Assault and Support(Part 1)

Rowan's hands began to move just as fast as Fengs, he had a special plan in mind that worked amazing for the two of them thanks to his knowledge of Feng's spells from their previous fight now all he would need to do is put it into practice. Camille got into position above the ship and Genma shrunk the protective barrier and all hell broke loose at the same time. Rowan threw the storm that was forming in his hand upwards before his sword appeared in his left hand, already combined. There was a mass of enemies here but at least 2 of them were high caliber demigods assigned to watch over this planet. They had been the culprits that shot down Genma and Feng.

The enemies let out different sounds and charged at once, but moments later they all came to an abrupt stop and all started to employ their best defensive measures as Rowan's voice could be heard echo throughout the battlefield. [Meteor Storm]. Flaming boulders rained down from the storm that he had released from his hands while the attunement sword formed on his hand as he bypassed his armored state in favor of his strongest state. [Call of the fairy king][Soul Crush] Rowan took all the souls and crushed them at the same time as the falcon image overlapped with his own and his wings released themselves as he absorbed the mana

Feng acted not a second later than his hand clapped together before he pulled them apart and revealed rows of black and white lettering that shot out and into the air before forming a ring in the sky. [Runic Spell: Dusk] It was the dusk spell designed to take the weight of nearby targets and stuff it in the shadow of others, but Feng was a tier zero as well. The meteors crashed into the army of zombies and insects and before they even knew what was happening, the rubble of it had already vanished as the ring of runes in the sky spewed black mana that coated the objects and dispersed them into shadows. The action slowed down everyone that wasn't killed on contact with the massive flaming stones.

Rowan slid to a halt right in front of the main force of the army that was focused on defending themselves from attacks from above and followed with [Wind Storm Assault]. The barrage of platinum wind blades shot out with a grating sound that sliced space as they passed and tore through the front of the army. It was at that exact moment that one of the demigods chose to attack. A staff wrapped in green flames came smashing towards his head faster than he could react. [Runic form, Herald of Night] Feng appeared as a being made of shadow that attached itself to Rowan's shadow, while his arms extended from Rowan's blind spot and created a shield of shadow that blocked the blow. "Tsk pesky shadow user." The zombie chided before taking a step back and vanishing amongst the forces once more.

"Rowan, this new spell of mine will keep me locked in your shadow. It will cost me mana, but you won't have to worry about getting too far from me. I'll be able to support you from here." Rowan nodded as he parried a blow and bisected a giant ant. He turned towards Camille and she was clad in a red and orange armor while flames danced along her hands in the form of a bow of fire as she rapidly shot arrows, felling most of her targets with a single well-placed shot. She smiled at Rowan and nodded, and he realized that he could fully let loose. Sweep thrust and chop were all on the verge of evolving to the next step, they now carried the full force of his sword intent each time he struck when combined with his storm abilities they were now capable of dispatching most foes, but he didn't even count them as spells.

His master had taught him that at a certain point, when he was capable of attacks that fused spells perfectly into technique, then it wasn't a spell at all. Spells should always be monumental moves that could change the course of battle. Not the simple strikes he used to fell minor enemies. Rowan chopped down with a blade wreathed in platinum lightning one moment and platinum flame another moment. Feng would periodically shield him from a surprise attack while casting spells to boost Rowan's lethality or hinder their enemies.

They moved throughout the battlefield, each swing of Rowan's swords taking one or more lives. He was able to use both hands with equal skill, an ability that made approaching him hazardous. Rowan finally got tired of finding targets and released a storm from his body in a ring around him filled with electricity so that whenever someone got close, he was able to feel their presence. The demigod ranked zombie closed in once more and Rowan opened his mouth and released a full firestorm that he had been hiding there, charring the zombie and sending it flying backwards.

Rowan smiled as the forces had reached a low point, but he had still not seen the second demigod. Until he dispatched the last grunt with a huff, a massive beetle burst from the ground under his feet and two massive pincers glowing with brown mana were closing shut around him. Rowan lowered his stance and braced himself with both blades blocking the pincers while his wings stabbed at the beetle to no effect as his wings harmlessly bounced off of the being's shell. It slid along the ground instead of moving and slowly began to morph.

It took on a humanoid shape as its shell hardened and formed around its back and two limbs popped out. Its skin was a dark black and could be seen through the part of his natural armor. Two massive pincers protruded from his face, but he now held a massive ax in his hands. "Ha your great zombie race couldn't even manage to stop a single whelp Stoodley, You zombies are trash, look at all the dead forces here, I took my time getting here because I figured I could make you owe me one by letting you get the bodies of these humans, why is everyone slaughtered instead." The zombie known as Stoodley appeared next to the beetle and looked at him with disgust. "That's the problem with your insect kind. The vast majority of you have absolutely no brain power, Rahim."

The beetle lunged and snapped its jaws close and the zombie smacked the mouth away with a swipe of his staff, which did not injure the beetle in the least. "See what i mean, enemy is in front of us and you do this, absolute moron. No wonder the spiders run your race without them and the ants you all would just be absolute idiots that breed quickly. Your race parenting my own brings me great shame." The insults continued until the beetle stomped on the ground and shook the entire area. "Enough, first we kill humans and then I'll teach you why we are parent race and you are just whelp" The zombie nodded and grinned. "Finally, you gain some sense. Let's get to it then." Rowan had held onto close to 1000 souls to boost his stats for this battle, but the rest had been turned into fuel for whatever was growing in front of his mana space. The midsection had begun to slowly solidify, but it was gonna take an egregious amount of mana to fulfill that.

Rahim stomped on the ground over and over until everything started to shake and which caused Rowan to lightly float off the ground while the moment he levitated, Stoodley launched himself forward. The staff smashed down and cracked space where it traveled, without any of his forces nearby there was no more reason to hold back. The green flame seemed to melt the space it touched instead of burning it, almost like it was an acid and not a flame. Rowan swiped outwards in a sweep and caught the staff and knocked it to the side. Feng's shadow form lunged forward and stabbed a sword towards his eyes in the same instant as Rowan slashed downwards towards Rahim, who had started swinging from his previous position and then somehow appeared in front of Rowan.

The blow was so fierce that it sent Rowan spinning to disperse the force and caused Feng's surprise attack to just brush Stoodley's nose and cut into his face before he slid just enough to be out of range. Rowan sucked in a deep breath of air and charged in again and engaged both parties while Feng began chanting. Rowan accumulated wounds throughout the battle, but kept both forces at bay at the same time and managed to wound them. Everyone was waiting for the same thing. Someone would need to use the first spell to set off the situation. What caught them all off guard is that it would be Feng instead of anyone else.