It was already midnight, Asher and Trina headed toward her house,hands in hands,his long fingers entwined with hers."I wish this day never ends".Trina murmured unconsciously.

"Am still gonna be with you tomorrow" He says."The weather is so warm and bright".She giggles.

"It's snowing,how is that warm".She shudder in pretence.

Their steps halts as they arrives at Trina's porch.Asher sigh and stared at Trina's hand which was on his.

"I wish i can never let go of this blossom hands".Trina cheek turns pink."And I never thought this day would come".He lean in and kissed her temples.

He stared at her amusingly.

"Stop staring at me that much, it's creepy".She confessed,he shrugs nonchalantly.

"I love staring at you".He pulled her into his embrace. "I love watching you eat,I love watching you talk,walk,smile,laugh, I love teaching you and flicking that head of yours,i love the sweet scent of your honey hair"He pause and took time to sniff her pleasant fragrance of her hair. "I love your fresh scent of flowers but most importantly I LOVE YOU,for who you truly are".Trina giggle and cup his face into her palms.

"Awwww!my boyfriend is so romantic".She wrap her arms around his waist and looked up at him."I love you too,Asher".She stood on her toe and pecked his lips.

"I should head home, so you can go to bed before you freeze out here in the cold".He press his lips to her head."Goodbye".He reluctantly let go of her hand."Bye".He waved.

"Bye!".She waved back and watched him walk away until she couldn't see him no more.

By the time of the morning, the news about Asher Lee dancing with Katrina was on the entire news in their city.

Everyone couldn't help but adore the two,their were indeed couples made from heaven.

"NOOOO!!!!!!".Vera yelled and slammed her hairbrush against her huge mirror hanging on the wall causing it to scatter into many pieces.

Franca ran into her room and glance around in shock before her gaze landed on Vera whose face was red with rage and was panting profusely. "W...w..what happened darling?".Vera lunge at Franca,,holding her arm with a tight grasp.

"You told me Asher will be mine,you lied,lied!!,now his dating Trina,he loves her...can you see the way he stares at her!!!".She shouts at the top of her lungs.

"L..l..let go".Franca wince in pain.

"Fine".She spoke through gritted teeth.

She shoved her to the floor."Your such a failure!!!".She scowl at her mother."You can never keep your words".

"Am so sorry"

"Sorry?Sorry!,sorry can't give me Asher,I love Asher,I want Asher!"She declares.

Chloe walked into her room on hearing their noises.

"Give up Vera,Trina loves Asher and for God sake, you've a damn Fiance, Let Trina be happy".She said sincerely.

Vera gave out a dry laugh.

"Isn't it too late to play mummy!huh,fake mother?".Chloe eyes widens in shock.'This wasn't the Vera she knew,perhaps she was blind to not notice her bad character. "What!do you think I'll still respect you,you lying piece of crap-".

'SLAP!!!!!!'.Vera held her red cheek that sting in pain.

"Papa!".She called in shock with tears lingering in her eyes.

"How dare you!!She's still your aunt!I won't tolerate such manner from you,if you speak in such way,I'll send you packing!".He threatened.

"You should go ahead and marry them all!!!!".She roared, grab her bag and storm off.

Trina and Asher alighted from the car,hands in hands."Why won't you be coming to school today?".She asked him.

"I don't have class today and I got somethings to do at work-".

"Will you pick me after class?".He shook his head.

She sigh."Whatever".Asher chuckles and led her to her class."What's so amusing?".She scowl.

"You of course".He pats her head."Go meet with Madison and have fun".

"I hate you!".

"That's not what I heard last night".He stole a kiss from her and walked away.

Aiden was shocked when he heard the news that Trina was now dating Asher.He couldn't concentrate and only hope for class to end,so he can meet up with Trina.'Is a rumor'He had to convince himself.

Trina never liked Asher or did she but he failed to notice it. As soon as class was over,he ran out and headed to Trina's class.

He stops mid step when he saw her coming towards his direction. "Trina".

"Ow!Aiden,long time no see".

"The news,no,the rumor about you and Asher it's a lie right?".

"It isn't a rumor Aiden,I love Asher and he feels the same-".

"No!!!!!".He growls."You love me,Trina".

"I don't....Ah!".She cried out in pain as he took her shoulder in his hands,gripping it with all his might.

"I love you Trina,I still do-".

"You've a fucking fiancee,Aiden".

"I don't love her,I never did,I did it all for my father's sake...I have always loved you".

"Let go of me,your hurting.....stop,Aiden stop!!!".She struggle for him to let go as he tries to kiss her" S...stop it Aiden".She pleads with tears streaming down her face.

He finally let go of her when her hot tears touches his hands.He took a step back as She cried harder.

"Do you find me so disgusted that I can't kiss you....huh!".

"No,Can you ever kiss someone you don't love?".


"I understand you did what you did for your dad and I would've probably do the same...I forgive you for breaking my heart,I really do but I love Asher,Aiden..I love him so much now and I think is time to let me go cause am never coming back to you".She said and ran past him.


Trina dash into the restroom and wipe off her tears and sprinkle water at her face.

The stall door of one of the toilet room opens."Look who we have here"Vera pad her feet toward Trina and cross her arms beneath her breast."So I heard,you and Asher right?".She said, her throat went dry with envy,jealousy and rage by glaring at Trina.

Up till now,she never knew what Asher saw in her.

'Why was everyone in love with Trina'.

"News travel so fast.....I heard your engagement party is at the corner,I hope you will be happy with Aiden-".

"Stay away from him".Trina blinks her eyes in disbelief.

"Excuse me-".

"I said stay away from Asher!".She warned.

"How can I when am his beloved, you should rather tell it to him cause am sure he can't stand a day apart from me!".

"I love Asher,right from the start and I won't let you take him from me".She swore.Trina scoffs incredibly.

"You must be joking".She paused."Your indeed a thief. .I think it has become your profession huh?".She chuckled. "I let you've Aiden but I won't give up my sweetheart without a fight".She emphasizes the word'Sweetheart' that made her inside burn with nothing but hatred. "Asher is mine,mine,get that into your you stay away from my darn thief".She storm off,leaving Vera speechless.