Gowon walks into her family store and slouched to the counter where her mother was stationed. "Hey,Mom....You!".

"What are you doing here?".Her cute new neighbor asked coldly,glaring at her.

Gowon folds her arms and chuckles."I should be asking you that,don't you know this is my parent's store,you silly nerd.What are you drawing?".Her gaze adverts to the book in his hands and she yanked it from him.

"Give me back!".He cries out as he tries to get it back.

He suddenly pins her to the wall.

Gowon eyes popped open as her heart raced.

They were just so close that she could inhale the intoxicating scent of his.

She quickly pushed him away and slam him against the wall and place her hand over his head.

"G..G..Give me back my drawing book".He stutters,his voice cracking as he blushes.

"I would if you tell me your name".She offered.


"HEY!!Gowon what are you doing to that poor boy?".Her mother su yells and shove Gowon away and spank her.

"Ouch!Mama".Gowon frowns.

"Here".Su shoved a lunch box into her hand."Hurry,go and give that to Katrina,the poor soul must be starving".

Gowon narrows her eyes."Geez Mama,its just 5pm stop exaggerating!".She scowl at her and exit the store.

Teddy,her cute new neighbor placed his hand on his chest and sigh."Why is my heart beating this fast".

Gowon hop down from her bike,took off her helmet and made her way towards Trina's apartment.

She barge into her house as always."I thought you would be asleep".

"I couldn't sleep,my stomach aches.I won't eat cake again".She declares.


"Whatever,am in the bathroom".Trina stood up and pads her feet towards the bathroom.

While she took her bath,Gowon set up the table,suddenly Trina's phone rings.

"Who's calling?".Asked Trina,walking out of the bathroom with a small towel she use in drying her hair.

"Emm...Er...Miss pervert kissing practice man???-".

"I don't know...".She suddenly stops trying to remember.Her eyes went wide as realization hits her pretty hard.

And she quickly yanked it and answered."What,what,what,what do you want??".

"How nice of you to greet me in such manner....and a good day to you,Miss.Katrina".The way he called her name made her heart skip a bit and she close her eyes calming her heart.

"Why did you call when you haven't even send your account?".

"Help".He paused."I need your assistance...My sister caught me with you and assume you're my girlfriend so?I want you to act as if you're my girlfriend just for tonight,huh?".He asked,through the phone.

"I can't help you".She refuses."Find someone else".And she was about to disconnect the call but stop when she heard him say.

"$7000.I will pay you to act as my girlfriend only for tonight and I won't ask for the bus fee.What do you think?".

Gowon whom ear was pressed to the phone eyes widens on hearing such amount nods her head viciously.

"No!".Trina reply as Gowon gave her a look of disapproval.

"I wonder why I bother to ask you when you're indebted to me.Let's see,first you steal a kiss from me.Two claimed to be my girlfriend twice and I paid for your ride.Isn't that way bigger than my request,huh Miss.Pervert?".,Gowon held her mouth to suppress her laughter as Trina pushes her away.

"Get dressed and send me your address I will pick you up".Immediately he hangs up before she could reply him.

"Miss Pervert".Gowon laughs harder."Please enlighten me about this interesting man and don't miss out on the kissing and girlfriend part".Gowon said as Trina smack her hand on her head.

After his bath,Asher got himself dressed into a classic buttoned long sleeve shirt leaving his upper button open revealing his hardened chest fitted with a white ripped trouser and a red sneakers.

He grab his car keys and head to where his Ferrari was parked,he entered and turn the engine and drove off to Trina's apartment.

He caught sight of her patiently waiting for him and he halts his car beside her.

"Nice car".She complimented and enter into his car.

He started the ignition and drove off heading to the Lee's Palace."So tell me about your mom".She started,trying to strike a conversation with him.

"She's pretty,nice,too friendly and trust people a lot".

"You don't trust people that easily right?".Asher held her gaze for a long time causing her heart to thrum loudly in her chest.

"No".He finally replied but still kept his eyes on her.

He then made a turn into Heaven's Gate and stopped at an enchanting,gorgeous and eye catching castle.

"Wow!is this where you live?".She asked.

She suddenly flinch as she felt his hands on hers."W..w..what are you doing?".She stammer nervously.

"Helping you take off your seatbelt".He bestow a charming smile on her.

'Was he flirting or teasing her'.She placed her hand against his chest and pushed him backwards.

She pull off her seatbelt and came out of the car."S..Stop all this?".

"What?".He gave her a innocuous smile.

"Quit this mushy act towards me".

He was curious to find out what she actually meant.