Asher,Trina,Nike, Vera and Aiden matched into the eatery and slides into a booth and sat down .

"Are you sure you want to eat spicy beef?".Trina whispered to Asher and he gave her a slight nod.

"Let's order something am starving".Nike says rubbing his belly as Vera rolls her eyes.

"Please behave and stop acting like a child-".

"You said WHAT!!".Nike said pugnaciously.

"I said your a kid!".Vera retorts hoarsly.

"You all are acting like children!".Aiden grunts."Stop it Vera,you can't stoop too low to talk to a man like him".He wrinkles his nose in disgust.

"That's not a way to talk to someone!.You two are way worse".Trina yelled.

Vera scoff incredulously.

"Looks like my baby Cousin is in love with someone" .Vera tilts her head.

Aiden frown while Nike was shocked that Trina defended him.

A waitress walks towards them interrupting Aiden who was about to protest.

"What shall I get ya".She asked chewing her gum noisily as she winked at Asher.

"Four plates of spicy beef stew and five glass of ginger beer".Asher says.

"Of course tiger boy".She smiled seductively.

"Stop flirting you slut and do your damn job!".Vera scowls.

The waitress hissed and walked away.

"Why didn't you order five plates".Aiden laughs. "Can't eat spicy food?".

"I ordered four plates for four people and your not included so get your own and pay".Asher says grinning annoyingly.

Aiden grits his teeth in rage."What?".He raises both his brows in question. "You can't buy yourself a cheap plate of food from a commoner eatery?".He said getting on Aiden nerves intentionally.

Nike smiled on seeing how Asher got under Aiden sleeves easily.

He had to applauds Asher on this one. Aiden was a big nuisance to him since childhood.

Aiden balls his fist in rage.

"Do you possibly think am poor?".He grits his teeth.

Asher shrugs nonchalantly. "That depends. ..cause last time I checked your family went bankrupt".Asher says again smiling nonstop.

The waitress drops their order and smiled at Asher.


"Am gonna pay".Aiden reach his hand into his pocket and handed the money to her. "Keep the change and get me another plate of beef-".

"That won't be necessary I don't eat spicy things I will manage my drink".Asher raises his glass into the air as Aiden nose flare up in rage.

The waitress muttered a' thank you' and' Enjoy' and left.

"Here".Asher handed his plate to him."Enjoy".He grins on seeing Aiden vains about to burst out in rage.

Everyone feasted on their food except Asher who recline comfortably on the seat sipping his ginger beer.

Vera wipe her mouth with a napkin and wash her food down with her drink."So Rina, you haven't answer my question".She paused and sip her drink again."Are you in luuuuurve with our dear Casanova?".

"What do you care?besides I was just defending him from you and your fiance abuses!".She fired her a deadly glance and forked her beef and swallowed it.

"Trina it isn't like know he is a player who loves to fuck every girl he set his eyes on and am just protecting you-".

"Ow please!spare me from those words of yours Aiden".Nike said scornfully.

"At least we all know his true self and his also trying to make amends".They all heard Asher say and their mouths fell open especially Nike who knows how much he hated him.

Why was he supporting him all of a sudden?.

Asher placed his glass of ginger beer gingerly on the table. "Unlike someone who isn't trying to make amends to gain back his friendship instead he gets pissed when she's going out with a boy".Asher leans close to Trina causing her heart to pound painfully in her chest,he uses his thumb to brush off the small amount of food on her lips that made her entire body stiffen underneath his touch as Vera gasps in shock,their eyes widens in shock and fury when he licks it causing Trina cheek to redden.

"What if Trina's in love with Nike?".He questioned as he looked into his phone." Or if it is the order way round?".Asher shrugs."Is not like he can win her over now that I am head heels over her and you know what Asher likes he gets even if he has to put up a fight".His words made their throat sting with jealousy and rage.He stood up."I need to go,am needed at home".He patted her head and planted a kiss on her head and left.

Aiden glared at Trina who was blushing harder. 'What a shameless man he was,declaring his love for her in front of everyone. Yet it flutters her heart that he wasn't ashamed of the love he has for her.

She watched as Aiden stood up and storms off and there goes Nike and now she was left with Vera who glared at her with nothing but hatred, jealousy and anger.

"You!!".Vera stood up, grab her glass of ginger beer and spill it on her."How dare you!I want you to stay away from my love-".

"I don't give a fuck about Aiden!!!".Trina scowl.

"Neither do my lips and read it carefully. STAY.AWAY.FROM. MY.ASHER-".

"What!!!!!".Was Vera in love with Asher.

