CHAPTER 5.....

Asher Lee laid on his bed unable to sleep,he kept on thinking about what had happened between him and that mysterious girl who had forcefully kissed him.And that got him thinking why he didn't push her away but instead he kissed her.

"AGHH!!".He ruffles his hair in rage and sat up.

His phone suddenly rings and he quickly answered."What the heck do you want sis?If you and mother are trying to fix me up with another weird lady just disconnect the call,I already have a stupid fiancee which your father has already arranged for me-".

"One,he's your father too.Two,I didn't call for you to go on a blind date YET.Four,am inviting you to my Boyfriend's birthday".

"You skipped three idiot".He laughs.

"Whatever,you coming or not!".She snaps.

"Fine,I want to see who the unlucky guy is".He chuckles.

Selena his elder sister huffs."Always finding ways to annoy me,I will send to you the place and time".She said in a feign outrage and disconnect the call.

"Bye".He laughs and stood up to his feet and decided to go and freshen up.

Trina grumbles on hearing a knock on her door."Gosh!Who is knocking at my door so early in the morning".She stood up and head towards the door.

Gowon barge in and closes it behind her back."If you know how to sneak into someone's house why did you knock?".Trina snaps and lowered herself on her couch.

"Just felt like knocking...anyways,I came to tell you to attend my brother's friend birthday,gosh!rich people are so boring,couldn't they celebrate it in a club with crazy music and a lot of crazy things".

"Excuse me,am a little offended".

Gowon let out a mockery laugh."Offended?Darling you're no longer rich again,welcome to the average peoples lives or should I say peasants".Gowon stood up."I will send the address to you".

"If you don't wish to go then why do you bother?".

"I was threatened by my brother".Gowon confessed."I got to run,see you at the party".She says and left .

As soon as Gowon shut the door behind her,Trina sprung to her feet and dash into the bathroom.

She got herself dressed into an off the shoulder lace dress and a white sneakers to go with it.She grabs her bag and walk out of her apartment closing the door behind her.

On her way to the bus station,she stopped by at a flower shop.

She picks up a daisy and inhale the pleasant smell."Beautiful.Miss I will have this,how much?".

"Give her a bunch I will pay".Aiden instruct the florist before reaching into his pocket for his wallet.

Trina threw him a dirty look before speaking hoarsely."Don't bother,I don't like it anymore".With a huff,she made an escape from him but he held her back before she could go any further.

"Trina,let's talk,I can explain.Let's go somewhere and talk,please".His touch on her skin sent an electrifying shock down her arms.

"A you can see am going out".She stammer nervously and took a step back creating a distance between them."I hope you don't approach me again".With that she walked out on him.

Trina entered the bus and took an empty seat beside the window and rested her head against it as a tear fell from her left eyes."Gosh!why do dust keep entering my ear".She uses her hanky and dab her eyes dry,clean her face then she applies a tint of red lipstick on her lips.

Her attention was suddenly caught by the stranger who she had kissed couple days ago."Blast".She cursed."What to do....".Immediately she uses her handbag to hid her face.

With an annoying smile,he made his way to an empty seat beside her."Why you hiding from me,Miss.Pervert?".He asked as his excitement rides in his eyes.

"P....M..Miss Pervert?".Her eyes widens like an owl causing him to laugh.

"What possible name could be given to someone who forcefully kissed someone to avoid unwanted suitors?".

"Am sorry but am not a pervert you are.why did you have to kiss me that way".She half whispers.

"Playing along.if I didn't play along he would certainly though it was a sham,FYI,you stinks at kissing".

Trina face flare up."You!".

"Maybe".He leaned forward to her that she had to recline her back against the window trying to avoid contact with him.

He was so close to him that she picked up his sweet boyish scent."I could teach you".He suggested.

"Pervert!".She screamed as her hands went to her lips.

He giggles and pulled away."I should be the one shielding my lips from you,dum dum".He rested his back and plug his earphones to his ear.

Trina moved away from the window and sat properly.

Minutes passes but they still hasn't reach their destination.Thankfully the idiot beside her didn't tease her again.

She shifted her gaze to his direction to only find him asleep.

If she said he wasn't beautifully made from a special clay then she lied.Then she took her time and studied his face.

He was indeed a remarkably good-looking man with messy silver hair that fell over his face,perfect chin,nose and kissable lips.

"Have you seen enough?".She heard him ask causing her to jump like a startled cat.

"I...I...I.".She felt blood rushing up to her cheek.'This man could really make one die from embarrassment'.

She felt his unusual violet eyes penetrating into hers.

"You what?".His brows raised high in question.

Before she could talk,luckily,the bus finally reached its destination.

"We're here everyone.Pay before you leave".The driver announces.

Trina reached into her handbag but her purse was no where to be found.

She smacked her hand on her hand."Damn it".

Asher glance back to see the girl worried and he couldn't help in asking."Aren't you coming".

"Pay!".The driver demanded.

"".Her lips then pull up into a sly smile and she tug her hand with Asher's."My dear boyfriend will pay,right honey?".She looked up at Asher who was dumbfounded.