HUSBAND! what the hell is this man spouting about! Li Jun couldn't believe what he was hearing rather he didn't want to believe it.

" Wang Wei, what did you say?" Li Jun confusedly ask hoping he heard it wrong, hoping for Wang Wei to say something else but he didn't get what he desire.

" JunJun, you have to call me husband otherwise how will others see us if we walk side by side. Others don't know our relationship yet. if your family see us together won't they accuse me of kidnapping you?" Wang Wei innocently explain but Li Jun felt something wasn't right about the situation.

' If someone walks side by side why will others consider it strange or immoral? From when did you have to be husband and wife to walk side by side?' Li Jun couldn't comprehend the logic of ancient people and was utterly dumbfounded by this nonsensical thinking.

What he didn't know was this wasn't the thinking of ancient people rather it is his husband's way of getting his way.

" Host, remember you have the task to complete. If Wang Wei didn't take you to Market then your task won't be completed. You just have to call him Husband nothing more, it isn't as if it will come true and you will be his wife for life, It is just for a while," mischievously smiling DuoDuo whispered in his mind. What Li Jun didn't know was that DuoDuo has push him into a deep pit.

Already confused and frustrated was led astray by DuoDuo's reason and nodded, " Ok, I just have to call you husband, no?"

" Umm, my wife is such an obedient person," smiling Wang Wei patted his naive JunJun's head.

" Now, JunJun, try saying, Husband," Wang Wei expectantly asked.

" Host, please say otherwise we will fail the task,"

" Husband,"

With the expectant look from Wang Wei and DuoDuo's constant pursuit he finally gave up. He timidly and reluctantly uttered the word. He has a feeling that he had just done something he won't be able to retract himself from.

Hearing his JunJun finally calling him Husband with that flushed ear and timid voice Wang Wei was over the moon. He felt like he would not worry even if he died today.

" JunJun....ah! you are so good to me," Wang Wei pinch Li Jun's face as he sighs in happiness.

" Ok, Ok don't be so dramatic and let's go," frowning Li Jun gently swat Wang Wei's playful hands.

Nodding his head Wang Wei happily agreed.

They quickly got ready and made their way to the market.

It was about an hour's walk far from their home.

Wang Wei was worried about Li Jun and insistent on taking a ride to the market. He didn't want his JunJun to suffer anymore and he was worried his fever would relapse if he walk for so long.

However, Li Jun was adamant about walking. He has just been notified by DuoDuo that he could finish his running 2km task by walking for 2 hours. And didn't want to lose such an opportunity.

" Host, If you try to run for 2km then we know Wang Wei won't let you do so I suggest you try to walk for 2 hours with him. And we may find something useful in the market," Li Jun heard DuoDuo say in his mind.

" Umm, but this damn idiot won't agree," Li Jun sulked and complain.

" You are his wife so just act like a coy wife asking to be spoilt," DuoDuo offers the solution. Li Jun frowned. He didn't want to but thinking about the possibility to get something he reluctantly did something he would have never thought he would in his entire life.

" Hubby, no one would give a ride to me and I don't want to hear any hurtful words. If I couldn't walk any longer you can just carry me," with a coy and timid voice Li Jun voiced out the reasons. He just want to go to the market he didn't want to have interaction with other villagers.

He would rather act all cute and coy in front of Wang Wei than others.

Wang Wei was astonished to be called hubby so readily agreed when he thought about carrying his JunJun in his arms. So at last, he agreed.

" We better find something useful there otherwise don't mind me making you go offline for life," Li Jun warned DuoDuo who hurriedly hide the watching drama emoji and displayed the normal face one on the screen.

Li Jun who saw what just happened grimaced but didn't argue with his system. Sometimes he thinks what he got wasn't the trading system but a director system who like to watch and made drama.

After walking for an hour they finally made it to the gate leading inside the market.

" Wow," Li Jun was astonished.

There was a continuous flow of people in the market. It was quite bigger than he imagined. He thought it would be a small area where some people would be selling things but looking at the large influx of people he knew how wrong he was.

" DuoDuo, quickly scan the small stalls here and organize the list of things that could have some use to me," Li Jun hurriedly have his system scan the area. He had the feeling that he could find something useful in this market and even if he didn't find anything he could still find the things that could be of little value to these locals but be considered of higher value to its system.

" I am into it," DuoDuo happily agreed. Even if its host hadn't said it it would have done it either way. It's finally time for it to eat. DuoDuo was starved for a long time.

Wang Wei was happy seeing his wife's sparkling eyes.

" JunJun, let's take a walk around the market. I have some money on me so if you like something don't shy away," Wang Wei took Li Jun's hands on his and gently led him inside.