
'Now that they left, I should get going.' Aurora thought and stood up. She left the room and exited the building.

Seeing that no one was around, she hastily left the scene of the massacre, walking through the city in search of an exit to the city.

It didn't take long for her to reach the slums at the edge of the city. She walked calmly through the streets of the slums. Every once in a while, she noticed people, each wearing dirty and torn clothing, but they minded their own business, and so did Aurora.

When she was about to reach the edge of the slums, she noticed 20 men with rusty swords, hiding behind several rundown buildings. They seemed to be waiting to ambush her.

What further proved this was that the area they were in was desolated from the rest of the slums, with buildings blocking the views of witnesses.

'Even thought I detest killing humans, that's only if they are innocent. And if they are not innocent, I will not feel guilty about killing them."She thought, acting as if she hadn't noticed the bandits to make them consider her a normal, weak little girl.

Hiding from view, the bandits waited to ambush as their desires could be seen visibly on their faces.

"Boss, can we have her first? You've had the last ten girls we've captured first. It's not fair; you should share." One of the bandits, who had bucked teeth, inquired.

The boss sighed. "You know the rules. I get to pick first, and if I want her, I'll take her. You can have her once I'm finished."

"Don't hog her for too long; we also want to play with her purity." Another bandit with chipped yellow teeth and a messy beard commented.

"We should get her first. After that, we can decide who gets her first." The boss said, drawing the attention of the bandits back to their objective.

By the time they finished their bickering, the eleven-year-old girl they found had already passed by a few of the bandits and was 100 feet away from exiting the slums.

Time ticked by as they waited eagerly for the girl to reach the area they designated as the ambush spot. This made it so that when they ambushed her, she would be surrounded from all sides, leaving her no way to escape.

She finally reached the spot, prompting all twenty bandits to jump out of their hiding spots and brandish their rusty swords at the little girl.

The little girl they ambushed's face showed fear as she tried to back away, tripping on a small pebble and landing on her butt. Her body shivered in fear, but she couldn't escape from being surrounded on all sides.

Seeing that the girl had noticed that she was surrounded, the bandit with yellow, chipped teeth said, "Little girl! Surrender and we'll make sure your pretty skin isn't damaged!"

"Don't, don't hurt me." The little girl said, her face filled with fear as she tried to scoot away from them.

They continued to close in, closing the gap that was between them. Their faces held a nasty grin that revealed their true intentions.

"We aren't here to hurt you; we just want to play with you." The boss said, extending his hand to grab the girl's arm.


After hearing this, the bandits froze and looked back to see what had happened to the ones in the back. They saw large ice spikes protruding from the ground, piercing the chests of ten bandits.

"What the hell!"

They were shocked to see half of their men die within a split second, but the boss regained his composure and went back to grabbing the little girl.

When his hand was about to reach the little girl's arm, the little girl moved faster than he could react and stabbed an ice knife into his heart.

"Argh... How? Aren't you just a little girl?" The boss asked, coughing up blood. He also dropped to his knees as his face turned pale.

"You shouldn't judge me based on my looks. Now die." Aurora whispered loud enough for only him to hear.

The remaining bandits were still stuck in a daze—this made them unable to hear the grunt of their boss, who couldn't even find the strength to stand nor talk. His vision blurred as he lost consciousness and died shortly afterwards.

Not wasting any time, Aurora weaved her body through the remaining bandits, stabbing her ice dagger into lethal areas where they would die within a matter of seconds.


By the time they woke up from their daze, they were already set en route to die, with their lethal injuries being unable to be healed in the time they had before death.

Once they were dead, Aurora was informed that humans also had mana stones. Males had them in their hearts, while females had them in their abdomens. She searched their hearts for mana stones and found eighteen E-Rank mana stones and two D-Rank mana stones.

She stored them in her inventory and left the scene, leaving twenty bandit corpses behind.

She checked her status on the way.

[Name: Aurora (Weakened)]

[Race: Demi Goddess, Succubus Empress, Snow Girl]

[Sex: Female]

[Titles: First Universe Tier, Daughter of Chaos and Order, Empress of Lust, Submissive, Sex Demon Slayer, Creator of Neko Succubus, Incubus Genocider, Incester, Brutal Killer, Monster Genocider, Diligent Worker, Lazy Ass, Empress of Sloth, Empress of Diligence, Gorgan Servant Slayer, Ant Genocider, Guild Master Of The Moonlight Guild, Last Snow Girl, Advanced Monster (602/1000 Humans Killed, Merciful)

[All stats will be reset until the host finishes the quest]

[Level: 36-42]

[HP: 1,700/1,700 (True Value 1 Billion)]

[MP: 2,210/2,350 (True Value 10 Billion)]

[SE: 1,992,050/1,992,050 (Locked)]

[STR: 33-40]

[VIT: 33-40]

[INT: 60-67]

AGI: 49-56]

[DEX: 38-45]

[DEF: 34-41]

[CHA: 2,002,084 (Locked)]

[Unassigned Stat Points: 42-0]

[Balance: 42.46 Million USD]