Assault and Support(Part 2)

Feng's chanting came to an abrupt end, and then his voice echoed across the ruins of the battlefield. [Runic form:Herald of light] It was at the same time that his words echoed across the battlefield that Camille, who had been standing on top of the ship, swiveled and dropped to one knee and used her bow made of flame to shoot three arrows. The target of the arrows turned out to be Rowan as the first slammed through his back and came out of his chest. The other two followed while Camille fell on her butt, panting. The three arrows broke apart and revealed that not only had they not harmed Rowan at all, but the wounds on his body began to recover and both he and Feng's mana surged inside of them.

Feng began to change as well; he appeared from Rowan's shadow for a brief instant and then his body started flowing away into glowing white runes that coated Rowan. The runes around his body sizzled and with a pop became glowing white armor that wrapped itself around him. A white aura surrounded both blades and made space tremble as they moved lightly. Rowan smiled, "Well then I think we are reaching the climax of this battle then allow me to follow up.[Berserkers Sin]. The cloak mixed with the white armor and, for a moment, it looked like the entire spell was gonna shatter until Feng's balanced soul affliction acted. The cloak wrapped around the runes and coated them in vermillion before the entire suit compressed itself around his body and formed a form fitting metallic suit that was etched with feathers that looked like Rowan's wings.

He heard Fengs' voice in his mind an instant later, "Holy crap, this is what it feels like to be an assault. There's so much power raging through here.' Tribal lines had appeared on the armor as it got further acclimated to Rowan, who was confused as to what was happening. "Feng, where did you go?" He snickered in his mind. "My mana body evolved into a rune body which allows for these two forms. I am the armor in this case. I can still use some spells, but more so thanks to the integration. I'm able to intimately feel your mana and enhance all of your actions." Rowan finally nodded. "So this is an all around boost to all of my abilities." Feng would have nodded and the action of trying actually caused Rowan's helmet to slightly tilt. "Sorry I can also use this form to control a body, but in this case you don't need the help, but I can do this."

Another pair of arms grew out of the midsection of the armor, holding Feng's sword and shield. The shield arm spun towards his back to not be in his way and he smiled at the two enemies. "Now then, let's start round two." The moment he finished speaking, he vanished from his position and was before Rahim, before he could even react. Rowan had been using storm steps to fight both parties and had hidden the fact that he could use storm points to teleport this entire time. He had spread his storm points throughout the battlefield this entire time, and Feng had cloaked them with dark mana. It was in case Rowan wanted to use powder Keg or, in this case, teleport when someone least expected it.

The sword of storms hacked down while wreathed in platinum and white light and directly attempted to chop the beetle in half, starting from his head. The beetle reacted extremely quickly and shifted just in time to avoid his head being cut into like a watermelon. His shoulder was not as lucky as the sword of storms cut into causing the beetle to scream in rage as the blade cut through most of his shoulder and then through his arm, splitting it down the middle in a grotesque display of green blood poured from it. The light that coated the sword of storms invaded the wound and stopped him from healing, but that did not stop the beetle from swinging its ax with one hand. In response, and yelling out a spell. [Earthquake] Tremors spread not from the ground but from the ax of the blade so that as it connected with the sword of storms that was there to meet it, the tremors washed down Rowan's body.

His insides shook and despite all of his defenses being boosted, he coughed a mouth full of blood from the interaction. Stoodley chose that exact moment to release his own spell. [Corpse Fire Coffin] A massive coffin of flaming green mana formed in the sky and tried to close around Rowan. He slashed out with the Attunement sword and blasted out a [Windstorm Assault] with only his right hand before teleporting to a new storm point. The coffin closed itself and smashed into his spell and while the coffin grew fainter; it flew back after Rowan while Stoodley released flaming skulls that chased him through the air.

Rowan recovered, and the fight continued with him battling both parties in the sky while his wings hid behind him and were prepping a new storm. The fight in the sky ramped up in intensity as the wake of their mana decimated the surrounding land. This was the first time Camille had witnessed a battle of this caliber and in her exhausted state, she sat there watching the battle. Genma had appeared at some point with a tonic to help her recover her mana as he consumed the same. "Do all battles at this level look like this? Is there always so much destruction?" Genma shook his head from side to side. "From beings at your level, certainly not, not that your friend's attunement isn't rather flashy, but this is out of the norm. Now for demigods, the answer is also no but for wholly different reasons."

"It is different because your friend is entirely too caring. A normal demigod battle is capable of destruction that can destroy entire planets, and while those other two are fighting with abandon, your friend is not. I can not clearly tell how much of it is Feng and how much of it is him, but he is using small points of his mana to different effect to defend this planet and the ship while fighting two demigods. If I was not here to see this myself, then I would not believe it." Camille beamed at that as she understood that even while in a fight with beings so beyond what she was currently capable of he was still dividing his attention so that he could keep them safe.

Genma saw the look in her eyes and chortled and shook her head. "Yes, indeed, your friend is such an obscene monster that I have actually run out of words. To call him a once in a lifetime talent does not do him any justice, he's beyond that, he's the type of talent that books will be written about, your friend will make history with his every move and this is just the beginning of a bigger stage for him. Look closely. I believe him and Feng are about to end this."

Rowan dashed backwards after removing one of the legs from Stoodley's body after Feng blocked a strike from him. They all understood that now was the time for final moves, which meant spells. Rahim's ax began to glow and hum and he placed it above his head and swung down.[World Breaker]. A massive crack formed along the path of the ax in a jagged pattern that made it look like a crack was forming across space itself and traveling towards him. He could see that the ax carried a force of tremors that dwarfed the one from the first spell. At the same time Stoodley breathed outwards towards the tip of his staff, causing the flame to fan out and spread through the sky, heading towards Rowan. [Corpse Flame: Sky Burial] The flames collapse downward and towards Rowan.

Rowan released the storm that had been waiting on his wings and yelled out. [Right Arm of the Storm Berserker] The platinum storm cloud halted and began to morph until it was a reflection of his right arm that was inside his mana zone but much larger, akin to the size of a full grown Giant. He also noticed that the arm had vanished from inside of him at the same instant. The difference is that in the outside world, this giant arm was holding the attunement sword. In the moment, Rowan truly didn't know why all of his senses were screaming for him to slash downwards, but he complied. He raised his own hand high and, in the same breath, the giant floating arm mirrored the action and, with all his might, he hacked down. Clouds burst to life along the edge of the blade before compressing into a fine line of platinum aura. The sword crushed space everywhere it passed and crashed right into the crack that the ax was making. It barreled through and collided with the ax and shattered it on the spot before bisecting Rahim.

The issue here was that even after all of that, the arm, while initially bottoming out his mana, was using no mana to sustain itself. He simply righted his arm and swept the sword across his body, smashing into the sea of green flames and smashing them into tiny wisps before the spatial tear, which now looked like a T was cut into the sky. Genma's jaw dropped as the tear in space widened into a black hole and threatened to swallow the entire planet. It caused Rowan to freeze and stare at it in horror. After a long moment as it only widened, he could not help but say out loud. "Well shit, didn't think that would be that powerful."