The Lone Wolf

Rowan and Feng found themselves walking amongst a crowd of people all headed towards the man who had just spoken while at some point assistants dressed in black and red uniforms began to take down people's information and then organize them into lines in front of the massive towering double doors. People similar in age to the Vice principal all left the ships as well and came to talk to the man as the process continued. Rowan, on the other hand, was listening to the conversation happening around him as some of the people either knew of each other or just actually knew each other and the topic of conversation was the people to be avoided on this trip to the trial world.

It was a younger kid who was talking to a woman by his side. "Alright listen big sis, the small academy from back home may have gotten us this opportunity but we have to be careful, I bought some information from the information broker on our last planet and apparently all the big shots will be coming here for this. The Vice principal has a grandson who will be attending. He's the leading figure of the Agnes family and goes by Arlo. They say he has a rare magma attunement. Next up would be Vincent from the Vitesse family. He has a plant attunement, but it's also said that he's got an early grasp of the laws of speed. Next up is Orellia Flud. She had a normal water attunement but they say her attunement with the spear is second to none in this new year. Then there is finally Liam Lark. He's said to have awakened the family bloodline of an ancient special called the Roc and has a dual attunement of lighting and wind."

"Lastly, and known as the strongest newcomer is Jason Slate from the slate family, a family of earth and metal mana users gave birth to not one but two anomaly children the oldest being already enrolled in the school and number one on the school rankings with Jason coming in this year, what's more outstanding is that they both have rare attunements, while his brother has a lunar attunement, he has a solar one, they are known as the slate brothers by most. The most fearsome thing sister is that all of these people are immensely talented and already demigods. It's apparently why the school says this time is special. For so many years, rank five was the entry requirement, but this generation is so talented that most of them are now Demigods."

The sister listened to her brother intently and nodded at his words and spoke in a light voice that still sounded determined. "Is there anyone else you found out about?" His eyes lit up and he looked around to see if anyone was paying attention and continued when he thought it was just him and his sister paying attention to his words. "Okay, the information broker did sell me some special information. Apparently there are two others that are joining this year, not from the families or anything. Apparently, they are both tier zero souls, but not much other than that is known about them. A video circulated around the school after it was leaked by a teacher of them fighting and one has a dual attunement of darkness and light and the other has a special attunement that was not able to be identified on the video, but he used several elements. The only thing that is known is their names. Rowan Raid and Feng Bo Shi. They are this year's black horses for the trial world competition."

Rowan had finally heard enough as he smiled and guided Feng past the siblings to go check in. He reached the front and began the process. Feng received a name badge rather quickly, which showed a number 8 representing his current mana rank. Rowan, on the other hand, had been asked to wait and his attendant had vanished, but not a minute later she was returning, but had the vice principal in tow. The vice principal approached with his hands behind his back and several older people with him that had previously been talking to them. He had tried to excuse himself, but they had followed him, stating that it was no trouble. So ultimately a gaggle of demigods were all approaching, causing the crowds to part and go silent while those already lined up all turned around and looked back.

The vice principal stopped right before Rowan and smiled as he pulled a name tag different from the rest from his pocket and looked at Rowan. "This tag is known as the lone wolf tag, the holder of this tag will be met with benefits while in the trial world but at the same time will be wanted by every other person in the trial world thanks to the benefits given to the person holding this at the end of the trial." Rowan didn't have to connect any dots. There were clear and obvious reasons this was happening and it was because of his master, his teacher was known by these people, he could tell purely from the reverence in the vice principal's eyes as Rowan reached out to take the Tag.

Everyone in the crowd gasped because the lone wolf tag in the academy's history had never been to given some no one, it was something reserved for the person expected to be the strongest in a new batch of students, a person that typically hailed from the families. One of the older men with the vice principal took a step forward and spoke out. He looked to be no older than forty and wore a three-piece suit that was black and accented with gold. He had salt and pepper hair that was cut perfectly to his shoulder. His voice was sonorous and deep and he spoke in a questioning tone. "Vice principal, should the lone wolf badge not be given to my son this year?" The vice principal turned and was about to answer when a voice that not a single one of them expected spoke out."

"Not in the least unless your kid can say that he can kill a peak zombie demigod. Then there is absolutely no way he is more deserving of the lone wolf badge." Everyone whipped their eyes to the speaker as Genma walked out of the crowd. "Ah, if it isn't ever the scholar Genma, I thought you were supposed to be dead." Responded the slate father in the same voice. "Plus, you have no proof that.." Genma had no desire to entertain discussion as he released his mirror and began to play the slash from the battle while leaving the rest out, causing stunned oohs to spread throughout the crowd.

