An Overkill

Perched under the canopies of the trees, Aurora laid her eyes down upon the city, flourishing with life. The city seemed peaceful as children ran and played with each other while the adults worked or watched their children play.

To Aurora, this felt more like a human city than a city filled ogres, but even so, she'll have to end that peace by slaughtering them. She neither did it for sadistic desire or hating them, it was just that she needed to kill them for her quest.

'Why does this always lead me to killing those who are innocent? They are monsters, but they seem more human than some humans I've seen.' A tear ran down her cheek. She couldn't suppress it completely.

Wiping the tear from her cheek, she suppressed her sadness and guilt into a small corner of her heart. Her thoughts shifted to her and what needed to be done as her face turned as cold as ice.

Leaping down from the tree, she began her next course of action.


The sun shone down on a large open area away from the canopy of the trees—this opening housed the ogres' city, where they lived peacefully. At the edge of the city, there was a wall that surrounded the city with two gates, each on opposite sides, with one to the north and the other to the south.

Ogre Guards stood perched on top of the walls, wielding weapons such as spears, bows, etc. Some even had wooden staffs. One of the guards who stood at the northern gate spotted a figure approaching within his peripheral vision.

Turning his head to get a better look, he saw a pretty female ogre with black hair that ran down her back and eyes as beautiful as jewels. She donned a blue tattered dress, which covered her entire body.

'What a beauty.' He couldn't pull his eyes away from her as she limped closer, seeming to be injured. In fact, he was amazed by her beauty.

By the time he came out of his daze, the female ogre had already arrived in front of the gate.

"You, you, you're so beautiful." He muttered a little too loudly.

"T-thanks." The female ogre spoke, her voice as lovely as a goddess. Her cheeks flushed with a small pink hue.

"O-oh, I'm sorry. I said that out loud, didn't I?" The ogre's face blushed red in embarrassment upon realizing his mistake. "Ahem, sorry for my rudeness. What have you come to this city for?"

"I've come to live here as a resident. My town was destroyed by a raid by lizardmen. They slaughtered my entire f-family." Her voice revealed a heavy sense of grief that brushed against the ogre's heart.

"I'm sorry for your loss. I'll open the gates and get you registered right away."

He left his post, and a few moments later, the gate opened, revealing the ogre guard. Walking through the gate, the female ogre followed after him.

They soon arrived at a wooden building not far from the gate. They entered and shut the door behind them.

They were now in what looked like an office or interrogation room, a wooden table with chairs on either side in the center of the room. Against the wall at the back of the room were shelves filled with a multitude of things, along with another closed door to the right of the shelves.

""Stay there, I'll get your registration form." He walked up to the door. His steps seemed to have a little jump in them as he seemed joyful.


He opened the door and entered, quickly leaving away from the female ogre visions.

'Being called beautiful by him as he had that look in his eyes made me uncomfortable. I'm glad I didn't break my cover.' The female ogre thought, her eyes looking in the direction she had seen him leave.

The female ogre was Aurora. She had used Cold Illusions to give herself the form of a female ogre. As an A-Rank, her illusions were so realistic that it was impossible to tell if they were real or not unless you were above A-Rank. With there only being one S-Rank, which she concluded based on the Onis words, made her infiltration easy with there being a low chance of confronting the queen.

Exiting the room, he came out with a wooden token, along with a map, which seemed to be made of animal skin.

"Everything is set. All you need to do is engrave your name onto the wooden token, and then you'll officially become a resident of this city." He looked at her, smiling. "As for your residence, I'll pay for it."

His blush formed on his cheeks as his eyes told him everything going on in his head.

'Tsk, disgusting.'

She found it hard not to lash out and kill him. She hesitantly said, "What can I do for you to show my gratitude?"

Her face blushed red as she fidgeted with her fingers. In truth, she wasn't blushing from being shy or embarrassed, but from her anger.

Of course, the ogre didn't know of this as it was well-hidden by her actions. He believed she was embarrassed as well as shy.

"How about you… Can you come over to my house? We can have dinner and hang out for the night." His face turned redder, indicating he had dirty thoughts on his mind.

'That's it...'

Stomping down, she flickered in front of him as she made eye contact with him.

Sensing danger, the man attempted to move back, but it was too late.

"Your life ends here." Aurora smiled as a flicker of blue light could be seen in her eyes.

Feeling his body freeze up, the ogre watched as his body began to freeze, turning into pitch black.

"Why di..." His entire body was frozen before he could finish. His body had turned pitch black.

Kicking his body, it shattered into thousands of pieces of ice.

'That might've been overkill.'

Leaving that aside, she grabbed the map and left the scene, scurrying into the crowd of ogres.