Asher and Doctor.Ray had left the room,leaving the trio to speak in private.

Avery couldn't help but grin as she kept staring at her daughter.

What gladden her heart was to see her daughter never abandoned her.

Meanwhile Trina couldn't be more happier to see her real mother was doing well,for the first time in a long time she had the feeling of nostalgia in her mother's arms.

"Rina".Her mother called.The name made her felt special .

"I have a lot to tell you mother.....about my school,how life had been tough on me,my bestfriend Gowon, my life college a....and my boyfriend. ..I've so much to tell you that I couldn't, now I could finally tell you".

'JASON'Her husband name suddenly pop into her head.She looked up at Trina."B..but what about your dad?".Trina lips pathed but shut it and looked up at her Uncle.

He shook his head and place a hand on her shoulder."No more lies,Katrina".Trina bit her lower lips determinedly.

" is gone-".

"M..m..y Jason?".Avery hands clasps over her mouth, sobbing .It took a while before she finally stopped crying.

And she looked up at Trina and smiled, placing her hands on hers."At least I still have you with me".Instantly her arms wraps around her,hugging her tightly.

Days pass by as lives goes on,Elite college went on winter holiday. Gowon spends her days ignoring Ted and moving on with her life,Madison and Reuben went on a vacation to spend some couple of time together.

While Asher,Trina and sometimes Gowon hangs out with Avery at the hospital for some hours to get to know her better and surprisingly Cynthia who heard about the news also visited and luckily they gradually becoming best of friends. Trina also occupied her time with Alexandra company who also hang out with her,Gowon and Avery from time to time and they gave her a surprised birthday party at the hospital excluding Cynthia and Asher who attended a gala event that night.

Alexandra had shed tears nonstop cause of what they did for her. By observing Alexandra, Trina need not to be told that she needed to be loved again and Gowon and her mom had showered her with a lot of love.

Avery gradually recovered and shortly she was discharged and taken into Cynthia home for proper observation.And Trina was soon to be moved into Asher's home after Thanksgiving with his family at Seventh Heaven restaurant.

And as Asher's girlfriend she needed to go.She fell on her bed exhausted.

"What's all this mess?".She heard Alexandra asked as she barge into her house with Gowon as they made their way towards her bed.

"Your moving out?to where?".Asked Gowon.

"Let me guess your boyfriend's house?".Trina blushed and gave a slight nod.Alexandra laughed. "But why are you going through your clothes?".

"Am having dinner with them tonight"

"Ow,ow!That old asshole is gonna be there. ..danger alert".Gowon says dramatically.

Alexandra laughed."I can lend you my clothes".She suggested.

"Nah!I don't want Trina looking like a complete matching doll like you".Gowon pointed at her who was don in a lemon mini gown with a lemon coat over,a lemon boot and a lemon bucket hat.

"I actually have none matching dress...,i'll have it brought here".Within a minute or two,her chauffeur brought in a white mini close fitting with rose flowering design made of grogram.

" is so stunning".Trina couldn't help but admire the dress.

"It would cost a million, my gosh!is pretty".Gowon added.

"Is all yours, now let's fix your hair,shall we?"

Walking out of the bathtub, Asher put on his robe and walk out of his bathroom. He opens his wardrobe and was staring at the collections of clothes.He decided to wear something classy and simple but eye-catching. He smiled on seeing the suit he wanted,he quickly pull it out of his wardrobe.

He stared at his reflection as he wore a white sleeves shirt leaving his upper buttons unbuttoned revealing his hardened chest,tucked into a fur dark purplish red trousers and matching colour coat and white sport shoe.

He grab his car keys and walk out of his room,making his way to his garage to select a car to pick up Trina.

Trina paced forth and back nervously.

"W..what if Selena doesn't like me anymore? What if Kim exposes my secret? Gosh! Am so anxious,nervous what should I do?".

"Relax girl...,they all luuurve you except Kim and he wouldn't dare".She paused. "Not YET"Trina glared at Gowon causing her to laugh.

"This isn't funny Gowon!".She snapped.

"Sorry, don't need to worry your mom will be there-".

"She isn't".Trina chimed in."She said she was going to meet someone".

"Chill Katrina Owens,you look beautiful in that dress and Asher will die when he sees you cause he loves you-".

"I hope he won't die but I do agree that he loves me".She said with enough confidence.

"What a confident you got there?You see no need to worry yourself and what did Alexandra says?".

"Be yourself cause those who loves you'll love you for who you are not what you appear to be.....gosh!she's a really cool person isn't it?".Trina asked and Gowon couldn't agree more.

"She's indeed is.....ow!that must be Asher".Trina smiled coyly and grab her purse.

"Wish me luck".She yelled at Gowon,heading for the door.

"Don't trip on your careful on them".She yelled back,waving until the door closes behind Trina.

Trina burst out of the door and misstepped that made her stumble but was caught in Asher's arm.

"What a clumsy little fellow you are".He hummed.

"Am not clumsy".She grunts and pulled away from him."Why did you come so late to pick me up?".She asked following him to his midnight blue sport car.

"Being late and having people waiting for your arrival makes you feel worth it and gain more attention,I love attention" .

"Your so full of yourself .She snorts." And also took my time to impress you".He twirl in circle."So how do I look?".

"Handsome as ever...what about me?".

"Same".He replied without glancing at her and entered .Her shoulder's slip down in disappointment.

"Jerk....Agh!".She jolts in fear as he horns.

"You getting in or do what to have the restaurant brought here to you".He chuckled and horns again.

"Gosh!am coming".She entered into the car."Please move we're late".She grimace.

"Why the long face?".He laughs and turn on the engine."You look so beautiful darling".He stole a kiss from her and zoom off.

"I...I told not to do that".She said cracking.

"But your face says otherwise, where is that new friend of yours whose stealing my girlfriend from me".

"She has a place to go,her name is Alexandra and she's very cool and fun to be with,she also wise due to she has experienced a lot of hardship but yet she's still strong and she also gave me her cloth to wear and she's so prrretty and nice,I think she never had friends before,she never told us why?".She said,her eyes sparkle in admiration. Asher couldn't help but smile,he lean toward her and bit her ear,jarring her but to reality.

"Ouch!".She jolts in shock."What was that for?".

"Bringing Miss pervert back to earth".He clench his hand to his chest."It hurts to see am no longer your idol,am so hurt and jealous".He exclaims dramatically. She prods him by the stomach.

"I never said your my idol,jeez!your such a sissy-".

"Ow!shut up".He flick her head as she giggle and entwine her finger to his and rested her head on his shoulder. "We're gonna die if you don't pull away".

"Shut up and drive besides I know your enjoying it".He crack a smile and focused his gaze on the road.