Ted was overwhelmed with all different kind of emotion, anger,depressed, guilt,infuriated. Only if he could turn back time,he wouldn't have worked for Jasmina.

He couldn't afford to lose Gowon,she was the second person he treasures after his parents. He had to do something. 'First quit from comic inventory enterprise'and head to school to ask Trina what to do.

He took a ride to his workplace.

Jasmina was in a meeting with the board of director when her assistant walked in and whispered into her ear.Her eyes lits up like christmas lights on hearing Ted was here to meet her,she had been wistful all day by the thought of Ted not coming back.

Without hesitating,she got to her foot,hastily that made her receive concern glances from the board of director. "Meeting dismissed" .

"Miss Jasmina,we can't leave now-".Without waiting for complains, she ran out and headed to her office.

She sigh in relieve to see Ted sitting innocently opposite her chair. She was glad he didn't leave."You finally realised that Gowon isn't meant for you".She embraced him from behind."Am the right one for you,only me...".Ted pull her hands away from him and stood up.

"Don't get me wrong,am not here for you,Miss Jasmina".He scowl without trying to hide his hatred for her."Here is my resignation letter-".

"Ted".She called,fighting to hold back her tears.

"I don't wish to work here any longer especially when my boss is in love with me,if I had done anything to give you the impression that I liked you then I apologised. .....i love Gowon and no one else".He drops his letter on the table and headed for the door but Jasmina stops him by embracing him, clutching tightly to him from behind.

"W...w...why can't you love me,Ted?am pretty,rich,well mannered,am everything a man needs".She sob harder."I love you Ted,I LOVE YOU".Ted tries to pull her hands away from him but she grasp him harder,resisting to let him go."Say you're mine,say you love me,I'll give you all my wealth, my jewels, golds,name your price, I'll willingly give you my body".She pulled away from him and stood before him,unbuttoning her button of her blouse. "All you've to do is to tell me you love me".

She said desperately.

The door burst open as her father matched in and stagger in shock."Father!".

"Is this what you do in my Company!!".He growl,glaring at Jasmina. Jasmina quickly button up.

Ted spoke regardless of her father presences. "Your so shameless, Miss Jasmina,I don't want all the material things in the world,all I need is one person love and it's Gowon...please find someone else".Jasmina flew into her Father' s arms.

"Papa...tell him to love I not good enough for you,am every man's dreams....what can Gowon really offer you,?WHAT!!!!!!".She screamed.

"Love, something you can never give me" "He flashed her a smile filled of pity."You might be every man's dream but not me cause am not a man,am a cute nerd".He chuckles. "Am Gowon's cute nerd".With those words,he walks out as Jasmina fell to the ground.

"You're in serious trouble young lady".He said,his eyes darken in rage.

"Teddy".She whispered and cried harder.

Ted face brightens on seeing Trina."Katrina! ".He called and ran towards her."Hi".

"Hi to you too, is Gowon?did you two have fun".She nudged him.

He shook his head."I...that's what I wanted to inquire from you,how is Gowon?did she eat?is she healthy?did she sleep well?did she go to work?".He asked anxiously.

"".She answered feeling confused. "Did something happen between you too,huh?and don't dare to lie to me!".She said coldly.

"I...Jasmina...s...she caught Jasmina kissing...gosh!is embarrassing".He reach to rub the nape of his neck."W...we broke up...,she broke up with me-".

"S...Shit....shit!!".Trina swore loudly. "Am going to her-".

"I'll follow- ".

"She'll probably freak out and beat you stay put,I will go to her...everything will be okay".She assured him and ran off.

She felt guilty cause she wasn't there to comfort her bestfriend when she needed her most but Gowon has always been there for her,to care for her,give her a shoulder to cry on,protected and fought for her,she treated her like a sister yet she wasn't there for her especially when she needs her.

Tears kept trailing down her cheek as she ran towards Gowon's house direction. Suddenly a moving car speeds at her,horning for her to get out of the road before Trina had come back to her senses, the car was few inches away from her.

Without knowing what happened next,she fell down unconscious.


A groan escapes from Trina's lips as she opens her eyes.

She scrunch her face to adjust to the bright light.

"Finally your awake" .She heard an angelic voice say.

She felt her hands on her,helping her sit properly. "You gave me quite a scare".She chuckles.

Trina look up at the stranger. She was dropdead gorgeous with her midnight shinning blue shoulder lenght hair with green stripe,a dollish face with a diamond nose ring.Trina couldn't take her eyes off her,she was the goddess of perfection.

"Did I get hit by a car?".

"No...well luckily I didn't hit you,the doctor said you fell unconscious due to a sudden shock,are you alright?".She asked with her thick english accent .

One had to pay attention when she speaks to hear her quite well.

Trina nods. 'Gowon'.Her name pop into her head.She was supposed to comfort her friend.

" no".She said pulling off the wires attached to her.

"Where you going?".She heard the lady ask with a hint of concern.As she struggles to stop her from getting up.

"You don't understand, friend Gowon needs me-".

"She's on her relax, Doctor. Ray says he knows you and decided to call your friend you often bring to visit your mother....she will be here in no time".She assured her,her soft voice eventually calmed her down.

"Thank you".Trina murmured.

She break into a wide smile and her nose ring twinkies.

"No need,is the least I can do".She put her hands into her pink coat pocket.

"TRINA!!!!".An unfamiliar Gowon with red swollen eye yelled, running into the room."Stay away from my friend".She shove the woman aside as she stagger backwards.

"Gowon,she's not at fault".Trina flashed the lady an apology smile."Am sorry,my friend is hotheaded when she's hurt".The Lady smiled.

"No problem at all,let me guess boyfriends issues?".

"What do you know? -".

"Gowon!".Trina scolds.She rolls her eyes and remain quiet."She just recently broke up with her boyfriend and it's hard for her cause she had never expressed it".She explained.

"Oww!it was also hard for me too back then but I get through it,well,it did took a long time but you won't since you have someone that cares for you".In those her bright amber eyes,Trina could see sadness within them,she covers it up with a fake smile."Am sure he will come to realise he let go of something precious" .Those words did something to Gowon's heart that made her break into another cry.

She took a step toward Gowon and offered her a hanky,who took it without any protest and blow her nose.

The lady who stood next to her didn't flinch or make a face."Okay?".She asked and Gowon gave a slight nod."Good. ..I guess I'll be on my way now".She smoothed her matching tight pink top that was neatly tucked into her mini pink skirt. She grab her pink bag and was about going but halts when Gowon spoke.

"My name is Gowon and this is my bestie Katrina,Kat,Trina,Rina and Tri,she got to many name".She joked that earn a laugh from all of them.

"Mine is Alexandra and am glad I met you too".She blow a kiss at them and walked away.

"I like her".Gowon says and Trina only smiled.

It was rare for Gowon to like someone especially a girl.

"Ow!Gowon am so sorry,I wasn't there for you,I feel guilty,I ditched my bestfriend for Asher ,for Asher's love,I fucked up Gowon,am sorry- ".

"You and Asher are dating!!".She nods."Why the heck are you sorry about,gosh!am so happy for you deserve deserve to be happy".

"But am scared of this happiness c...cause of Alexia".

"Asher loves you".Gowon sweeps her into her arms.

"Teddy loves you too".Gowon only shrugs and rested her head on her shoulder. "And I love you Gowon".

"Ew".She made a face."Should I call Asher?".She shook her head.

"Don't, I don't want to stress him out, am alright".



"I love you too".She whispered.

"What I didn't hear you quite well".Trina says.

"I didn't say anything!".She was quick to snap causing her to laugh.

She wrap her arms around Gowon's.