Trina grunts and stood up from her bed on hearing her phone ringing .She looked at the I D caller,she quickly answered. "Hi Selena".

"What'sup Trina...I heard you had breakfast with mom" .She heard Selena inquire from the other end.

"Yeahhhhh but it has been longer-".

"Ahh!am so jealous right now to see you only spend time with mother, why don't you come over to Asher's house..see you".Selena giggle and hang up.

A low growl escapes her lips and she drag her legs to her dresser. 'Why can't I have a little moment to myself? So much for being a fake girlfriend' .

She put on a short skirt and a lacy red top and a black fury boot,pull her hair into a messy tight bun leaving few strings of hair over her face.She left her apartment and hop on her bicycle and rode towards Asher's mansion.

Trina jump out of her bicycle and move it into his compound .Selena who was standing at the entrance envelopes her into a tight hug.

"I missed you Trina".Trina smiled, she felt warmth when she was close to Selena.

"Me too...hmmm here smells nice what you cooking?".Selena drags her into the mansion by her sleeves.

"Come and assistant me then".They made their way to the kitchen. Trina looks around in amusement.His kitchen was a grey room with black granite counter top and leather chairs.

"What can I help you with?".She asked as Selena bestowed a charming smile on her.

"Set the table, food is already done"..Trina nods and do what she was told.

Asher walk down the stairs but frozed on seeing Trina who flashed him a cheerful smile.

"What your doing here?".He asked and sat at his usual seat .

"To eat of course" .She replied.

Selena place a plate of creamy egg scattered with crispy curl of fried bacon.

"I called her over".She sat down and served herself. "I heard mom spend a lot of time with her so I want to get to know her too..let's dig in".

They all nodded and fret on their foods.

Selena dropped her cutlery,pick up a napkin and wiped her mouth before speaking."Trina...I will appreciate it if you watch over Asher wherever he goes to eat".

"Why?".She asked.

Asher shook his head for Selena to keep shut.

"He loses his appetite whenever he eats street food or fall sick especially when he eat spicy beef-".Trina suddenly chokes and stared at Asher.

Why did he decide to eat it then' .Trina wondered. She looked at Asher who avoided her gaze.

Trina swallowed and nods.

"Yes,I will watch over him".She forced a smile. Selena smiles as her phone rings,she frown as she saw the name of the caller. She stood up and excused herself.

"Hey!why didn't you tell me? It looks like you wanna die".She retorts.

"Come here".He take a napkin and wipe her mouth."I often wonder if that mouth of yours is leaking" .Selena walks in with a grim expression across her face."What'sup?".Asher asked.

"I ...just received a call from dad a...and his coming here by the end of the month".Asher clench his cutlery in rage.

"How dare him come after what he did".He stood up and storm off.

After Asher left in the middle of dinner,Selena and Trina finished their foods,cleared the plates and did the dishes then Selena escorted Trina to her bicycle.

"Are you sure he would be okay?".Trina couldn't help but ask as she stared up at his window.

"Yeah".She assured her."I can see you really care for him...goodbye".Trina nods, hop on her bicycle and waved before taking off.

Gowon handed a glass of yogurt to Trina who lie on her bed.

"Sit up girl,I don't want you staining my sheets".Trina quickly sat up and sip her yogurt. "High time you came over to my house for sleepover".Gowon said using her bottle opener to open her bottle of beer.

"Can I try that?".She ask reaching for the beer when Gowon pull it away.


"Why do you guys treat me like a child".Trina asked pouting.

"Cause you go crazy when how is life treating you?".

"Agh!".Trina bang her head gently on the wall."Awfully,Marketing department is so hard...I have to read a lot of books and am broke" .

"You know your doing this for your dad's companies besides I can get you a job-".

"A what!!!!!".Trina's eye widens.

"J.O.B,job.Economic role we do to get paid for,duh!".

"I know what a damn job is the problem is that I have never done it and my father strive hard to make sure I don't work for others".

"Sorry dear but his gone and what he had strive for is in Vera's hands, so is your turn to strive hard to get it back besides everyone starts from the scratch to get to the top".

"I will give it a try then...thank you"Trina threw her arms around her."What can I ever do without Gowon"

"Eww, get off me your strangling me".

Trina released her and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Really thanks Gowon for being there for me even when am too gullible, soft hearted and childish,thank you".

Gowon place her hand on her shoulder.

"What are friends for".She smiled as Trina returns the smile.

The next day after Gowon shift in the store was over,she wander around looking for jobs for Trina, luckily she found few vacant diner or eatery that needed a waitress then she went over to Elite college knowing the school was over for the day.

She park her motorbike at the parking lot and came down, took off her helmet and ruffle her hair.

"Hey beautiful".She heard someone say.

She whirl behind her and was staring at a tall muscular man,fair,dark hair and emerald eyes with a red dragon tattooed on his arm giving him the badboy look.

Gowon raise her brows high in question. "I was just coming out of the school and happen to see you and I was attracted by your beauty and your style and am heading to a cafe care to join".



"I don't like you".She said bluntly and walk away as his friends laugh.

"Wow!so rude".Mike his friend said.

"But hot I think I like her and her dangerous looks, is hard to find girls like this".Gage smiled.

He was going to make her his. He assured himself.

Gowon walked into the school. 'Who would have school on a Saturday' .She wondered and sighted Ted who she hadn't seen after their first kiss and as always he was looking beautiful as ever.

She smiled and waved at him but he seems distracted staring at another direction.Her smile fades away as her face fell into a frown on seeing the person he was waiting for,a beautiful dollish girl.She was certainly jealous seeing him smiling at the girl that way.

She balled her fist in rage as the girl hugs him,She was about going when Ted called her name.She whirl back as they made their way towards her.

"What you doing here?".He asked surprised by her presences.

"I never knew here was restricted for me".She retort and glare at Madison. "And you are?".

"His close,close,close friend Madison, you must be Gowon, my gosh I heard you broke Linda head that was crazy".She giggle.

"And I might attempt to break yours if you stay too close to Ted".Gowon threatens which made Madison shudder in fear. Gowon covers her jealousy with a smile."Be a dear and please tell me where Trina is".Ted pointed the direction to her class.

Gowon nods and glance at Ted before walking away.

"Was she jealous?".He asked

And she shrugs before saying."I will take that threat as a yes,she indeed likes you".

A smile curve across Trina's lips on seeing.

"Gowon".Trina swings her arms her neck.Gowon hugs her back."Did you come to pick me up?".Trina enquired beaming.

"Yeah,It has been a long time we went out for lunch-".

"You look angry,What happened?".

"Agh!I saw Ted with a girl and they seem pretty close".She replied with shrug.

"Jealous huh?".Trina elbowed her by the stomach.

"What if I am?What about Mr.Handsome" .Gowon cocks her brows while she reply with a snort of frustration.

"He didn't show up today".She said with a hint worry in her voice."I think his still sulking".

"Well it's Saturday you guys aren't meant to be in school. what a weird school".

"Am so stress out Gowon".Trina tug her hand with hers.

"And that's why were going to party tonight".They squeal excitedly and headed to her motorbike. "I also went around seeking for job-".

"My bestfriend is so sweet....".Trina trails off into silence as her phone rang.She reach into her pocket and brought out her phone."Selena".She whispered to Gowon who's eyes widen and urged her to go ahead and answer. " on my.way,can I bring my bestie along, ok".She hangs up.

"And?".Gowon asked.

"She wants to discuss something to me and yes you can come along-".Gowon squeal and hope on her bike and toss a helmet. "Hop on or you will walk to her house".Trina quickly put on the helmet and hop on and Gowon zoom off.