A Falcon Back To The Sky

Rowan took in the surrounding enemies and rolled his shoulders in preparation. It was Feng's master that spoke up first though. "This battle is no place for a rank five. I can handle it on my own. Go guard Feng and I can end this." Rowan only shook his head. "You may have plenty of time to sit around and wear them down, but I would much rather end this quickly." Rowan's voice had sounded out when all of a sudden he stepped through the air and vanished while at the same time he surrounded the fight in the sky with storm points.

Rowan appeared in front of the zombie with the green eyes which let out a dark green glow right as Rowan reached him. A glowing green scythe appeared in his hands as Rowan reached him while he swung the weapon downward. A gale followed and wind blades exploded from the blade and shot towards Rowan. Rowan smiled and with one hand brought the massive sword of storms slashing downward in a massive overhead slash. Platinum lightning wrapped itself around the blade and coiled off of it like snakes.[Bolt Chop] The slash landed with the force of a lightning bolt descending from the heavens.

The wind blades shattered upon contact with the storm sword and the lighting shot outwards and blasted towards the zombie. A platinum bolt shot through his shoulder while at the same time he grunted and spun the scythe in a clockwise motion until it was spinning so quickly that it looked like a shield of green mana in front of him. The spinning scythe caught the rest of the bolts and dispersed them while the zombie grinned back at Rowan as the hole in its arm squirmed close.

Rowan followed up as two separate storm points shot lightning bolts to keep the zombie busy as Rowan pivoted on his left foot and swung the sword of storms backward in a sweeping motion that was accompanied by platinum flames. The flames crackled and with it the space around the sword showed slight signs of being burned where the sword passed as it directly collided with several limbs from the centipede, who roared in pain from the flames. Rowan pressed the attack as he gave all the storm points the same command as they attacked the zombie with different elements bathed in platinum.

Rowan kicked off of the air and launched himself into combat with the centipede. Each of its limbs were sharp and carried a dark luster to them as it attempted to curl itself around Rowan; each of its limbs stabbed or slashed at him. His sword moved impossibly quick as he parried the blows as they came. One slipped past him and completely ignored his defenses as it stabbed straight into his ribs while draped in black mana. Rowan grimaced and slapped his hand down onto the limb, shattering it and the mana that protected it and causing the centipede to make a screeching noise from the pain.

Rowan kicked into the centipede and shattered a part of its exoskeleton while the spider that had been tangled with Feng's master chose this time to launch its attack. A single claw cloaked in light mana shot towards Rowan's lower back at the exact instant that his last exchange ended.

Rowan smirked at the attack as the armament blade formed faster than the claw was able to run him through, while at the same time a single backhanded swipe scored the limb from the massive spider's body and incinerated it in the same breath. Rowan tapped his foot and appeared next to Feng's master. "I've gaged their abilities. We can end this." All three enemies charged in defiance of his words, but Rowan was banking on it as the rest of the storm points in the area detonated at the same time into a cloud of thick mist, blinding the enemies right as they charged.

Rowan's voice was chilling even to Genma as it echoed through the thick mist. [Powder Keg] There was a slight zapping sound like a mosquito had been caught in a bug zapped and then Genma was flying backwards to avoid the explosion without ever knowing when the boy had pushed him out of the way. He had planned on supporting Rowan, but the young man had astounded Genma so much that he had been focusing on the boy more than the fight at hand.

Genma had been alive long enough to understand something crucial about the boy and that was that even with the stats that he saw, somehow this boy had grown beyond the information on the status page and any seer that judged him on just that would be in for a frightful surprise if they treated him as such. It made Genma almost feel bad for the other talents that would be in the trial world because unfortunately this human shaped monster would likely mop the floor with them, if not worse.

The explosion of lighting faded slowly and revealed the three creatures with blood pouring from numerous wounds on their bodies, not even their strongest defenses had prepared them for the lighting explosion that was powder keg and that fact had massively tipped the battle towards Rowans favor not to mention the explosion had been so lethal that it directly cracked space around them trapping them close to each other. Rowan could tell from that spell that the space here was too weak for him to use stardust storm, he could put everyone here in danger if he did that.So instead he opted for a move that had been refined since he awakened his mana as he shot skywards.

Rowan reached a point a 100 yards from the gathered enemies that were each trying to regain strength in their own way before the next attack, but unfortunately, Rowan had zero intention of stopping his assault. He hit the first storm point and accelerated before hitting the other 9 storm points. He had improved the spell though, the falcon from his killing intent fused with the falcon image on his body and his sword intent layered into the whole combination taking the level of storm stoop past a point that Rowan was used to and grossly underestimating his own strength, something that would show in the next several seconds.

Rowan's falcon body looked like a replica of his magnificent wings, the feathers were each outlined by a sparkling platinum and home to a single vermillion eye that caused fear in anyone that stared into it while also invading their minds with his killing intent at the same time. This led to a number of things all happening very quickly. The enemies saw the falcon and froze for a second, but that was enough time for the falcon in its stoop to reach them. Its blade like wings left a clear cut in space where he passed cutting through it like it was butter and shattering the silence of the battlefield as they began to pull things in while the cuts in space widened at a rapid pace but unfortunately for the enemies hoping he would be caught in them Rowan was no longer there.

The falcon was upon them and Rowan inside of it made a slashing motion with both swords but instead of the slash reaching them, the falcon image used both talons and slashed in an x motion before shooting past the enemies that had now frozen where they were. Genma was shaken by the power that he witnessed when all of a sudden the enemies slowly began to fall apart as the x tore through them and space causing an x shaped tear in the space behind them that was rapidly expanding and threatening to consume the surroundings. Rowan looked at his handiwork as the falcon image behind him faded and realized that if the tears in space he left connected to the x, it was highly likely that he would cause a black hole to form." Oh, shit uhhh old man, you have any clue on how to help here?"

Genma paused for a second at being called old man when he flung his hands outward and sand flowing with a tan light left his hands and began to surround all the tears in space there was an hourglass by his side that the sand flowed out of it until it was empty and it had surrounded the tears. The light on the sand intensified as Genma spoke out loud [Rewind]. The sand began to swirl around the tears as they each got smaller and smaller before both parties' eyes before closing completely. The sand returned to the hourglass and Genma turned towards Rowan, who stood in the middle of the sky, smiling.

"Kid what the fuck happened after we left that lead to you becoming such a freaking monster, have you even looked at your stats, it shouldn't have been possible for your small world to give birth to a monster like you." Rowan scratched his head after dismissing both of his weapons, I suppose I did have some help, but I can tell you and Feng about it after we regroup."

They both began to float downwards when Rowan sighed to himself. I guess it is finally time that I look at my status page.