"Yes!I love him and I advice you to stay away"Trina frowns by her words.

"Aren't you done taking away people who cherish me from me,What else do you want-".

"Asher Lee".She replied."I love him since a long time and I would make him mine".Trina felt a poisonous resentment that ran down her body and it was no other than'JEALOUSY'.

"Did you hear correctly that he loves me?".Trina says using the napkin to dry her face.

"But you don't love him or do you?".

"I..I..I".Her voice dies off realizing she had nothing to say.

"You don't know right?".Vera scoffs."l love him and I will make him love me too-".

"But am gonna fight for him this time.I won't let you win and have your way Vera!".She declared and storms off.


Madison was dressed into a sexy red mini gown with a dot of white colour and a black boot.She pulls her hair into ponytail and put in her brown leather coat.

Her door cracks open as she poke her head into the hallway.

No sign of Uncle Ben.

She smiled and tiptoes towards the living room and then open the door when a huge hand appears on her wrist,pulling her away."And where the hell do you think your going?".Ben asked hoarsely.

Madison wince in pain as he hardened his hand on her wrist "To go meet one of your lovers in their place!".

"Uncle your hurting me".She clamor,trying to fight.


"No..I...I.wanna meet a friend that's all".

"Your such a Lair and a whore"He spits."Only if my sister had listened to me,she wouldn't have gotten pregnant, runaway and marry that bastard you call your father I wouldn't be BABYSITTING A LITTLE WHORE!!".

"You have never babysitted me or cared for me,all you do is to beat me up and steal my hard earn money,you hear?YOUR JUST A THIEF-".An unexpected slap landed on her face silencing her.

"Get into you room you ungrateful bastard Now!".Madison flee to her room tearfully. She sink into her bed and broke into a sob.

Today was supposed to be special for him and her cause she was finally going to accept him as her beloved. But how was she going to tell him when his phone is switched off ."I won't give up".She promised.

It was definitely her time to be happy especially with Reuben. She stop sobbing on hearing her Uncle footsteps towards the door.After he closes the door behind him,Madison waited for some minutes. Sensing he wouldn't be coming now,she ran out of her room towards the door and opened the door.

She gasps in shock on seeing Reuben. Without thinking she flew into his open arms.

He let out a low laugh.

"I waited for you but you never came so I came looking for you".

"You have always waited and am tired of making you wait".Reuben heart pounds underneath his shirt,knowing what she wanted to say.She pull away from him and looked up."I love you Reuben I will be your girlfriend if you still-".

"God!I definitely want you as my babe because am in love with you and you just made me the happiest man on earth".He spins her in circles as giggles escapes her lips."I love you too".He lean closer and covers her mouth with his,kissing her deeply but gently that made her toes curls.

She slides her fingers into his hair and pulled him closer to feel him inside of her. Sensing she wanted to feel him closer to him,his hand went to her waist pulling closer to him and kissed her harder.

They broke apart panting with a grin across their face but it took a while before the smile dies off on her face and her face became pale as she stared behind him shrieking in fear."Madison, babe are you alright?".He asked but no word came out from her mouth,he followed her gaze and was now staring at a man who glared at them with fury.

"Is he your lover that you will runaway with,huh?".Ben asked.

"Uncle I can explain-".

"That he was sticking his tongue into your mouth!".He growled at her."Let's get in you little brat".He yanked her by the hair and pushed her into the house causing her to hit her back against the wall as Reuben ran to her and helped her up.

"Leave now Reuben".She wince in pain.

Reuben shook his head and stand up and glared at Ben.

"What right do you have to hurt her!".He growled.

"How dare you yell at me!".Ben threw his fist at him but he dodged it and landed the blow on Ben's face,Ben staggers backward and grimace. "Bastard!".His fist landed on Reuben face causing him to spit out blood."Am gonna teach you a lesson!".He threw his fist at Reuben but he caught his wrist and strike him causing Ben to fall on the ground as warm blood comes out from his nose.

"Let's go Madison".He held her hand ready to ran but she pulls him back.

"No".She said flatly.

If she ran off with him,her Uncle will surely hunt her down and that will also means Reuben wouldn't have rest. This was for the better.

"Go away and never return".She pushed him away and helped her uncle to his feet.

"W..w..what are you saying?".He stutters in fear,fear of losing her.

"Am saying we can never be,perhaps Linda is meant for you".She helped her uncle into the house closing the door behind her. It was of no use to love again. Now he has seen the type of life she was living he would definitely leave her for good.

Though the thought made her heart sunk but it was for the better.