
The new top speed of the ship had made it so that the moment that they turned around and shot towards their pursuers they were on them in a matter of seconds and since they were flying towards each other the ship at the front of the now four ship formation tilted hoping to pass by and survive the encounter but Emily clearly had other plans in mind. As the ship tried to evade Em turned the whole ship and let the wing pass through the evading ship, splitting it down the middle. "3 down and 3 to go. Angela arm cluster mines and drop on my command."

The entire ship turned right back around and sped into the distance as Em said now the moment they accelerated. The feathers on the wings released the mines, but Rowan was able to see them thanks to storm vision, but he knew to the naked eye none of those mines would be able to be seen. Luckily for them, they would fire their guns and accidentally hit a mine in the field before anyone could spring the trap, causing a massive explosion that blocked Rowan and company from sight. Em sucked her teeth and got back to focusing.

Now the next couple of minutes would stun even Rowan, as Em would engage the three remaining ships in a massive aerial dogfight. It started the moment the other ships caught up to them they swapped into a new formation with one on either side of them and one behind as they all opened fire at once unaware that Rowan's cultivation storm alone was enough to deflect their bullets they then swapped to missiles and fired. Em on the other hand grunted and activated the shield as she executed a barrel roll while moving to the right just enough to catch the ship there with the wing and cut straight through the halfway point on the ship, something that would save the pilots life.

Following the maneuver she suddenly shot downward before whipping up and killing the engines and all momentum while under the cockpit a hole opened and a single gun pointed while supercharging itself with Rowan's mana and firing a concentrated beam of platinum light that completely decimated one of the two remaining ships. The engine kicked back on and they were a beam of light shooting towards their target. They were the hunters now as the ship sped towards the distance in a bid to escape. Those ships were originally faster than Angela but not any longer and so they caught up quickly and in a matter of moments were cut down by a hail of mana bullets from the ship. "Angela, back to normal, and autopilot to our destination." The ship replied with a yes mam that made Genma grow red in the face as the little girl took off the helmet and the gloves and wrench vanished.

Rowan moved his hand and looked at her with a smile. "So then what's this new attunement which just allowed you to fully integrate yourself with technology you had never seen before a week ago?" Em smiled and blew her hair out of her face. "The system gave me a new class! It's called technomancer. It turned my mana space into a wrench, but then something else happened, and it mixed with my mana and became what the system called a soul thingy." Em went on to describe every change that had happened to her and her abilities as they now related to technology while her dragon bloodline served to empower her body so that integration with technology would not cause her pain and at the same time strengthened her further. Unluckily, it was not truly capable of complementing her at this point, but who knows what the future held. Rowan was only confused by one thing, which was how was this enough to get his master's attention.

[Well of course you would not understand. , you did not get your master to fight you seriously. Your master is first and foremost a blacksmith, yet he used the attunement spell while battling you. Your master was able to create a hyper advanced space ship capable of sailing across the stars and internally expanding constantly. Now tell me, do you think that someone who was able to create all the pinnacle technology that has allowed him to continue his mission would not be interested in someone who can speak to machines?" Imagine the things he will be able to do with her by his side, even when he does devour her ability, with her being a creation user, when she becomes a demigod she will very easily be able to escape your master's devour and become the head of an entirely new department in the kingdom. The best way of saying it is that to combine her talents with your masters is likely going to create a technological boom that will rewrite history. One of your master's first dreams was the combination of science and mana, something he has practiced to devastating effect.]

Rowan actually began to sweat at this point at the importance of the little girl who was not sitting down and fanning herself like the aerial battle had just been a workout and she was now too hot. "Uhm, so what would happen, if something happened to her?" [Truthfully, I don't think that's a possibility that your master would allow. If you were not by her side, then he would have sent someone for her the moment she awakened as a technomancer. She would already ascend given the situation.] Rowan was astounded by the news and had to consider whether it would be worth it to tell her, but knew that she would insist on sticking by his side. Rowan nodded his head and buckled himself back in as Em slept soundly in Camille's lap, content with letting the rest of this journey be uneventful.

He awoke once more several hours later to Feng shaking him gently, "Come on you should see this." Rowan stood up and looked out only to see that they were now before a massive pair of doors emblazoned with a wolf that stood in the middle of space and all around them were all different types of ships standing by. "That's the gate to the trial world, most of these people are here to participate in the trial but some have come just to watch. The scenes inside of the trial world will be broadcast in the space here and overseen by the faculty of the school." Rowan took all the information in stride and turned to Feng. "Anything else I should know, then?"

Feng scratched his chin before nodding, "Not that telling you is going to matter, but inside of the trial world everyone fights for their opportunities, which also means that there is killing. The families that Genma pointed out typically do their best to hog the resources and, if you comply, they allow you to take a small piece for staying out of their way. It is the way that it has always worked." Rowan could only shake his head at that. "Listen Feng, I get it. I do want to try to not make enemies, but if I'm being honest, I have enough friends and not a single soul in there can stop me."

Feng smiled "I am the one that helped you awaken as the Berserker of course I know that but that's not the point I was trying to make, I was trying to say that I too have no desire to be walked all over, I look forward to stomping on these spoiled brats and if they dare come for our lives, then just like the young Emily said. "We bury them together." Rowan smiled at the man and they clasped hands and looked out right as a shining light began to form in front of the door. All of a sudden, a middle-aged man with solid red hair and an eyepatch covering his left eye appeared in front of the door.

Genma had appeared behind the two boys at some point without them hearing and exclaimed, "Oh, this year's trial must be special for the vice principal to show up himself." The man, on the other hand, was wearing a three-piece suit that matched his fiery hair‌ and gave off a mana signature that felt like it was at the extremes of the demigod level. "Some of you may know me but for those of you that don't, I am the Vice Principal Agnus and I would like to welcome you all to the trial world competition. If all participants can come out of their ships and walk forward towards the gate and form an orderly line, we will commence with the allocation of tags and registration. No worries , the space here has already been modified and those of you that can not convert mana into air you should have no trouble breathing." The moment his word stopped, so did the silence as the sound of thousands of ships opening and people moving forward echoed out.

Rowan and Feng looked at the three people that would not be joining them and said their goodbyes before also walking out and towards the gate. Rowan couldn't help the feeling that something good was waiting for him beyond these gates or at least something worth coming here and going through all this madness.