
While all of this was happening, Rowan was going through a number of changes that not even he could have planned for. Throughout his body, soul force pulsed and the cloud ring gradually began to fill rapidly as his strength was increasing by leaps and bounds. Rowan picked his head up and looked at the two people in front of him. He clenched his hand and there was a popping noise as he looked at his terrified party and sighed, as he knew what needed to be done. He was only hesitant because, after his new increase in power, he had refrained from absorbing too many souls and instead used them with soul manipulation, but in a situation like this, he had no choice.

Rowan was acutely aware of souls, so he was very aware of the reason for the anger of the two beings in front of him. Rowan had destroyed the world, but not in a way that anyone was used to. Typically, when a world core was removed, a world would gradually break down over time before collapsing, it gave people the chance to evacuate but what Rowan had just done was not the same, his collapse of the planet had caused the death of every being that inhabited it? This was major because, of course, that is a catastrophic loss of life, but for the insectoids, what did the loss of life of an entire planet truly mean?

The insectoids were not overly talented, there might truly relied on two things, their ability to rapidly adapt to hazardous life conditions and the ability to evolve rapidly. This was due to the fact that most of their species were capable of giving birth to enormous amounts of offspring all at one time or rapidly. The planet that has just been demolished was what they referred to as a breeding planet. An entire world dedicated to giving birth to their young. So what had happened with the planet collapse that made the two primordials so angry? Rowan's action had caused the death of trillions of young and old alike. It was a massive blow even to the insectoids who had hundreds of planets just like this one, but how could you not be angry?

The Spider queen never let Rowan out of her vision as he finally looked at her and felt her mana press upon him. "I knew you despicable humans would destroy a world. I was prepared for the loss, but alas, I underestimated that rat Regius Lowe once more." Rowan created a storm point behind his back as he slowly moved in front of his unit and used the storm point to manipulate water and give them a message. "After they attack, I will need all of you to hold off the monarch for a second. I will attempt to create an opening to escape." Rowan, on the other hand, looked at the spider queen and shook his head. "I can tell you that I did not plan for this either, but it has already happened and since we are at war, I only did what I was supposed to." The spider queen looked amused for a second before she smiled.

The spider queen's upper body was that of a human woman who was wearing no clothing. Her breasts were so massive that they eclipsed most of her midsection, they even perfectly hid the sculpted muscles that adorned most of her upper body. She had long black hair and vibrant green eyes that stared directly through Rowan. Her lower half was that of a spider, complete with extra limbs, but what stood out was that her spider portions looked like they were melded from the stars themselves, giving her whole body this ethereal feel. This was made all the more apparent when her chest slightly jiggled as an indication of her movement and the only reason Rowan was able to tell that she was striking at him. A single spear-like limb was thrusting towards his forehead faster than he was even able to comprehend.

The spider limb caused the color of the world around them to invert while popping sounds rang out as it pierced forward. Rowan knew he only had one option before him as it pierced towards him as he activated storm steps and dodged backward for the limb to keep following him. The popping sounds got louder than the space around the limb crackled while Rowan spoke out. "Call of the Fairy King." The souls that had been invisible to the eye suddenly became wispy entities that charged towards Rowan at mach speed but also served to block the vision of his enemies, which caused his team to spring into action. They burst from the cloud of smoke with their attacks all aimed at the monarch. Rowan on the other hand was holding the crystal green sword gem in his hand and allowed a portion of the souls to flow into it before he spoke out once more this time causing his aura to soar and match that of the primordials in front of him."Berserkers sin"

The cloud disappeared, and Rowan stood there with his mech looking much different. The feather design was more defined, while at the same time there were slots all along the armor now. The storm glaive flew out at the same time and the gems in it dislodged and slotted itself into the mech while another two pairs of wings grew out from behind his back. The storm glaive retreated back into him, now much weaker as the blade gem grew into a sword. The blade itself was black along its spine, with a fluorescent green blade that caused the air to sizzle. It was shaped like a katana, but instead of a normal hilt, it was a spider with an hourglass on its back that periodically switched between different colors. The blade itself radiated as much might as Rowan himself while began to change once more as his sword soul coated it and manifested the seration effect while glowing green teeth coated the edge and began to spin.

