A World Outgrown (Part 2)

Rowan stood on the roof of the building as he looked out at the expanse that his previous battles outside of raid tower had earned him. He looked at what could only be several caravan zombies. They walked around the border of the empty space that led to Raid tower until they were evenly spaced out and surrounding the building. They all spread their arms and howled in unison, causing the entire raid tower to vibrate. A pole came out of the ground behind Rowan as a barrier of mana slowly encased the building.

The caravan zombies had their shadows stretch and elongate before all of a sudden they spit out wave after wave of zombies. Rowan sat there watching as zombies poured from the shadows until the entire cleared expanse was packed with zombies. Rowan didn't bother to even try to pick out targets, something he had gotten from the time with his master was an even calmer indifference towards killing and slaughter.

His master had told him that his kingdom was built on a castle just as magnificent as his very own but made of corpses and his soul affliction had evolved towards conquering, whereas Rowan's own soul affliction craved battle even more than his masters. His master had taught him that regardless of race , color, belief or credence, as long as he ascended through the ranks, there would always be people that would need to be killed and he was built for it. The zombies began to bang on the shield and the whole thing rattled and Rowan knew that it was time for him to make his move.

[Category 5] A ring formed around Rowan's outstretched hand that he held above his head. He created a storm point and infused a metallic-looking mana into it. The category spell rapidly expanded until the ring bordered the entire zone around Raid tower and then it descended to the ground. Rowan then took the storm point in his hands and threw it like a baseball right into the cloud ring. There was a loud sound at the category spell that absorbed the storm point and began to shift.

The people that were spectating noticed that there were several metallic flashes within the clouds and then carnage began with a voice dripping with mana that most of them would remember for the rest of their lives. [Storm of Swords] The category spell vibrated as it reacted to this new spell and then it started spitting swords of all different shapes and sizes. Not a single one of them were the same, like a snowflake in winter they traveled silently that was until they found their destination.

The swords tore through the zombies in a straight line with them trying to defend themselves from the onslaught of swords but it was fruitless. The swords tore through the zombies as if they were paper and then continued and tore through the zombies ahead of them. The swords shot towards Raid tower point forward when like a man controlling an orchestra Rowan started to move his hands and the storm of swords that had reached the tower rebound and shoot backwards like a receding tide and minced anyone else that wasn't caught in the initial onslaught. Blood splattered across the ground and soaked into the dirt as the zombies were minced into pieces. This process continued for close to ten minutes until there were only 12 zombie kings remaining, each utilizing a special means to survive. The swords, on the other hand, stabbed themselves into the dirt, making a graveyard of blood stained blades.

Rowan looked at each of the twelve zombie kings that had survived as he picked his target. The first zombie king had survived by means of some type of bone whip, it looked like someone's spine with a human skull on the end of it but strange enough the skull was warped and the teeth sharpened and while it had one head previously, it had grown a head each time the weapon had been destroyed by the storm until it was sturdy enough to block the storm and had at least ten separate heads.

Rowan stepped off of the edge of the roof and vanished from his position before he appeared riding two long swords that he had grabbed from the ground. He used [Call of the fairy king] to enhance himself and felt his strength surge as the souls attached to the falcon image in his soul. It was like he was skiing through the air and he appeared before the zombie before anyone even factored in the fact that he was there. The longswords on his feet stabbed into the shoulder of the zombie before he could even move the whip and then Rowan pulled his leg back before it struck out. His foot caused the sound barrier to crack as it boomed out as a series of waves as the immense speed caused even the surrounding space to shimmer.

Rowan's foot thudded into the zombie king's head with so much force that the flesh on his head immediately peeled back and shot off of the skull attached to it like a shotgun blast as it blew a hole in the dirt directly behind the zombie. Rowan noticed that the zombie's skull was harder than usual which is why it stayed intact during the kick but the force of the kick finally fully caught up with his speed and the parasite evaporated to dust as the shiny skull shot towards the next living zombie king.

This zombie king had lived by a mouth opening on her chest between ample boobs that breathed a jet of black flames to melt the swords but unfortunately for the zombie it really just wasn't capable of standing up to someone like Rowan even without him being serious and especially not after he claimed all the souls from the zombies previously. The skull thudded into her chest and blew a skull sized hole in it and blowing the mid section out through her back. She was clearly not as sturdy as Rowan's first target. Rowan appeared in front of her with storm steps and reached his hand in and upwards as he yanked down so hard that her head caved into her chest and obliterated the parasite.

There were only ten left, and they knew they were in for a bad situation, but Rowan had no intention of stopping his current offensive. Rowan held his hand out as he rode two more swords across the expanse, and the bone whip from the first zombie flew into his hand. He flicked his wrist, and it was like the whole weapon changed and became 10 blades made of human spines. Rowan's way of using the whip was less flexible and more offensive than a whip was supposed to be used, but he did not care. His mana surged into the weapon and he was able to realize that it should be an Astra, now an artifact with the zombie dead.

The whip slapped down like a massive net of blades over a zombie that had encased itself in an orb of ice to survive the sword storm it shredded the zombie into thin slices and left nine zombie kings that were ready to take the initiative to kill Rowan. The one zombie had morphed into some beast shape and charged at Rowan while making massive swiping motions with both of his hands. Rowan stepped off the blade right in front of the zombie as the blades that were under his feet fell downward like they finally remembered they were subjected to gravity and fell straight downwards and through the zombies knees, severing them on the spot.

Rowan lightly tugged apart while holding the wrists of the zombie and the action tore him to shreds while Rowan shot a bolt of lightning out of his mouth that zapped the parasite and turned it into ash. Rowan smiled because at the same time a zombie with long claws that had burrowed into the earth shot up from the dirt missing Rowan by what looked like inches but any of the level fifty people here could notice that Rowan had taken the most minute step possible to be out of the way. The zombie rose up into the air as it was going to pass by Rowan, but he stepped back in and head-butted the zombie so hard that it went spiraling backwards. Rowan appeared above it as it spun and stomped down, turning its head and the parasite to mush without missing a beat and sending the body flying into the distance.

Rowan stepped forward and sent a bright red flame spiraling down it before the multiple heads seemed to twist together and form a type of staff when held by the flame. Rowan swung it like a bat and it blasted a hole through the chest of a zombie that was using space mana to create a perfect overlap with the surroundings to vanish from sight. Rowan never even missed a beat as he pivoted and threw it like a javelin at the zombie that had been throwing blades of wind from afar. Its defenses crumbled before it directly exploded into paste, along with the weapon that had been thrown. Rowan smiled from ear to ear as the remaining zombie kings charged him at once but he knew that he had nothing to fear from his hometown, maybe out with his master in a much wider world he was just his master's disciple , but here he was king.