
Shen Yijia wanted to use all kinds of martial arts when Song Jingchen refused to cooperate.

However, whenever she thought about using force on him, Song Jingchen would lower his eyes and remain silent, looking like he had been wronged.

How could Shen Yijia still bear to do it? Not only could she not do it, but she also had to pat his shoulder and comfort him. "Okay, okay. Let's not practice today. Let's take it slow. You can definitely stand up. Don't be sad."

Song Jingchen hid the smile on his face and hummed softly. He looked up at Shen Yijia seriously. "You should practice your calligraphy."

Shen Yijia was speechless.

The heavens would never forgive anyone.

Back then, she had acted smart and pretended to be pitiful to deceive Song Jingchen. Now, it was time for retribution.

Song Jingchen looked at her in confusion, as if waiting for her to speak.