Trina glared at him and frowned.

"Cause you ignored my text you idiot, now let go of me".Asher laughed.

"Alright am sorry, my phone was held captive. poor phone".He said dramatically. "Come on smile..I told you am sorry ...what should I do to make you smile? ".She pushed him off her. It flutters her heart to see he cares for her.

"Hey!am still angry at you don't bribe me-".

"Money?Cake?Ice cream?Time is ticking".He said drawing out more books from the shelves.

Trina smiled slyly and cross her arm beneath her breast.

"I would smile if you cancel the deal we made yesterday".He flashed her a deadly gaze.


"If you can't think of a better bribe at the count five then the deal is officially cancelled ...5.....4.....3...2-".

Asher stode towards her and tickling her as she giggle. "Now your smiling, no more bribery".

"You cheat!".She grits her teeth in rage as he smile and handed five heavy books to her.

"Study unit one from each and every one of it and submit on Monday".He said and walk away.

"At least help me out!".She called after him as she struggles to move with the books.

"Let me help".Aiden and Nike both said and took half of the books each. "Back off!".They both said again.

"You have a fiancee Aiden!you also had the chance but you blew it ,so step back".Nike snaps.

"You have no say in this playboy!"Aiden retort pugnaciously

Asher whirl back to see Nike and Aiden fighting over Trina.

He felt a poisonous resentment that ran through his body perhaps he was jealous. Jealous to see either Nike or Aiden touching Trina.

He strode towards them and drew out the exact books he handed to Trina.He stood at their center and flash them a wicked smile,held Trina's hand and storm out of the library leaving Nike and Aiden confounded.

Trina ran to catch up with Asher who was walking faster,Suddenly he drops the book to the fall and seized and pin her against the wall and caught her hands in both of his and pin them near her head.

"Why are you always with those men?".He yelled.

"They're just right there! Go ask them.....Wait are you jealous?".She asked giggling.

"If you say a word am gonna kiss you!".He utter under his breath.

"You won't dare".

"I don't bluff, Miss. Pervert".Her throat went dry as she saw the sincerity in his eyes. "Stay away from them. really possessive with things that belongs to me!".

"Am not a thing! !!!".She roared as his gaze lowered to her lips.

His gaze raised goosebumps all over her.

He lowered his head and suck on her lower lips as she moans and hook her arms round his neck.He intended to path her lips with his when they heard someone call.

"Asher?".Vera called and chuckle incredulously. Asher pulled away after realizing what he was doing.He had lost control and let his desire take control. 'Damn'.This wasn't how he wanted to kiss her. In frustration ,he picked his bag and said." Trina I need to go".He said acting bashfully.

And he gestured for Vera to lead the way and they walk off.

Trina fell to the ground as tears dare to form in her eyes.'Was it why he didn't reply to her text and why he didn't kiss her.She broke into a sob.'It was always Vera'.But this time she would fight for Asher friendship. He has became an important person to her and she won't let Vera snatch him away.

Vera watch as he stood up.

"Now have explained better,I got to go".

"Wait! "She held his arm. "Please at least finish your coffee".He nods and sat down and sip his coffee. "You look gloomy what happen?".She place her hand on his.She wanted to know if he truly like Trina.

She felt jealous to see Asher kissing Trina .That was suppose to be her kiss.She had to think faster before the mighty Asher Lee falls for her Cousin.

"Nothing".He empty his teacup and stood up.

"How can I gain your trust?".She blurted those words out.

"There is no need to ask me that cause I don't want your trust!".He said as a red Ferrari pulls up at the front of the cafe.

Asher walks out and hop in and it zoom off.

"I must make you love me Asher,mark my words!".She grits her teeth in fury.

Asher walks into his house and collapse on his sofa.

"Ash is that you?".Selena asked as she walks out of the kitchen. "Hey!your home late, where did you go?To your girlfriend? ".

"How did you know stupid?".He entered the kitchen as Selena follows. "Why you in my house?".He asked drinking water from a glass.

"Can't your big sis come visit her big brother?"She nudged him causing him to choke. "Oops!sorry" .She apologized.

"Do you have a death wish-".

"I still have a boyfriend. .I can't leave mother earth".She said in dramatic way.Asher shook his head and took her shoulder in his hand.

"Why am I cursed with dumb woman! ".He said pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Hey!come here".She jump on him as she ruffles his hair."How dare you speak to your big sis this way-".

"Fine am sorry..please mercy" .She let go of him as he laugh.

You and Trina will be the end of me".

"Why is your fridge empty, am hungry- ".

"Go to your boyfriend house,Miss.Selena" .

"Shut up!let me guess you don't have appetite?".He nods his head."Cause you ate street food.Why?".

"Just wanted to taste it".He lied and sat down on the kitchen cabinet.

"What did you eat?".She asked,bringing out tablets of vitamin.

"Spicy Beef-".

"You hate that".She handed some vitamins to him and he quickly gulp it down his throat with water."Don't do that again...we don't want to see you in the sick bed..I will prepare something for you".

He nods in agreement and lowered himself to the floor. "Since I don't like cooking. ..I will have to head towards my room,take a bath and rest.Call me when food is served, my dear maid-".

"Agh!!!!!".Asher flee to his room as Selena threw something at him."I hate you! !!!".

"I love myself more,darling" .He slam his door shut.Selena pick her phone and dialed a number.
