Gowon was surprised to see Trina happily dressed for school."It looks like someone woke up at the right side of the bed".She nudged Trina."So how was the diner?".

Trina shrugged."It was good".She smiled and arrange her note books into her bag.

Gowon looked at Trina who was dressed in a sexy outfit,her hair neatly curled and had her hair fallen over her shoulder.

Trina applies her a tint of cherry gloss across her lips and whirl in circle."How do I look?".

"Dressed to kill...are you meeting up with that dude again".Her brow rose high in question.

Trina hangs her bag over her shoulder,saying."Asher.His name is Asher".She corrected.

"Aw!Don't tell me you like him already?".She teases following Trina out of her apartment.

Trina wait behind to lock her door before hurrying her pace to meet up with Gowon.

"I got you a bicycle".Gowon says approaching the pink bicycle.

"Aww,Gowon!When did you become so sweet".She embraces her. "I love you-".

"Eww!get off me".She gently push her away."Go,go,before I puke.Get lost!".She push her away."Go to school before you're late".

Trina blew her a kiss then got on her bicycle and rode off.

As soon Trina was out of her sight,Gowon broke into a smile before wandering off to the convenience store.

Trina made a turn into the school parking spot and park her bicycle there.

As she walks into the school building she sighted Vera and her group of parasite bullying Gowon's cute neighbor.

"Get me and my friends a cup of latte.Now!".She said harshly.

"No!".Teddy whispered but she she still heard what he had said.

"Don't like to repeat myself.Get.Me.A.Cup.Of-".

"Latte?".Vera heard Trina ask holding a cup of latte in her hand."Then take!".She smirks and spill the whole content on Vera's cloth.

"TRINA!!!".Vera voice echoed through out the entire hallway gaining attention from other students.

"What?You wanted coffee and I gave you what you asked for.What wrong have I done?".She gave her a harmless smile.

"What's so wrong in sending my junior on an errand?".Vera says softly when she noticed everyone eyes on them.

"Just because you're our senior doesn't mean we should be your servants!!".She retort back before shifting her deadly gaze to her friends."If you want more latte,I would be happy to give you,senior".The word' Senior' carried mockery in it.

She smirk before dragging Ted with her.

..The School Cafeteria...

Trina placed two plates containing French fries and two cup of latte on the table.

"One for me and one for you".She placed Ted's own before him and took her seat.

"Thanks...what you did back there was so brave".He looked up to her in admiration.

"Nay!Am sure Gowon would've knocked off her teeth so that she would never be able to drink again".

Teddy giggles. "I hate myself.....I hate being this cute,too innocent and nice".

"Me too".She agrees and they both sigh and drank their coffee.

"Why does Gowon hate me?".He blurt out those words before he could hold back."Gown is your bestfriend right?The girl that loves bullying me".

"She bullies people she loves.That gangster".Trina quickly stops on seeing his red face."N..Not love...I meant friends. ..She teases people she wants as friend,everyone has his or her personality but if you get to know her,she's really sweet".She munched on her French fries."So what's your name?".

"Please don't tell her".She heard him say.Trina need not to be told he was speaking of Gowon.

Toying with his fingers,he half whisper. "Teddy".

"Teddy,it's a nice name you shouldn't which department?".

"Art....what about you?".He asked and sips his coffee.

"Marketing".Soon they found themselves chatting like old friends.

And when the bell rang indicating it was time for class,they were sad to leave eachothers company.

"See you later,hope you enjoy yours".He wished.

"Am actually going to the senior's class,they're gonna assign my school mentor to me".She informs.

Ted nods and waved her goodbye.

"And who was that?".Aiden voice chime in as he made his presence known.

Trina could hear a hint of anger and jealous but she didn't care any less.

"What do you care!".She said scornfully and brush past him but he yanked her back.

"Answer me!!".He yells.

Feeling irritated by his reaction she retorts."I have no right to answer you,Aiden.Didn't you leave me for Vera?When your relatives and mine agreed for you to be re-engaged to Vera I decided to let you go-".

"Let me explain".

"Let go of me!".She struggles for him to let go but he was reluctant to do so.

"You still love me Trina,your heart still beats for me-".

Trina shook her head,convincing him and herself she doesn't."I don't. ...I hate you".

Aiden knew it was all a lie,he was at least glad her heart still beats for him.

Letting his emotions take full control of him,he suddenly slammed her against the wall and let his mouth do the talking.

Trina missed him,his pleasant smell,his cologne, his touch and his lips but she wasn't too cheap to go back to someone who broke her heart into pieces.

Trina gathered all courage and shoved him away from her.

"Don't.Don't ever come close to me!" With that she flew away leaving Aiden speechless.