
Initially, the county magistrate could tolerate his wife coming to make a fuss every day because he understood that she had just experienced the pain of losing her son, just as he did. However, she simply acted like a crazy woman now.

"Master… How could you!" The county magistrate's wife screamed.

However, no matter how she resisted, she was still forcefully sent back to her courtyard by her attendants.

At this moment, in a courtyard outside the capital.

The man in white listened to his subordinates report on the winter disaster in the south.

He slowly took a sip of tea and asked expressionlessly, "How's Cao Dezhi's progress?"

"He has prepared the food and slave fighters. They can be sent over there at any time."

"It's time to take action in the royal court. Let him wait a few more days. When the time comes, send more food over."