The makings of a Party

Rowan's next step on his cultivation path was in no means a major breakthrough, not in the least actually, but it was a qualitative increase in ability thanks to a single matter. This was the stage in which a cultivator would need to take their liquid mana and convert it into solid mana. Rowan's mana space had evolved into the cloud ring already, so it was easy for him to see how much he had further to complete his cultivation of this stage. The cloud ring was half full at this point and it was at this point that something interesting happened.

The moment he hit the fifty percent mark, the rest of the ethereal cloud ring shook and Rowan felt a tug from somewhere deep inside of him before a ghostly arm started to form in front of the cloud ring. The only thing was that as it did, information on it flooded into Rowan's mind and his eyes snapped open. The mana space resided in an imaginary space in the center of a cultivator's chest, right by their heart. It wouldn't be made a physical entity until one could step into the realm of demigods.

That being said thanks to Rowans special abilities and his own ability to interact with souls , he knew that at some point to reach godhood , he would fuse his soul and his mana space but his cultivation had suddenly deviated because that ghostly arm that had appeared there was one that was familiar, it was his own arm. Not his physical arm, of course, but the arm of his soul. Rowan continued to cultivate and as he built more and more physical mana, the arm solidified and by the time he fully transformed all of his mana, there was a faint image of his soul standing in front of the cloud ring, the right arm was completely solidified at this point.

Rowan , looked at the time. He had used two of the three days to step firmly into rank six. The last day he could use to gather more mana, convert it until it was full, and then refine it. He didn't have the time to attempt to break into rank seven, not with the amount of time he had left. Rowans cultivation was incredibly firm and his master had assured him that up until the demigod rank he should have no issue, it was after that point where things would be different for him but Rowan was already working on his cultivation path and thanks to the new development of his soul appearing in the same imaginary space as his mana core. His mind was filled with ideas and he would have to put them into practice soon enough. Rowan lightly gripped his left hand and spoke out loud. [Soul Crush].

Vermillion light covered his hand before he lightly closed it and the sound of glass breaking echoed throughout the room. He had 2000 souls on him thanks to the previous battle, but the moment he executed this, all of them vanished as he shattered them. They turned into pure mana that poured itself into his body and, much to his surprise, bypassed everything and flew directly to the solid arm that had formed before they acted as paint and painted on the tribal lines that are reflected on his arm in real life. The arm now looked even more solid than before, but instead of being made by a galaxy, it was made by a platinum galaxy and then bound by the vermillion tribal markings.

The process finished and Rowan felt his new power along with the changes to his cultivation as he smiled. The stats he gained from souls were outrageous for sure, but his master had taught him ultimately that strength was not his, which is why it was able to go berserk and hurt him, but the case was not the same with this. This turned the souls into a pure strength that he could utilize in a form of potent mana. He realized that there was something else about it, but his cultivation was still too low. He had also been taught that while nice; the stats weren't useful unless he was going to use berserkers sin, but his master also told him that , the skill would show greater effect once he was stronger , and to be wary of it, but he had certainly not unlocked all the secrets of berserkers sin.

Rowan knew that this cultivation session was over from a number of factors, one of them being that the mana he had left among the battlefield of the last fight had been disturbed one-to-many times now and if he wasn't wrong than they certainly had company right outside of the ship and after whatever Genma did faded, then they would be under siege. Rowan opened the door and noticed that Feng was also done and the runes were gone. He could hear talking coming from the center command of the ship as he started to make his way there.

Everyone was sitting and looking out of the main glass of the ship where, just a ways away, there were the forces from this planet. They had learned the hard ways the after effect of trying to break the barrier that surrounded the ship as several corpses of zombie and insect alike could be seen right past the zone of protection. The corpses constantly aged and de aged until they eventually just became gray husks. Rowan had no clue what effect the time barrier would have on the being's soul, so he decided to wait before using[Call of the Fairy King]. They all looked at Rowan as he stepped through the door with varying reactions.

Em lit up like a Christmas tree as she abandoned her position and ran to him. Camille smiled at him, while Feng did the same. Genma, on the other hand, looked absolutely drained as he sat in a lotus position and sand swirled around him. The enemies had seen through his defense earlier than they expected , and them testing the barrier had forced Genma to focus on it and hone its defensive capabilities so that it would last the entire time. Unfortunately for him, that meant a massive drain on his mana. Em had hugged him before stepping back and rubbing some sleep from her eye.

"Big Bro, I did what we talked about! My mana space changed and so did my attunement, you'll have to wait to see it though, it's really cool ain't that right Angela!" Rowan instantly looked around for someone else but to his surprise all the lights in the command center of the ship lit up once more in a wavelike pattern. Rowan couldn't help but gasp at the surprise. "Well, that's certainly interesting." His words cause Em to kinda squeal and run off as she talks to Angela without a worry on her mind, which caused Genma to speak up. "How exactly is it that she is so carefree? Does she not see the imminent peril that we are all in?"

It was Feng that answered him before anyone else could, "She has unwavering faith in a single individual capable of creating miracles. She has no need to worry because she knows her big brother will hold up the sky for her." Genma turned towards Rowan and looked him up and down and realized that the boy was now so close to his own cultivation that he could no longer see through him. He huffed as he stood up and relaxed for the first time in three days. "Then I too shall have faith. Show me the way out of this young monster." Rowan slowly started to stretch his limbs as he turned to Feng.

"You will be my support out there and Camille will support us both from the top of the ship." Camille nodded her head. "My abilities have evolved just as well, not as much as Em's, of course, but enough to be of use." She looked away and down as she whispered the final word of her sentence to herself. "Finally" Rowan heard it and so had everyone else, but they too had chosen to ignore it, though Genma, who had experienced more than the two younger tier zeroes, understood it rather well. Camille was not Em, or a tier zero for that matter. Keeping up with the cultivation of Geniuses was hard enough, but feeling useful to beings like Rowan and Feng who were able to grow faster than their peers, among many other talents, was a battle in itself and one Camille had struggled with.

Rowan smiled at his two battle companions and turned to Genma. "Don't release your spell if you can, shrink it so that it just covers the top of the ship, after the time runs out then camille once you are out of mana come back to the ship to recover and me and Feng will hand the rest." They both nodded at him in agreement and walked to the door that opened for them much to the exclamation of the enemies outside who grew restless. Feng started making hand signs and runes began to float into existence as he prepared a spell while a storm started to form in Rowan's hands."Let's start this with a bang shall we, we're about to make history!"