The spider queen was prepared to end the demigods that had launched their conjoined attack when Rowan burst from behind it and slashed for her neck. She jabbed out with a single limb and her body shook in surprise when it met the blade and sparks began to fly as she wasn't able to rebuff the blade. She followed with another two limbs, one aimed for the blade and the other for Rowan's throat. Rowan used storm steps and threw a firestorm at the two that instantly became a storm the size of a sun. The storm bombarded the pair with flaming weapons. Insectoids were incapable of spells to Regius' current knowledge. They could manipulate mana, but mainly mana reinforced their bodies and natural traits. So it came as no surprise to Rowan as the monarch flapped his wings and a swath of glowing dust met the firestorm and caused a massive explosion that shook space. Rowan, on the other hand, used the opening to attack a storm point to each member of the team and yank them backwards.

"Go! Tell Regius what's happening and secure backup. I will hold them both back. They all got flung far into space towards where Rowan knew Regius would be fighting, while at the same time the spider queen scoffed. "Not so fast!" She spat webs from her mouth that blossomed into a massive domain. Rowan focused and slashed out with wind storm assault at the same time. All the wind blades combined into a single entity and looked like a crescent moon that glowed cyan before it shot forward and arrived before the team, just as the threads of the web would have locked them in. The crescent moon slashed through the domain and the team made it out. Rowan turned back, seeing them turn into beams of light and shoot into the distance before Chase's concealment spell blanketed them and they all vanished. Rowan turned just in time for the monarch's Astra, which was a massive scythe that looked like it was made from stained glass, and came arcing through the sky towards him. The spider queen had pulled out a giant ax that looked like it was made from webs as well and charged.

Rowan parried the scythe, and the world exploded into action, as he could now focus on his two opponents. Rowan was still digesting most of the souls, and his power kept rising as the battle continued. Empry's voice rang in his ears a second later as he batted away the scythe and kicked the monarch in the throat, sending him sprawling backwards. "Rowan, you've taken in too many souls, your body is pushing towards the god tier, but just like when the master saved you , you can't handle all of these souls." Rowan could feel that as well, which is why while this was all happening he had begun to cultivate as well, forming a massive storm in the sky that appeared within the spider queen's domain as they fought.

Rowan began to be on the back foot as the monarch used his wings of illusion to create clones of himself that felt so real that not even he could distinguish. The battle shook the domain, and it moved with the three combatants as they battled across the stars. Rowan threw storm after storm at his targets while they battled him with Astra and bodies. Rowan's mech started to shred from the battle, only held together by the berserker's sin as his wounds accumulated. It got to a point when Empry thought he may have to step in but before he could right after the spider queen had blasted a hole through his side which caused even his true body to bleed something that had not happened since he became his soul form. His blood glittered like stars as it flowed out of his mech through various holes.

The queen saw an opportunity and three of her limbs combined into a drill-like shape as it threatened to pierce Rowan's forehead while at the same time a massive Roar sounded out and a blood orange beam of light came from behind Rowan and slammed into the limb. Suddenly Rowan heard a wing flap and next to him appeared the largest dragon he had ever seen. He could tell by the mana that it was Alaric Sol in his full dragon form. He was almost the size of a planet and the chase winters spell was just wearing off as his full body was revealed. He had two massive antlers that were solid gold and protruded from the top of his head. His fangs caused space to tremble, and his body was coated in a layer of scales that matched the earlier beam. His claws looked like they were cast from gold and they wiggled from his position.

"You think a mighty dragon would truly flee before mere insects? Rowan Raid, you insult me as your second. I will help you hold them off until help comes. I planned it with chase to strike the moment you would be overwhelmed to get us the most time the other should reach the king soon." Rowan nodded his head as Alaric motioned for him to mount his massive broad back and he complied as the battle took off once more, this time with Rowan being the one surprised that another being at the demigod level could participate in this fight other than himself.