Her Beautiful Husband Uses Poison

"The few of you can discuss the matters in the city. If you really can't decide, you can look for me. As for His Highness…"

Song Jingchen turned to look at Doctor Fang and cupped his hands. "He's in your hands, Doctor Fang."

"You flatter me. I'll do my best." Doctor Fang waved his hand repeatedly and took a few steps away in fear, not daring to accept Song Jingchen's bow. Others might not know who this person was, but how could he not know?

He was only left with his old bones now. He was really afraid that his lifespan would be shortened. After all, even His Highness was very respectful to this person and never dared to speak nonsense.

No one could help by staying here. The generals quickly bade farewell and left. Manager Wan followed them out of the residence.