Trina was discharged from the hospital and was sent home.

She opened her door and pull off her shoe.

She suddenly heard some noise in the kitchen. "Who is there?".She asked in fear.

Asher poke his head out of the kitchen.

"Hi babe,your back so late".Trina blushed by the name' babe'.She couldn't still believe she was the great Asher Lee girlfriend.

"What are you doing?".

"Cooking".He waved a spoon in the air and step out of the kitchen dressed in a yellow apron.

Trina burst into a laughter.

"OMG!what you wearing, please take that off,you look hideous".Asher only smiled and stood before her and kiss her lips.

"But all girl sees me differently".He kissed her nose and made his way to the kitchen as he talks."I should go to them then".Trina threw her bag on the couch and followed him.

"Then am gonna break your pretty face!".She grimace.

"Is it jealously I sense in Trina's voice".He said chuckling.

Her large eyes scan the kitchen and she frown.

"Gosh!What a mess?".Trina set herself,sitting on the counter top."Last time I heard,you can't cook Asher".

"Babe".He corrected.


"Call me babe".He corrected. "I want to be your chef,for only you".

"So I can die at an early age

.. sir no" .

"What a cruel girlfriend I have...And here I thought you love me".He pouts.

He serves her tuna noodles casserole. "Taste".He ordered. She nods and twirl the noodles and swallowed. Her eyes lits up.

"Delicious, lair".She strike him by the shoulder. "You can really cook huh?".

"I wanted the person I love to taste my food first before any other".He says.

"My boyfriend is so awesome" .She compliments him and he grins.

"Have more".He urged her and she nods and took a large forkful of noodles and put it into her mouth and unexpectedly Asher mouths covers hers,tasting the food in his.

He pulled away grinning as he stared at her whose eyes had widened. "Taste great from your mouth".He caress her lips.

Trina couldn't find her voice,his sudden action had left her speechless.

He pushed the casserole aside and smash his lips to her,his hand travel down to her waist,pulling her tighter to his hardened body and his other hand reach up to the nape of her neck as he deepens,kissing her harder taking all her breath away. He tore his lips away before he loses control.

" sh.,shouldn't have done that? ".

"What?".He looked at her innocently. "Kissing my girlfriend- ".

"Stop kissing me by surprise! ".She scowl.

"Then it won't be so fun"He grinned and his hands appeared on her flushed face."You look so flushed,what should I do?".She pushed him away.

"You caused this!".

"Then I would love to fix it-".

"Don't you dare. ...get lost and clean up my kitchen it's so messy".

"Whatever".He says and started clearing the dishes. "How was your day?".

"Boring without you".She refuses to tell him,her accident so he wouldn't worry that much. "And stressful...I guess I'll get fired at my work place...have skipped work a lot of times".She sigh."You?".

"I missed you".He says,staring into her eyes that made her heart beat painfully beneath her shirt. Their eyes met eachother and they stared back at themselves not breaking away from the burning gaze until her phone rings.

Her cheek caught on fire as Asher gaze didn't leave her,the way he stared at her was enough to show how much he loves her without a doubt.

She got to her feet and reach for her phone.

"H...he..hello".She cleared her throat,avoiding the conspicuous stare behind her."Yes listening. ....WHAT!".Her phone slip from her hand and fell to the floor.

"Babe!"He called and ran to her."W..what happened? ".His voice was filled with worry.

" finally returned from her long trip to heaven".Tears stream down her eyes.

Asher pulled her into his arms as she cried harder."She's back".She murmured.

Trina ran like a crazy woman into the hospital with Asher behind her,she ran up to her mother's room and burst into the room.

Three eyes stared at her,one the Doctor,who looked surprised by her entering, her Uncle whose eyes merry happily and a large auburn eyes filled with curiosity. Trina broke into a sob, her legs gave out and she crashed into Asher arms.She couldn't believe her biological mother was right in front of her.She was more pretty then she imagine now she was awake.

Avery looked at the young pretty girl who was weeping in a man's arms.She was a replica of her,brown shining hair,auburn eyes and pale pink lips .'Was it her daughter?'.Her eyes widens by the thought. 'Was it her Rina? The person she loved so much and treasured? '.Her pale lips opened to speak."R...Rina"The name escapes from her lips as the girl head snap up to meet her eyes." she my daughter, Keane?".She whispered, for only him to hear and he nods smiling. Her eyes suddenly became moist with tears.She threw off the bed cover,put her foot to the floor and she held Keane for support before she pads her feet across the room to meet Trina." Rina".Her hands appeared on either side of her face."I....I. .I can finally feel your skin on mine".She uses the sleeve of her hospital gown to dab her uncontrollable tears."No need to cry...c..cause mommy has finally returned".She says and pulled her into her arms.