New Maid

The clones continued to be created, marching towards Medusa at the speed of a zombie, but were turned to stone, and crumbled to dust, joining the piles of dust underneath.

'Ha, ha, huff...! 'How much mana does she have? They never seem to end; at this rate, I'll be the one dying.' Fear began to show, but she didn't let it take over and regained her confidence. 'No, I'll keep going; her mana should run out soon.'

Her eyes wanted to close and rest as she had been using her petrification eye for 3–4 hours continuously and if she made a single mistake, she could be the one that was either turned to stone by her own power or killed by the endless clones.

'With my mana being almost empty, shouldn't the enemy, who is just a normal A-Rank, have her mana pool dried out by now, but how is she still able to create clones of the same quantity and quality for this long?' Her eyes, which burned in pain, darted around everywhere, turning all the clones to dust. 'Unless this isn't reality and I'm in an illusion or something similar.'

A white door emerged from behind her, sucking her out of the room, where she found herself on the same throne as a pile of dust lied in front of it, but wasn't from a human, but from a snake guard that guarded the palace.

"So I was right, but what happened to them?" Medusa asked, as sorrow filled her eyes.

Medusa felt a slender hand on top of her head as the enemy leaned next to her ear. "You killed them."

Shock and disbelief filled Medusa. "Why could I ever kill my own servants? They are very loyal to me, so I would never have any reason to."

"Stop trying to deny it; you're the only one left in the room who can use petrification."

Medusa looked down in sorrow with trembling eyes. "There's no denying that I was the one who prettified them, but you are the ones who manipulated my mind to think they were clones of you."

"True, but forget about that. Your mana is dried out, and your servants should be all dead, so what are you going to do now?" asked Aurora, with a calm tone.

"I—I have nothing left, so you can kill me and that will be the end of making me your servant." Medusa expressed her despair.

A few minutes passed, during which Medusa assumed that Aurora was thinking about what she would do.

Aurora moved her hand from the top of her head to near Medusa's heart, as her hand lit up. On the other hand, Medusa closed her eyes as she wailed quietly in despair, waiting for this life to end.

She felt a sharp pain in her mind, as if something had latched onto her mind, which went away seconds later, but that was all. She didn't die, but instead was still alive.

She opened her eyes, seeing the dust on the floor of the palace, and asked, "Why didn't you kill me?"

"I first thought of killing you, but then I changed my mind. Instead, I'll make a servant contract with you since I felt pity for you and I found some uses for you," said Aurora.

Looking down again with sadness, Medusa said, "I see."

Medusa thought that Aurora's saying that she felt pity for her was a lie, since an enemy wouldn't have pity for them, making her assume the only reason she was alive and was Aurora's servant was because she had some use for her.

"Let's go, we're going to massacre any colony in the east." Aurora walked toward the exit of the palace as Medusa followed, trying not to be dragged behind.

After some thought, Medusa asked, "Mistress, are you talking about the armored giant ants?"

"Yeah, what about them?"

"How many did it say in the quest?" Medusa asked.

Aurora faced Medusa. "400+ B rank and 2 peak A-rank queen ants. Why are you asking?"

"Nothing." Medusa shook her head, hiding her grin.

"Just so you know, if I die, you'll die as well, but in a very painful death, but you'll only die that way if you try to deceive me. It's apart from the soul contract." Aurora said, giving Medusa a serious look.

A cold sweat went down Medusa's back, but she didn't say anything, so Aurora turned around and continued walking to where Amia was.

'She must be lying; there's no contract that can do that.' Medusa thought, following Aurora.