Trina clenched her hands to her mini shirt nervously as Asher took few steps to her.

Trina moves back avoiding him as her back collides with his car."W....What!".

"Explain dumdum".He requested.

"You're acting sappy".He leans closer as she felt his hot breath on hers.

"Sappy?Can you be more logical?".

Before Trina opens her mouth to explain further luckily someone interrupts.

"Asher!!".His mother,Cynthia calls."What are you two lovers doing".She grins.

Asher quickly took a step back from Trina and rub the nape of his neck."You should have given us some time to finish what you think we're doing?".He winks at Trina before embracing his mother.

Trina quickly composed herself and approached his mother.

Her eyes lashes flicked up and down checking her out.She had to admit his mother was too young for her age.

She's a very beautiful woman with unusual violet,paled pink lips,sleek silver hair and perfect figure.

Asher was a complete replica of her,they were both epitome of beauty.

"Asher is she your girlfriend?'.She heard Cynthia say wanting to confirm.

'Asher'.So that's what he's called.

"You must be Asher girlfriend right?".Her angelic voice snapped her from her daydreaming.

"Oh,yes..yes,let me introduce myself am Katrina.You must be this punk's mother.You're too sweet to be his mother".Cynthia laughs and swept her into her motherly arms where Trina felt warmth.

"Let's go in Katty".And she led her into her home.

Trina's mouth was an open 'O' once they step into the palace.

She was certain Asher's family were bastardly rich with the way diamond glitters from every corner.Even Owens family was nowhere near their financial status.

"Is this my sister in law?".Selena made her way towards them grinking from ear to ear.

Trina had to applaud Cynthia for bringing into the world such perfect children.

Selena was a goddess even her couldn't be compared,she had the perfect body,snakelike waist every men would die for,to top it all she was attractive,sexy and had the most beautiful curly peach hair."I have being excited to see you,come seat"She showed her to the dining area and they all sat down.

Trina lean next to Asher and whispered."If there was a thing called the award given to a mother for bringing in perfect children your mother will surely be the one to receive it,I assure you".

Asher pushes her away from him."You're breathing into my ear!".He said,making a irritating expression.

Trina was about to retort but her lips automatically sealed up as the servants brought in different varieties of foods.

Asher laughs over seeing her drooling over the food.

Trina gulps her saliva as she stared at the appealing dishes before her.

Her stomach made a rumbling sound causing everyone in the room to laugh.

They all decided to dig in and they served themselves,chatted and laugh.

And finally for a long she felt like she truly belong here.

"Yummy,this is so delicious,can I have another plate".She asked,twirling the last string of spaghetti with her fork and eats it.

"Of course--".

"Don't mom,gosh!such a glutton,you just ate three plates.Where does it all go in".Asher snaps.

"A place called My stomach idiot!".

"Miss dummy,I think you need to stop consuming every single food you see.Pig!".He spat.

"You're such a nuisance-".

"Whatever".He hissed.

He squint his eyes at Trina who picked up a glass of red wine and gulps it down.

"Do you guys live together".Selena question made Trina choke on her drink.

She coughs as Asher took the glass of wine and replace it with a glass of fresh juice.

"You're not suitable to take wine if you can easily be high on sugar than you have a low alcohol tolerance-".

"Asher".She half whispered.

"Listen to me".He brush her hair off her face" Your boyfriend know best".And tucks it behind her ear.

"Awwn,you two makes me so jealous".Selena giggles.

Trina held the glass of juice and gulps it down as her cheek turns red.

"Flirt".She whispered to him and he chuckles.

Selena and Asher chatted down floor while Cynthia excused herself and took Trina to the 4th floor through elevator and she was greatly amazed.

"Er..Aunt Cynthia".

"Call me mom".She quickly say.


Her lips quivers before smiling stupidly."Where is your husband?"

"We divorced years ago,he lives separately.What about your father?"

"Dead".She whispered.

"Oh,am sorry,I shouldn't have asked,am sorry".She was quick to apologize.

The elevator stops and open and they both came out as Cynthia led her to her room.

"You don't need to apologize".

Cynthia didn't fail to notice her voice was filled with agony."Come along dear".She opens the door and shut it behind them."I would like to hand over something to you".She opened a silver jewel case and brought out a gem necklace."Here".

"Whoa!This is rare".Trina shook her head in refusal."Am sorry but I can't take this".

Cynthia took her hand into hers and gave her a warm smile."I have always wanted to give this to the person my son loves,you see he has been through a lot. Don't refuse,you deserve it". 'Can't she be a little stingy with this love she was receiving from both Cynthia and Selena,although she didn't want it to end,it has to end one day since she wasn't Asher's real girlfriend,she was just fake.

She nods."I do deserve it".

Cynthia face lights up and she moved forward,pull her hair up and hook the necklace around her neck and let her hair fall over her shoulder.

"It beautiful".Trina was hypnotized by it beauty.

"Especially on you".Cynthia stroke her head gently.

Hot tears started to form in her eyes.'Is this what motherly love truly felt like then for the first time she envied Vera'.

"Katty,are you okay".Concern was written all over Cynthia's face.

Trina burst into an uncontrollable cry as Cynthia arms protectively wrap around her,comforting her.

"".She Said with cracking voice.,"Your welcome".

"Can I come over here again with and without Asher?".She secretly crossed her fingers behind her back hoping and praying she says yes.

Cynthia nods."Of course why not,you're part of this family already,if you feel tired,hungry,lonely,sad just come over,your family has your back".She assured het.

Trina lips broke into a sad smile."Thanks mother".

And finally she had someone she could call mother that truly behave like one.