Vera sat with her friends,Layla and Jodi on her bed in her bedroom.

"Did you hear?".Jodi asked,breaking the silence between them.

"What?".Both Vera and layla chorus with curiosity in their eyes.

"Prince Asher has a girlfriend".She said,looking through her phone.

"What!!!".Vera exclaims. "When?How?Where?

Where did you hear that from!!".

"Am chatting with someone who lives at Heaven's gate".Jodi answers.

"And I thought he was single".Her shoulder slumps down in disappointment.

"Don't you have a handsome fiance?".Layla wondered.

Vera nods."I do like Aiden but I love Asher".She lean closer and whisper."I secretly carried a touch for Asher while Aiden it was just a plan to make Trina so devastated".She paused before gritting her teeth infuriated. "But It didn't work since she seems happy acting like a slut around Asher".She scoffs.

Chloe made her way into Vera's room with a tray containing three empty tea cups and a fat China tea kettle. "Why didn't you serve your friends anything?".She questioned as Vera took the tray from her.

"You didn't have to bother".Both her friends chorus."Thank you".

Chloe laughs."No problem".She shifted her attention to Vera."Vera,by any chance did you see Trina at school?".

Vera face tightened. "Yes".

"Like I expected,did you talk to her?Where does she live?Does she look healthy?Lean,pale?".

Chloe was quick to ask not letting her answer any."Does she-".

"Aunt.We didn't talk,and am sure she's staying at Gowon place"

"What you waiting for,let's get going.Am waiting downstairs".And Chloe exit the room.

Seeing Vera face was turing red with rage,Jodi and Layla quickly excused themselves and ran out of the room.

Leaving Vera alone to let out her emotions.

The entrance door open as a bellrang announcing the customer presences.

"What can I get ya.....".Gowon voice dies off in silence as she was now staring at Chloe and Vera,the least person she expected. "What do you want here!!!".She scowl.

"Where is Trina?".Chloe asked,not wanting to stay here any longer.

"I should ask you aren't you her mother!!".She snapped.

Chloe heaved sigh and said."Give this to her".She handed a paper to her."Is my new number tell her to call me".

"Whatever".Gowon waves her hand in boredom. "If you're not gonna buy anything then leave".

Not being told twice,they both left.

Not so long,Trina walks into the store beaming with smile.

"Did you meet with Asher?".Gowon asked.

"Yeah,have you heard of Asher Lee?".She inquiries taking a seat opposite Gowon.

"Hm,he's the brother of Selena Lee.Hold a sec".She paused as realisation suddenly hits her."Is he the same Asher we're talking about??".

Trina nods vigorously.

Gowon hand her a bottle of water."Damn bae,you have hit the jackpot.anyways,your mother and Vera dropped by and told me to hand this to you".And she handed the paper to her."Give her a call".She suggested.

"Should i?".

"if you wish Trina".Gowon answered with a shrug.

"Guess who i met today".Trina asked,hopping up and down in excitement.

"You know I hate guessing".

"I saw your cute neighbor-".

"Really".Gowon squeals giving her,her full attention. "And??".She prods.

"We chatted. ..I think you should stop bullying him,he hates it".Trina suggested.

"His such a softy".She giggles and rested her elbow on the table and entangle her fingers together. "And..d???".She drawls.

"And he told me his


"WHAT!!!".Gowon felt a twinge of pain stabbed in the chest.She couldn't believe he trusted Trina rather than her who had asked of his name countless time."And his name?".

"One condition?I will tell you if you tell me the truth.Do you LIKE TEDDY?".

Gowon shook her head.

'This friend of hers was so dumb'She thought.


"What??how did you know?".

"Cause you said it,dummy.How did I come to befriend such a dumbass like you,tsk,tsk".Gowon clicks her tongue at her.

"Am going home"Trina said since she failed in her mission to get Gowon to admit she likes him.

'Why am I such an idiot!'.She wondered and storm off.

Ted walks in and headed to the counter."Is time for my shift".

"Do you think you could hide it from me?".She came closer to him and whispered in his ear."Ted".She hums."Such a nice name for a handsome sexy nerd.

She murmured seductively and bit his ear lobes and walk off.

Heat creeps to his face as he touches his ear."Hooligan".He mumbled.