Li Jun was so excited that he didn't notice their joined hands. Instead, he looked around like a kid who hadn't been to the market for many years. Though, it was somehow true too. Original hadn't been out of his house even once in his life.

As for Li Jun, he prefered online delivery to visiting markets in the past life. He couldn't remember when was the last time he went to this crowded place to buy things, so this was truly a noble experience.

As soon as they entered he saw many small stalls on either side of the pathway, however, he couldn't find any shadows of large shops.

Li's brows furrowed. He did like to browse around the small stalls but he also knew many things couldn't be found in these small stalls.

" Big shops are on the inner side of the market and only level 4 or above can enter those shops but don't worry if you want I can take you there too. I have some clients there. For now, let's browse these small stalls and see if you can find anything you want," before Li Jun asked anything Wang Wei gently explained the situation of the market and even promised to take him to the inner side of the market if he wanted anything.

After knowing the situation Li Jun didn't think much. He knew right now he didn't have the right to whine and even before he could he spoke Wang Wei had already promised him to take him there so he didn't want to think about it anymore and began to window shop.

There were varieties of small stalls. But what astonished him was not all of the shopkeepers have stalls, some are selling the things by just laying on the ground and some are at least presenting the things by placing a piece of clothes on the ground before laying the things they indeed sell.

" Wang...Ahem Husband, why are they placing things on the ground? Don't they need stalls to sell things," Li Jun hurriedly corrected himself and asked.

Being called Husband by his adorable JunJun Wang Wei was happy so he readily explain the situation, "On the outer side of the market anyone can open their stalls and sell things so these who are selling things like that are mainly the new timer seller who had just come to sell the things they had in hand."

Li Jun nodded his head and thoughtfully looked at the stalls in a new light.

If some are new sellers then they might be adventurers or mercenaries meaning they might have nothing of value but for Li Jun it is the perfect opportunity to get some benefits through it. He was even more excited to shop.

Every stall has people bargaining and buying things.

They have been looking around for a while but Li Jun didn't find anything that fancied him. DuoDuo has shown him some items that could be useful but he didn't like any of those.

" Host, host look over there. That person is selling mana gathering herb. And it has over 50 days of pure mana in it. If you trade it with me, you can buy many things From the system," they were just about to pass the small stall when he heard DuoDuo's excited voice in his head.

Mana gathering herbs are a special type of herbs that were hard to find in his past life. They gathered the mana within them to gain the enlightenment but they need at least 10000 years of mana to gain the enlightenment which is very hard to get.

Other plants also gather the mana to gain enlightenment but the mana gathered by mana gathering plants is pure and doesn't need to purify them. That was also the reason why they needed so much time to gain enlightenment while other plants that cultivate need only over 500 to 1000 years.

Li Jun pulled Wang Wei and led them to the stall, " Wang Wei, let's go there I think I found something I was looking for."

Looking at the stall and the things the vendor was selling Wang Wei's eyes were slightly diluted but he didn't say anything and quietly let his JunJun pull him.

The stall was like any other. The only thing was that the shop owner was selling things on the small cart. Maybe he was the old-timer in the market.

" Mister, what are you selling here," the vendor was quite young and good looking. Though in this world one can't judge other ages on appearance only.

" Herbs," the man curtly answered. There are only five herbs and some seeds.

" What kind of herbs are these? There seem to be some seeds too. Are you selling these seeds too?" hearing Li jun's words the vendor scrunched his nose.

He couldn't understand if this young man in front of him didn't know which herbs he was selling. Why did he bother to come here and irritate him?

He has found these herbs and seeds while hunting in the forest during his travels from place to place. He is a wanderer and the reason he set up his stall with the cart was not to be the target of prejudice of the locals.

Though he didn't know most of them he could feel the mana in these plants so he could tell they could at least gain 1 or 2 silver.

And if they could harm the buyer he had nothing to do with it as he would be long gone from this place.

" They are healing herbs. Once you take them you could heal any kind of wounds in you," the vendor spouted nonsense.

" Oh! Then tell me the price of all the herbs. I will buy all of the herbs including seeds," the man was surprised but happy. The quick he could sell them quicker he could leave, and if he could sell it to one person, it was even better. He could handle them even if they come to cause problems for him.

" Altogether, it would be 2 silver coins,"

" Ah! Are you sure?" Li Jun narrowed his eyes as he looked at the vendor.

The vendor gulped and brushed the sweat formed on his forehead as he looked at the young man.

Noticing this behaviour, Li Jun knew his guess was right. The man didn't know the price nor the actual value of these herbs.