Lord An Le Is Unconscious, Jiajia Feels Guilty

Song Jingchen asked Mo Yuan to keep quiet, but he had no intention of hiding it.

As soon as they had breakfast, the news of a servant's strange death spread.

At the same time, news of Lord An Le's accident spread.

Early in the morning, the butler hurriedly called Doctor Fang to the main courtyard. He had yet to come out. It seemed that things were not simple.

Everyone guessed that an assassin had entered the residence and injured His Highness.

There were also people who said that Lord An Le was poisoned. The person who poisoned him was the servant who died. After harming His Highness, he committed suicide. In short, there were all kinds of rumors.

Because of this, the joy of the Hun army retreating early in the morning was suppressed.

When Shen Yijia heard this, she wished she could beat up the person spreading the rumors. Although no one mentioned her, she felt guilty, so it felt as if those rumors were directed at her.