Asher pinched the bridge of his nose.'This girl'.She was going to drive him crazy."Yes I will pay" He reached into his pocket and brought out the fees and handed it to the driver.

Once Asher and Trina step out of the bus,Asher swat his hand away.

"I forgot my money purse at home that's why I couldn't pay.Here".She handed her phone to him as he does the same."Give me your number and account number".

"Are you indirectly asking for my number?'.He laughs when she refuse to answer.He handed her phone to her as she gave him his.

"I will give you a call and remind you of my fees-".


He laughs harder on seeing the funny look on her face."See you later,sweetheart".He winked and started walking away.

"Hey!Why did write such in my phone!!".She yells but he was long gone.

"Hey!what you doing standing there?".Gowon appears.

"If am certain,you specifically told me it was a birthday party not a club".

Gowon spins around showing off her bad boy looks."If the party can't give me craziness then I have to bring it to the party".She squeal in excitement."Am such a genius".

Trina chokes on hearing her comment.

"Genius?".Trina gave a sardonic laugh that made Gowon burst into laughter.

"Says the dimwit that often carries the whole class over her head-".

"Gowon!".Trina harumph.

"I do wonder how you passed the exams and ended up in marketing class".Gowon laughs harder.

"I too wonder that,let's go in".And Gowon couldn't help but agree more.

Once they both step into the event hall their mouth dropped open.

"This place is paradise".Gowon commented.

Trina agrees not until she spotted Nike making his way towards them.

She grunts."Not when Nike is here".

Gowon also spotted Nike and frown."What do you want?".

"Our two goddess are here,am so blessed,since Trina has no date then am all yours".

"Am her date".Gowon flatly gave him a reply.

"Eww,are you two really dating?".

"Listen weirdo,it's clearly my friend despise you,she can never like someone like you,this life or next .So take your dirty self and get out!".Nike face went sour by her words and he storm off.

"Gosh!I hate him".Gowon exclaims.

"Ow!cupcakes".Trina picks one and took a big bite from it." did your brother meet with such wealthy friend".

Gowon handed a napkin to her before answering."Don't care".She shrugs."All I care for is Selena Lee,she's the girlfriend of my brother's friend,she's the world greatest fashionista".She kept talking,feeling excited."Am going to look for brother and press him to take me to Selena,you coming?".

"Nay!".She uses the napkin to clean her mouth before picking another cake."I will stay here and eat more cakes,see you later".

"Suit yourself".With that she walked away.

As soon as Gowon left,Nike appears.

"Don't tell me my friend scares you".She laughs.

"She's crazy".He admits.

She frowns."Watch the way you speak about Gowon.What do you want?".She asked,questioning his presence.

"I reasoned you have no boyfriend".He plainly say not daring to beat around the bush.

Hatred and Disdain rides in her eyes."Didn't I prove that to you!".She retorts.

"Do you really know who he is?".He scoffed."Am sure he scolded you-".

"why on earth would I scold my girl?".They both heard Asher say.

Instantly his hand appeared on Trina slender waist taking her off guard.

Trina entire body stiffens underneath his touch.

"It looks like I have a rival,right".His smiled.His strange smile made Nike to shudder.

"You can't be her boyfriend.I won't let that happen".He promised and storms off.

"Thank.....".Her voice fades off as Asher leans closer to her that made her heart beat faster than normal.

'Was he asking for another kiss,again?'.This man is just so shameless.

Regardless,she still find herself unwilling closing her eyes and pushing her lips up for a kiss.

But nothing came,all she felt was his finger on her lips.

She open her eyes to find him giving her the most annoying smile she had ever seen.

"Cake icing on your lips,I helped to wipe it off,you're welcomed".He grins,showing off his teeth.

Trina bit her lower lips upset at herself. 'Gosh!she felt so embarrassed at herself''.Why was she thinking of kissing him again when he had no intention of'.He would think she was nothing but cheap.

"Thinking about how beautiful I am?".And he gave her an annoying smile that peeved her and she couldn't help but rolled her eyes at him.

'Why was all the man in her life so annoying and arrogant'.

"I wonder why I derive joy from teasing you.Or is it because have never met someone as dumb as you".He tilt his head at her.

"You're such a nuisance!".She admits.She pick up another cupcake and took a bite.

Asher lips pulled into a subconscious smile as he watched her eating.

He couldn't deny the fact she looked so cute and childishness and how naive she was made her fun to be with.

This was possibly the first time in ages that a girl attract him.

"Do you want a bite?".He heard her ask,bringing the cake up to his lips.


"Then stop staring at me.Just give it a try".

He shook his head."I don't like cakes".And he pushed her away creating a distance between them.

"Everyone luuuurves cakes,you're so weird,weird,weird".She sang and then she stagger backwards but he caught her before she fell.

"Don't tell me you're high on sugar dumdum?how many cake did you eat?"

"Five...Six...or maybe Eight".She giggles."Am fine,no need to worry".

"Won't it hurt during your period-".Trina silenced him by covering his mouth with her hand.

"Hey!You don't say that to a girl,it's embarrassing.You pervert!So annoying".

"Whatever dum dum".He deadpan.

"My name isn't dumdum".She corrected."I have a name".

He smiles."And?".

"Katrina but most people calls me Trina".

"Trina".He pronounced so softly 'Three-na'.that she fell for it."Nice name".

"Thanks,what about you?".

He chuckles. "Secret".He snickers.

"Jerk!!".She harumph and walk away.

"And who is that?".Selena chimed in."Your girlfriend".

"No one".He replied yet his eyes

was still locked on the retreating silhouette.

Selena follows his gaze and secretly smile then pick up two glasses of champagne and handed one to him.

"Thanks,why aren't you with Mr.Lover boy".He took a sip of his drink.

"When Kelvin told me you excused yourself while you two were still talking I decided to see where you were going or who you went to meet.She's your girlfriend right?".She cocked her brows.

"No".He took another sip."Bring her over for dinner tomorrow, I need to call mom".She giggle and walk away as Asher follows.

"Don't you dare".He utters through gritted teeth.