the storm, allowed the full awakening of your bloodline. At the same time, the berserk quality of her race has infected your own, causing a mutation in bloodline and abilities.]

Rowan saw the final message right as he had caught the hand and his stat increases kicked in. He finally connected the dots and realized that it wasn't that he could not hear, but that he could hear so much that it was like the entire world had become muffled. He finally got used to hearing so much at once and looked down at Em. "I think it's time you go inside with Camille." Em just nodded like that was the most logical thing before her armor poofed and disappeared. She then went into her bag and pulled out two cylindrical tubes.

"Take these. It's from my new quest. I can give you the other stuff later. Also, big bro, put some clothes on. That's gross." Rowan took the tubes in his free hand and she smiled and ran away. Rowan realized that he was not wearing any clothes and remembered his new skill as he flicked his wrist and sent the man in his hands flying through the wall of a far building, his fate unknown. Rowan cracked the bones in his body before calling out in a low voice. "Storm Armament."

Clouds formed in the sky before cyan lightning struck down on Rowan, followed by the clouds tunneling down out of the air and wrapping around his body. His body had improved once again, the muscles so clearly defined it looked like they were chiseled by the gods themselves. His eyes had become completely cyan along with his hair, which was now massive thick curls that hung down to his butt. He smiled as the storm armament skill settled over his skin like normal clothes.

Rowan could not look at himself in the mirror but he was now wearing a gray T shirt that was decorated with cyan clouds outlined in gold. He also now sported black joggers with the same design as well. He felt his mana slowly start to drain when he then noticed that the skill did not make any shoes. He activated storm steps and what looked like black high end sport shoes accented in cyan and gold.

He then finally looked at what Em had given him. [Would you like to bind the Forbidden Astra Series?] [Comment: An Astra is a weapon bound to your soul, made to evolve as you get stronger. The Astra in front of you was crafted in concert by a fledgling creation user in conjunction with high tier Astra cores and the accidentally collected mana ingredients found in Rowan Raid's home.]

Rowan chose to bind the Astra and while no name appeared before he did, he could see it clearly now as well as detailed information on its use that flowed into his mind.[Storm Spear bound and added to passive skill screen to examine growth of weapon.] Rowan took both tubes and touched the ends together.

There was a slight click as they clicked together into what would be a full staff. He needed info from these guys, so that's all he needed at the time. They had finally gotten over him, appearing out of nowhere and dismissing one of their bosses when they all charged at once. Pig stalked the outside of the field with his cleaver in hand while the remaining men all charged at once. The first man reached Rowan and sliced downward in what appeared like slow motion as he moved low and kicked his feet from under him before shooting up with a flick of the storm spear, which caught him in the jaw as he fell.

The impact shattered his jaw and turned most of his mouth to mush. Cloud symbols flashed along the weapon's shaft and it seemed to get lighter in his hands as he swept the weapon left and smashed three charging goons. He then became a blur as he moved through them at a speed that they could hardly follow with their eyes. He left a trail of broken bones and groaning people as he stopped in front of the surprised Pig. He oinked furiously and a wave of mud charged at Rowan that hid his body. He slid through the mud and sent out waves of slashes.

The clouds on the storm spear flashed green and a tornado burst from the hole at the top and blasted a hole through the mud, revealing a startled Pig who was knocked off balance. The clouds flashed blue and water poured out and formed a wave that Rowan rode over the top of Pig's head, using both hands and swinging downward. The strike was too fast to be blocked. They were all around the same level as him, but their stats were past the point of comparison. Rowan had underestimated the boosts he got in battle, though, and he had used too much strength in his swing as the blow caused his head to explode. Rowan sucked at his teeth. "Damnit needed that one for information."

Rowan slowly looked up at a faraway building where Rat stood stunned at the scene before him, his hand shaking in pure fear, unknown to him that the might of Rowan's fully awakened and tamed bloodline had affected him even from here. Rowan smiled at Rat and used a free hand to wave at him, which caused urine to start running down his legs, which caused Rowan to scrunch up his nose in disgust, able to smell it from here with his enhanced senses. "I guess I will have to settle with you for that information."

Rowan's image suddenly vanished from his sight and appeared directly in front of the camera, his cyan curls aglow with lightning and a devilish smile that made Rat feel like he had entered the jaws of a massive beast.