The only weapon(Part 1)

Rowan used this as an opportunity to walk back up and confirm that he now had a more solid grasp of his more ridiculous strength as he made his way up the steps and to the penthouse. It was as he walked in that he noticed that it was much easier than when he had done this earlier and he had gained a decent amount of control.

He entered the penthouse to Camille, smiling and making breakfast for the three of them. "After breakfast, I'm planning on going to the stadium to see if there are people to help Ive got an ongoing quest that I would like to see completed before you make any more waves or decided to do anything more extravagant than blowing two entire city blocks to smithereens." Rowan could really only scratch his head and chuckle.

He knew that things would only get more chaotic from here and truthfully; it seemed like trouble had a habit of sticking to him like sweat on a humid day. Rowan smiled to himself and sat down to eat. Em gobbled down some food and added in her own point, "I, on the other hand, can complete my quest while staying right here!"

She scarfed down her food after dropping off those words before she jumped down and ran away and into one of Rowan's spare bedrooms before she burst out of the room dragging a white board behind her and what looked like a magic wand. Rowan smiled to himself as thanks to her other conversation, he knew what her quest was.

He never even got a chance to speak when the wand extended and smacked his forehead before retracting back to her hand. "Whatever you were just thinking, I'll be the first to tell you it was wrong." Em placed her hands on her hips and Rowan could swear that her nose got sharper as she pointed it at the sky. "Rowan Raid! I'm here to tell you that you are in fact a colossal dummy, but also whatever you thought you knew about the storm spear you were wrong! Some Brute will never be able to comprehend the wonders of my most amazing creation to date!"

Camille looked on at the scene with a smile on her face as she cleaned up after them both and grabbed her stuff. Her hand brushed across Rowan's shoulder to inform him that she was leaving, but the brush became a light grab and she traced across his back before making her way to the door. The super animated Em was sure to wave at her goodbye as she left, while Rowan contemplated whether he should follow her there to make sure she got there okay. Em, who realized he wasn't paying attention, cleared her throat.

"She will be fine. While she may not look like it, she is wrapped in some of my best stuff!" Rowan finally turned back to her at that. "Em, how is it possible that you've been able to create all of this stuff? Where have you got the materials and everything else? She looked at him seriously for a second before she went back to her room and grabbed her teddy bear bag. "The system typically tells me when there is something good nearby but also my bag has a function of breaking something down to its components then it adds them to my inventory and I have what I need, and I've got some cool stuff from quests but you have been really bad at picking up items that drop from people so I use em. Also Rowan, you haven't realized because you have been kinda busy, but your entire home was a creation user's paradise. You had a lot of stuff that was able to be broken down into some great material. Even the old man who protected the building during your fight ogled some of your stuff and traded me a bunch of stuff for it."

Rowan finally looked around and realized that there was some stuff missing. To his left used to be a plant that he kept in a protective case. It was a rare flower that used darkness instead of light for growth, several rare gems and minerals that he had brought back from his adventures, most of it was gone. Rowan didn't actually care about it being gone. He had not even noticed until this exact moment, his life had changed so rapidly that he never stopped to notice.

"What old man are you talking about?" Em finally nodded after seeing that Rowan wasn't mad over her destruction of a good deal of his property, unaware that to Rowan, they were never more than just things. Rowan smiled at her and she felt relieved. "The old man said he was your new friend's master and that the two of you were dummies for not realizing that you should have gone away from the building."

Rowan could only scratch his head at that. She was right; he fought a zombie king way too close to them and then used the same zone to fight Feng. He never even considered them. "Sorry." Em shook her head, "The old man explained that you can't actually help yourself, he said that you've awakened a soul affliction, and that you can not help yourself so we understand, don't worry I'm working on a new project now just in case we are in that scenario again, but first back to your weapon, please hand it over so I can make the final modifications. I did not get to finish my work on it, but you needed a real weapon to fight all of those people."

Rowan held his hand out and the storm spear appeared in his hand. He handed it to her who took it, then she waved her bag, and a workshop appeared around her. A hook appeared on a cabinet that she hung her bag on as she walked to the middle of it. She put an apron on and goggles on her face and a golden flame bubbled to life in a furnace to her left as she pulled a brilliant silver hammer from a slot that had appeared with her workshop skill. Time slowed down and Rowan watched the text appear in his eyes.

[Quest: One weapon.] [Details: learn about Astra and their importance from host known As Emily.] [Comment: The host known as Em has been carefully guided by the system on creation for your benefit in accordance with her wishes, please afford her the proper respect.] [Reward: Completion of Astra series.] [Comment 2: Host known as Emily has been tasked with naming the weapon because Storm Spear is a trash name.]

Time continued and Rowan had to decide whether to be offended by the system as he turned his attention back to Em at the same time he felt a pinch. The pinch wasn't from his physical body but from his soul as he looked up at Em, who was looking at him with her head cocked to the side. "Ya know, I thought detaching this from your soul would hurt you more, but you took that surprisingly well." Rowan looked at her with his mouth open, "Can any creation user do that and please next time before you are going to do something to a person's soul ask for permission first."

She stuck her tongue out at him in response and placed the spear on a crafting table. She began to fiddle with the weapon and talk at the same time. She pulled several things from her bag, including a glowing purple stone and several flowers he had never seen before. "Okay, so first let me tell you what an Astra is. First and foremost, an Astra is the weapon of mana users throughout the wholeeeeeeee universe. It channels mana, allowing for much more powerful attacks."

"An Astra shows itself as a tiny stone covered in runes that come in different grades, well it's supposed to but according to the system, some powerful being made it so that the only remaining type of Astra was just of the highest quality but in return they became even more rare. The Astra usually would bind to a person's soul and the soul and the wilder shape the weapon by infusing mana into it, and bada boom then done."

"They now have a weapon that should be perfect for them and created by them. Next there is an Astra series. The system didn't give me a lot of information on them, but the gist of it is that you take several Astra and use them to make the individual pieces of a weapon. Finally us creation users are uniquely able to enhance and improve an Astra while also disconnecting from the user without wounding them. I was able to do it so easily because I crafted this weapon for you with some help from the system of course but, before you ask, other creation users are capable of that but they would have to be super powerful and capable of touching souls. The act of forcibly ripping an Astra from someone's soul is totally beyond me, though, so moving on. I got some stuff from that old man that will help me make the final touches."

A platinum flame blazed to life, and the hammer slammed down. Sparks flew, but the spear disconnected in the middle into two parts and Rowan watched in amazement. She grabbed the gem, and it seemed to crumble in her hands. She spread it across and the weapon blazed to life with mana. The two parts of the spear slowly floated up while an Amethyst cloud came out of the back slowly and formed a purple hawk with four wings that stared at Rowan, causing his mouth to hang agape. "What in the hell is that?"