The reason Li Jun wanted to buy all the 5 herbs was not to come as a suspicious person and startle the man. He could tell the man didn't know the importance of the herb or the names, so if he come and asked for the mana gathering plant then he could arouse suspicion. It will be far better if he could fool the man by acting like an ignorant person.

And since the vendor is gullible and didn't know the correct price not the importance of the herbs. He can bargain and lower the price. It will still be his win even if he gives 2 silver coins for all the herbs, heck! the price of the Mana gathering plant only was high maybe 100 silver coins but who told this man to not know the price and sell it here for 2 silver coins.... no, he will get it at a lower price.

The vendor was startled by the sudden question of the young man but he quickly composes himself and politely ask, " Then young man, what do you think would be the correct price? But please give me a reasonable price. I am a poor man and didn't have much to eat and live."

"You can rest assured, I will do no such things. 1 silver coin, I can offer you 1 silver coin for these herbs. It will be far more than anything you can get in this place, in exchange for these herbs" as if he could sympathise with the man Li Jun smiled and looking amiable he offered the price which was far more than the man expected.

" ....haa It is far lower than I expected but since I have urgent work to carry I will sell it to you," releasing a breath the vendor nodded his head and quickly wrapped the herbs in muslin clothes for Li Jun to carry.

Wang Wei, who was like an invisible person during the whole process quickly took out a silver coin and gave it to the vendor.

The vendor take a coin with one hand and with another, he handed the herbs and seeds.

"Well then, I will leave. I have already sold the things I had with me," without giving Li Jun to react, the vendor hurriedly pack his things and left as if he was fleeing for his life.

"Haha, Wang Wei, if he knew he was the one who was ripped by me, will his heart hurt," blinking his eyes, Li Jun asked. His eyes were full of mischievousness and pride for being able to fool the vendor who thought he had made a fortune.

"Not only will his heart hurt, but once he knew the price of the herbs, his whole being will also feel like he was on fire. He will vomit at least a litre of blood. You did great, JunJun," smiling, Wang Wei rubbed Li Jun's head.

"Ah! I wish I could witness it," Li Jun looked disappointed, but his sparkling eyes say something else.

"Let's walk around to see if we could find something worth buying," Li Jun happily grabbed Wang Wei's hand and lead him around.

Wang Wei let his cute little wife have his way.

Li Jun was so excited with his loot that he didn't notice the occasional glance Wang Wei took at his other hand that was holding herbs.

Wang Wei looked thoughtfully at his JunJun but he didn't ask anything.

Li Jun was oblivious to all this. He was a person without a mana core which means he can't hold any mana in him, so why did he need a mana-gathering plant that gathered mana within it?

And most importantly, how did he know about the mana gathering plant which existence, only the higher level alchemist knew?

If he had thought carefully Li Jun would have found there are many loopholes in his action and any person with a little brain would find his action doubtful, so why didn't his husband ask him?

Why was Wang Wei accommodating with his action?

If Li Jun wasn't high on his happiness, he would have noticed all this but he was beyond happy to notice these things.

They walk around for an hour or so but they didn't find anything worth buying.

Li Jun was tired, his whole body was leaned against Wang Wei who was worriedly looking at his stubborn wife. Wang Wei had suggested many times for him to return but Li Jun was unwilling. He wanted to look around more.

"JunJun, Let's return, for now, If you want to come to the market, I will bring you next time. It's not as if the Market was going to disappear, so don't be stubborn and return," Wang Wei persuade him in a gentle voice.

"Ok then, Let's return home," Li Jun finally gave in. Though he wasn't willing his body can't take it anymore.

Fatigue overwhelm his body, and at the moment, all he wanted was to return home and rest, however, how can things go as he wished?

Just as they decided to return, they heard someone call Wang Wei's name.

"Wang Wei? What are you doing here and who is this with you?" a voice asked from behind.

And no, it wasn't a soft and melodious voice you guys were thinking of. It was deep and hoarse. And from the voice, he could tell it was a male.

Wang Wei cursed under his breath and stiffly turn around.

The man in front of them seemed to be in his mid-twenties. Though with his hair untamed, clothes wrinkled up and a subtle beard it is hard to tell his age and moreover, due to the existence of the mana, it is impossible to assume one age.

He looked like a person who had just woken up with all the mess

However, it still didn't hide his charm and handsomeness.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in your lab?" Wang Wei irritably asked.

All the stiffness, Li Jun had seen vanished and all remained was an amiable smile.