"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!!".They heard Gowon yelled. As they pulled away from eachother.

"Gowon I can explain".Ted says.

Jasmina smiled wickedly within her. "Gowon am sorry but I love Ted-".Gowon cut her off with a slap across her face that made her crash to the floor as Ted ran to her and helped her to the floor." nose, I think is broken".Jasmina cried out tearfully.

"GOWON!!!!".Ted scowl.

"What!are you taking her side!".She scowl back.

"No,am taking what is right!".

"What is right?"She scoffs. "I didn't beat her up I only slap her,slapped!!".She yells."Besides she kissed you,what am i supposed to do?Stand back and do anything!".

"You broke her goddamn nose Gowon!why the fuck will I take your side!".Gowon stagger backwards incredulously.

"I....I....I think am the only one trying to reach out to you,am the only one trying to fix our fucking relationship this Bitch is trying to ruin,I even try to dress so girly all because I want to reach up to your expectation, I want you to see me as a girl not a gangster who goes on beating up people".She paused."Teddy, I...I t..think is time to stop pleasing you when it's certain you want a girly person,nice,innocent, just like a well mannered princess and she's right in front of you, it's better if we break up".Ted eyes widens as he let go of Jasmina and stood up.

"Goo...Gowon don't be like that,I..I do like you cause you are you".He said sincerely. "I swear I will try again,I will quit if you want me to".He said desperately as he took few steps towards her.

"This is where our history stops Ted".She said and flee tearfully.

"Ted! love you,now that Gowon-".

"I'll submit my resignation letter,Miss Jasmina".He said and ran after Gowon but she was long gone.

Trina increases her pace trying to catch up with Asher,who was dragging her to an unknown place in the party.

"W..where are we go..going?".She manage to speak as she tries to catch her breath.

"You'll soon find out".She heard him say giving her genius smile.

He led her into an instrumental room and shut the door.

"What are we doing in here?".She asked confused.

"Am gonna play the piano for only you,something I haven't done for a long time".He said trailing his fingertips on the surface of the piano.

"Because of what had happened between you,Alexia and your friend?".She questioned and he nods."You now trust me?".

"Of course, I always did".He usher her to have a sit next to him opposite the piano. He took a deep breath.

He played by pressing the white and black keys. He sat there playing non stop,letting the melodious sound filling their eardrums with pleasant sound.

She sat next to him,watching him,his eyes closed with seriousness written all over his face.Who was she to deny the fact she was unattractive to him,he did attracted her,the way he talks,walks,the way his eyes sparkles when he found her amusing, the way he bit his pinkie finger, the way he ran his hand through his hair and the way his violet eyes stare conspicuously at her, all that made her heart itch.If she ever thought she would be happy if he left her and fell for someone else then she lied. Maybe he was right after all,if she had fought for Aiden,maybe he would have still being in her arms,but she had never done that before but for Asher,she would cause she was so much in love with him.And that would means she had to fight against Kim and this so called Alexia until her every last breath.

"Asher"she called.

He stops and turn to her.

Abruptly, her mouth took his into hers and she deepens the kiss.

His entire body went rigid as he felt her cold lips on his. It took some while before he recovered from the great shock and kissed her back.He hardened the kiss,kissing her gently that set her whole body on fire.

He kissed her passionately,pouring out his unspoken feelings .

Her hands went over to his neck,pulling him tighter to her body,demanding more.

Asher tore his lips away from her.

"Trina".He called panting. "I can't let this continue if you can't accept me".Trina smiled delightfully.

She bit her lips determinedly.She moved closer to him and caresses his soft,tempting lips.

"I..Am in love with you Asher and I know have been a jerk trying to convince myself I wasn't and was better off without you" .She slowly shook her head. "But I was wrong,you're the brightest star in the sky,you manage to crept your way into my heart-".

"Like a cockroach? ".His brows raise in question. She let out a low laugh and playfully slap him.

"Hey!I took my time to think about such romantic words, you should appreciate my effort,you fail to speak about the other one I wrote".She tap her temples gently to remember. "Em,what was that I wrote again....".Asher took her hand in his and kissed it.

"It only takes a second for someone to catch your eyes but it takes a special somebody to capture your heart and it's you".He taps her nose.

"What a good memory you've"She giggle. "I love you Asher".

He shut his eyes,letting a low sigh to escape his lips,he had waited so long to hear those words.'FINALLY'.

He open his eyes and looked into her eyes with passion, something he didn't try to hide.His hands slides to her tight up to her waist,bringing her to his lap."Asher".She called softly.

"See what you do to me"He crushed his mouth to hers,she kissed him back with all the love in her heart.

His mouth left her mouth and his protective arms wrapped around her,holding her against his hardened body."You make me feel like a high school boy falling in love for the very first time".She giggles."I love walking you home,carrying your books-".

"You never ever did that....".He flicks her head."Ouch!".She pouts her lips.He chuckled and kissed her temple and trail it down to her eyelid.

"I love you so much Katrina,word alone can't explain how much I love you".

"Sorry I made you wait so long".She instinctively lunge into his warm arms that brought warmth to her something she hadn't felt for a long time.