Mr.Ferguson walked into the 4th year student classroom along with 2nd year transferred students."Goodmorning class".Mr.Ferguson greeted and the student responded cheerfully."By now,you already know why i am here".

"To appoint our top students to the mentor".The students chorus.

"Correct,the transferred students will be handed to the appointed top student to monitor them and get them attached to our school laws,environment and most importantly in their academics".Mr.Ferguson explains further.

Vera smiles and uses her finger to brush her hair.She already knew she was going to be appointed.

All she wishes was to be Trina's mentor and deals with her.

The thought made her smile shyly.'Why the heck wasn't she here yet.And where is Aiden?She hoped they didn't bump into eachother'.

"Alright,let's call our top students.Mr.Reuben,Miss.Casey,Miss Vera".

Vera smiles and proudly walk her way down to where Mr.Ferguson stood.

"Mr.Aiden and our etiquette,well mannered,intelligent student,Mr.Asher".

"Am here,sorry am late".Asher steps in as the girls gasps.

Everyday that passes their young prince looks more charming and breathtaking and they couldn't still get enough of it.

This time around he was rocking a dark blue crazy jeans with creamy sweat shirt that covers his entire hands and a black boot.

"Prince Asher,please stand over here".Mr.Ferguson points an empty space next to Vera.

Vera heart beats harder with every step he took towards her .

His unusual violet eyes that often attracts her landed on her as his extremely long lashes flick up and down."Excuse me".And he stood next to her.

Few minutes later Aiden walks in and stood next to Vera causing Asher to take a step aside.

Vera glared at Aiden."Why you coming just now!".She snapped,unleashing her anger on him for separating Asher away from her.

"Restroom".He threw her an apologetic smile.

"Now it's time for the transferred students to choose their mentor".Mr.Ferguson said.

Asher whirl around in search of Trina.'Wasn't she a transferred student or did she actually actually passed her exams for all he knew she was dumb'.

"Where is the first student?".Mr.Ferguson asked.

"Outside I guess".One of the transferred student guessed.

Mr.Ferguson walks outside the class to find her.

The two transferred girls hoped to have Asher as their mentor,all they wished for was that the first candidate should not choose him,their beloved Prince.

"Hey!Am going already Mr.Ferguson".Trina hobbles her way into the classroom as all eyes fell on her making her feel smile.

She adjusted her bag and frown at him."Mr.Ferguson,you don't need to be harsh on me,you should treat me kindly I was once your student in my highschool-".

"An annoying one!"He said with a hint of disdain in his voice.

Asher pinches the bridge of his nose and shook his head."Dum dum".He mumbles.

"Choose your mentor Katina-".

"Katrina".She corrected as Mr.Ferguson waved his hand in boredom.

Not bothering herself to choose,she look up at the top five students and pointed."Asher".She deadpan.

The girls gasps in shock.'Who was this strange girl calling their Prince Asher without respect' .

They threw her dirty glares as she hopped towards Asher paying no attention to those green eyes.

She stood beside Asher and held his arms,smiling.

The girls exclaims in horror on seeing what she just did.Even the teachers needed permission to touch his possession but this average girl just held his arm and he didn't even budge.

"Am I safe?".She looked up at Asher who had a mischievous smile on his face.

"Not at all especially from me".He chuckles."What a first impression you made on your first everybody envious you".

She shrugs. "Why would they?I did nothing wrong...or did i".She said,going through her memory checking if she did.

Asher click his tongue and said to himself. "Ignorant girl".Doesn't she know who he was,he was everywhere,the television,the billboard,internets'.He sighed.

"You will figure it in no time".He said,a sly smile forming on her kissable lips" Be a doll and go to your class,meet me at the school's garden,I will show you around".He pat her on the head.

She scoffed.'Shameless'.She walks out from the class and sighted Ted who happily waved at her.

"You have become quite famous".

"What???".Her dark brows scrunch together in confusion.

"I heard that Prince Asher is your mentor".He started.

"Prince Asher?".She burst into laughter. "When did that jerk become a prince?".

"You know him?".He asked astonished. "Yeah,his my fake...I mean mentor,yes,my mentor. ...but why did you have to call him a Prince?".

"You don't know him?".He inquiries and she nods.

"Everyone knows Asher Lee....his the youngest richest millionaire in the world, a model,a pianist,a business man who owns Lee enterprise international and Lee A entertainment,his sister Selena Lee is the world greatest designer,his mother Cynthia Anton is a broadcaster and his father Kim Lee is the world richest billionaire".Ted leans in and whispered."I doubt he is again,I heard his going bankrupt".

Trina mouth dropped open.All this time,she was in the midst of billionaires and even had the guts to kiss and mock a prince indeed,she even dined with them.

She often claims her family was wealthy but they couldn't be compared to a 23years millionaire who had achieved such at this age.

'So what the fuck was he still doing here in school'.No wonder girls glared at her.

"Thanks for the info,my mentor awaits me".

"Alright bye...I will head home".Ted says and walks away as she headed to the garden in search of Asher.

"Hey Prince Asher".She quickly ran to meet up with him."Why didn't you tell me you're a millionaire".

He bestow a delightful smile that made her heart sink."I knew you will figure it out,come out let me show you around".He suggested and she agrees.

"But why didn't you tell're even a pianist,you didn't tell me".

"Cause I don't trust you enough".He answered bluntly.

There was a hint of pain in her eyes hearing those words.

She wanted him to trust her,confined in her when his sad,troubled and depends on her but it was going to be a lot of months for that to happen.

She took a deep breath as Asher glance at her and asked."Are you alright?".

"No,how will I make girlfriend if girls envy me and how will boys flirt with me if you're always around me-".

"You pervert!".He smack her head."Is that all you think about?".He shook his head."Dum dum,come here am gonna punish you".

He took her head into his arm and ruffles her hair as she tries to break free.

"Hey!Let go of me....since you're a business man let's make a deal.I will treat you to a meal if you agree to let me go".She offers."You're choking me to death".

"Alright".He finally let go of her and she uses her finger to smoothen her hair.

"You bully, just take a look at my hair,I took so much time to style it".She pouts her lips causing Asher to laugh and cup her cute face into his palm.

"Are you trying to impress your fake boyfriend?".He cocks his brows

"What?no,stop fooling around".She pushed him away."What do you want to eat,by the look of it,you're a picky type".


"What!You flirt".She flick his head as he exclaims.

"You're such a softy,let's go have some hot delicious pastries".She tug her hand with his."My treat".

"Piece of advice I eat a lot".He warns,she laughs and patted his head.