Reuben watched as Madison walked into the school with her face bruised.

He was sure it was her Uncle who had been doing this.

"That bastard!!".He mutters through his teeth.

"My goodness Madison".Linda let out a low laugh and crosses her arms beneath her breast. "What happened to your dollish face".

"None of your fucking business".She replied flatly and brushed past her as Linda yanked her back.

"Hey!am still talking to you,tell me what the heck have you done to my Reuben? Ever since he follows you his face is always pale and now his pretty face is damaged-".

"You know where he is so ask him and don't you ever touch me!".Madison warned and pushed her aside that made her fall to the ground.

Few students who saw what had happened burst into laughter.

Linda grimace and stood up,she would never be disgraced by a lowlife girl like Madison.

"Bitch!!".Linda roared and blitz towards Madison and was about to slap her but Reuben caught her wrist.

"What the hell do you think your trying to do?".He glared at her with fury.

"Reuben..I...i. .I was trying to protect you from her,she's causing you pain-".

"Did I ever told you am hurting,i don't need you to protect me cause I ain't your boyfriend!!!!".He growls. "Now get out!!". Linda wipe her tears and storm off.

"Are you okay?".Asked Reuben with a hint of worry in his voice.

She nods.

He moved closer,closing the distance between them.

"Your face is it your Uncle".He lean in to touch her but she took a step back.

"Let's break up".Reuben eyes widens in shock."Let's not cross path again-".

"Why?did that bastard Uncle do something or told you lies.Why?".

"Cause I hate you,I only pretend to love you for your money nothing else".He took her shoulder into his hands.

"Your Lying right,tell me it's all a lie".Madison pushed him away.

"I HATE YOU!!!".She roared. "So please go away from my life".

"I will let you be if that's what you want but I don't promise I will stop loving you"He said and walked away.

Madison collapse on the wall,breaking into an controllable cry.

"Madison".She heard Trina whisper.

Madison whirl and was staring at her with those worried auburn eyes.Trina pads her way towards her and sweeps her into a hug.

"It's going to be ok".She assured her as she caresses her .

Trina walks out of her class still deep in thought right from when she was in class she couldn't concentrate,all she thought about was Madison and Reuben situation. They were both in love but couldn't be together because of what Madison was going through by her psycho Uncle.

No family was perfect.She thought.

They both knew their feelings are sincere towards eachother yet they're apart.

She sigh. While her, Love was just in front of her waiting for her to return the love.

And yes,she was head heels over Asher but she's scared of getting hurt.Her heart skip a bit on seeing a text from Asher.'Meet me at the school cafeteria and submit your assignment ASAP'.

She smiled and ran towards the cafeteria.

She walked in and whirl around in search of Asher,her smile widens as she spotted Asher handsomely dressed in a black matching strappy hoodie and sweatpant and a headset over his neck. He laughs and talks to someone opposite him.She wordered who must that be.

"Hey!What's the world richest handsome youngest millionaire doing in our school cafe?trying to adapt in poverty huh?".

Asher grins."What can I say?Am trying to fit into my soon to be girlfriend's life,feel free to tell me how great I am...ouch!".He exclaims as Trina prods his shoulder.

"Shut....".Her voice dies off on seeing Vera.

Her face fell into a frown. She had been seeing Vera with Asher recently and the thought of Vera occupying his heart made her heart ache.

"Hi Trina,what you doing here?".She heard Vera asked grinning that reach up to her eyes.

"I just wanted to submit my works to him".She said.

"Submit it then,I don't have all day".Asher said checking his watch. "I need to also teach Vera-".

"My books is in the library, I prefer it there it's peaceful".Trina lied.

Vera face scrunch in disdain. "But you've always hated the library".Vera said scornfully.

"Have changed just like you've too".She pulled Asher to his foot."Let's go"Without waiting for his reply,she drags him with her.

Vera stamps her foot on the ground angrily.

"That bastard!!".

Trina let go of Asher hand as soon as they reached the library. She trace her hand on the books nonchalantly ignoring Asher.

"Hand your book over to me Katrina Owens as you know am a very busy man-".

"Busy enough to hang out with Vera everyday".She puffs.

Asher could hear the jealousy in her voice causing him to smile slyly.

"What?Jealous?".He asked and he heard her scoffs.

"Me jealous?why would I?".He stood before her preventing her from walking away.

"Let me get this straight, you're jealous cause I often hangs out with Vera that's why you dragged me over here and lied when your book isn't actually here,you lair".He laughed.

" books are here. the shelf".She stutters.

Asher raise a brow in question.

"Here,it's right here".She said going through the shelves but suddenly went rigid as Asher hugs her from behind.

His warm arms which was wrapped around her waist did something strange to her heartbeat. "W..w..what you doing?".She asked her voice cracking.

"Comforting my future girlfriend" .Trina felt her cheek turning pink.

"P..people are watching".

"Then let them,I want them to know how Much I love you.what Asher loves he show it to the whole world".He press his lips to her warm cheek. "I love you so there isn't no need to get jealous".He chuckles and tighten his grip on her."it's a good sign that your going to fall for me..I feel glad".He pulls her away. "Got to go,see you later bye".He Said and walked away.

Trina tries to breath and stop her heart from beating so fast.

She smiled.' It also felt good to know how much she meant to someone else ' She thought.