Rowan, on the other hand, grabbed the badge and clipped it to his chest, and ignored the conversations as he turned to Genma. "Is he the one who sent the ships?" Genma shrugged, "Who knows , they know little of who you are, but I do. Your status is beyond them now, feel free to act like it." The vice president took the time to interject at this point. "Genma, what does he mean about ships and why was I not notified that you were on a black planet?" Genma explained the mishap with the planet first and then went on to explain about the ships that had attacked them shortly after. The vice principal swirled around, his mana buffeting the crowd. "Whoever was dumb enough to send ships after a distinguished guest of the academy, I hope is prepared to deal with the consequences." Rowan, on the other hand, was already feeling drained from all the back and forth when another person stepped forward. A gentleman wearing a mask and a bowler hat to accent a forest green suit.

"I have learned that some overzealous people from the union sent those ships, but considering all the pilots are dead Vice principal, I guess that would be punishment enough? Not to mention it's odd that some nobody from the middle of nowhere is somehow this year's lone wolf. It can't possibly be a bribe. The academy is above that." The vice principal fixed him with an eye while the others all chimed in with snide remarks aimed towards Rowan, who finally spoke up. "Thank you for making it so that I didn't have to try to find who did it." Rowan moved just as fast as a demigod focused on speed and his right and stretched out towards the man's forehead before anything else was said. All of a sudden mana flared and a mighty hand coated in blazing red mana clamped down on Rowan's wrist moments before the tip of his finger would have touched the man's forehead." Everyone froze at once while the mana was visibly sweating.

The Vice principal, on the other hand, spoke out loud, "Sir Vitesse, I would suggest you step away for the moment. Mr. Raid, we do not allow killing here. If you can agree to that, it would be no problem for me to release your wrist." Vitesse was appalled after he got over the chilling fear. "I DEMAND he be arrested, he just tried to…" The vice principal held up a hand, "Rowan Raid was taken as the first disciple of the Heavenly wolf, a single word from him could condemn your entire family to the same fate, I would advise you stop speaking." Everyone here took the news differently, but one person fixed Rowan with a gaze and spoke, "Hmph, the first layer gets fat off of the resources that us on the second layer provide. The heavenly wolf will not interfere here, no need for empty threats."

Rowan looked at the man and slowly took his wrist back and looked at the Vice principal. "I do not need my master to deal with the likes of cowards who would try to assassinate someone over a stupid badge. I did learn an important lesson from my master, though, which was Kill those who deserve to be killed. You all forget that you are sending your children into a cage with me and hoping I won't just extract the debt from their flesh instead?" The vice principal was surprised at Rowan's words as he turned to the man. "Steven , we have been friends for many years. I say this in your best interest, apologize before there is no going back." Rowan shook his head though, "Fuck his apology, those ships could have killed people I care about I should make you bury both your kids just so that you realize you were out of your depth."

Everyone's eyes went wide because instead of responding, Steven Slate just attacked as a massive golden hammer smashed in Rowan's direction, destroying space as it approached. Genma waved a hand and entered a battle stance, as did Feng, while Rowan noticed someone else move first, so he kept his hands in his pockets and did not move. "ENOUGH!" Flames shot out and snuffed out all the mana in the area and melted the massive hammer before the Vice principal fixed his suit and cleared his throat. "Rowan Raid, the trial world is special and while killing is allowed there , the badges are designed to save and bring someone out before they are killed. I would hope that you will be more willing to make friends going forward instead of attacking without words. As for the rest of you , all the older generations can go back to their ships while the trial world is conducted. To dare launch an attack here, Steven, you have gotten too brazen on the reputation of your sons."

The man in question grunted and turned and left, and Feng and Rowan walked to join the lines while everything got so quiet it was like a person was scared to whisper. Feng grimaced from next to Rowan. "I did not think we would be targeted so quickly. Not to mention we can't kill our enemies, so no matter what we will have to deal with them upon entering the school. That's trash." Rowan on the other hand shrugged "It's the price we pay for your book and my tutelage. Also you may not have noticed it but he didn't say we could not kill anyone. He said the badges were designed to protect them, we just need to circumvent the badge."