Three years earlier..

Alexia and Asher went backstage after performing their musical concerts at the auditorium with their teammate (Kyle and Mike) who had stayed behind.

"You played your piano really well,darling".Alexia giggled.

"What do you expect from Asher Lee,your boyfriend is a really cool guy,his cute,handsome, kind,rich and have so many personality but most importantly he loves Alexandra" .He kissed her nose.

She beamed and lean in.

"I love you too".He grab her waist pulling her tighter to his body,he lowered his face intending to kiss her but paused his lips an inch away from her when the the door burst open.

"Ew!Guys do that somewhere else".Mike threw his hands into the air in a feign annoyance. Asher pulled away grinning.

"Asher loves to show the world what he feels..right babe".He looked down on Alexia who eyes had widen."Alexia-".

"You guys are dating!".He heard Kyle says and Asher nods."For how long?".He growled.

"Whoa, cool down man,you sounds as if you're jealous. Are you in love with her?".Mike questioned.

"You bastard!!!".Kyle bashed Asher against the wall and his fist rain down on Asher's face as Mike pull him off.

"What was that for dude!".Mike yelled.

"He deserves it,I can't believe you're my bestfriend, how could you do this to me!".

"What the fuck are you talking about,Kyle!-".

"You're dating my girlfriend...damn you!".Asher brows drew together and met at the bridge of his nose.

"A...Alexia is your girlfriend?".He manage to ask.

"I....I can explain Asher".She said,earning a glare from him.

"Don't you dare touch me!how could you do this to me,to us...his my bestfriend for crying out loud!!!".He huffs for air.

"Is this why you wanted to keep our relationship in secret, how could you do this to you know how much I love you,do you!".Kyle roared.

"Am so sorry".She said tearing up."I...I didn't mean to play with your feelings.....I. .I love Asher,Kyle...I couldn't break up with you cause I was scared to hurt you,am sorry but I love Asher with all my heart-".

"Fuck your love Alexandra cause if you really do,you would've told me every single thing yet you played us,Why?,why didn't you pick someone else instead of my bestfriend, why him".

"Am sorry Asher, am sorry,please forgive me-".

"Just go home Alexia...we would see tomorrow" .Asher suggested.

"Let's take you home".Mike says.Alexia glance at Kyle and then at Asher.

"I love you Asher and am really sorry Kyle".She gave them a sympathetic look.

Mike and Alexia pad their feets across the room heading to the door.

When the door was shut,Kyle shifted his gaze to Asher.

"I still love Alexia and I would fight for her".

"She loves me Alexia and I know it was wrong for her to have played us especially you and she's sorry about it and I forgive her cause I love her-".

"Shut up,Asher!".

"You should have said something".Kyle heard Asher say and he glared at him.

"You didn't utter a word,how hypocritical you're".Kyle retorts sarcastically.

A deep furrow appears on Asher's forehead.

"I always try to tell you but you never wanted to hear me out".He drew out a deep breath."If you're in love with her then i'll step back".Kyle shook his head.

"I'll also step back,I can't let her destroy our friendship ,am sorry I acted without impulse".Asher waved him off.

"No problem, i'll break up with Alexia even if it hurts-".

"You don't need to,you guys deserves each other".Kyle interrupts.

"If we really do she should''ve trusted me,i will have to break up with her for the meantime so she can learn her lesson"Kyle nods in agreement.

The Next Day...

"Asher you can't do this to me,I love you!!".She grunts getting to her foot

"We need space,I need to clear my head,Alexia...I never said am breaking up with you,I just want you to learn your lesson, after this lets see if we're really couples made from heaven".With those words, he left her presences.

Few days later, Kyle walked into their club house and sighted Mike and Asher chatting animatedly.

"Gosh!Mike is stealing my bestfriend slowly huh?".He emphasized the word' Bestfriend' for them to figure out what he means."Am so jealous".He pouts his lips.

"Aww!if you keep doing that I might fall for you".Asher broke into a wide smile.

"Ditching Alexia for me huh!am so lucky to have such a cute-".

"Eww!"Mike snorts as Asher and Kyle laughs.

Kyle shook their hands and sat down next to Mike.

"Come on Asher,lets go order some pizza for us all"Mike says.

"You wanna tug along?".Asher asked and Kyle shook his head.

He watched as they existed the place.

Suddenly Asher phone rings. "He forgot his phone"He went rigid on seeing the name.

He quickly picks it.

"Asher".Alexia said with a cracking voice."Am gonna kill myself if you don't meet me soon, can't leave me this way,I need you,you dare abandon me,I...I thought you were my friend,boyfriend and an angel to me,I hate you!".She hangs up.

Without thinking, Kyle grab his jacket and dash out.

Alexandra was on rooftop of one of her dad's skyscraper,standing at the edge,taking a clear view of her surroundings. She sigh.

All her life she had always wished to be loved by her parent but they never had time for her,she was often locked in her mansion with the butler and servants.

She had them as her friends cause her so called friends befriends her for her wealth,she never felt loved until she met Asher and Kyle but now they all had abandoned her for a single mistake she had made.

"ALEXIA!!!!".Someone screams.

"Why you here instead!".She speak hoarsely.

She needed not to turn back to know who was here,she recognized his voice and fragrance quite well.

"Asher went out and left his phone behind.....Christ!Alexia get down before you do anything stupid".He said,frightened.

"No one want me,you all abandoned me,my parent,you,Mike and now Asher,you all don't care for me-".

"We all care for you Alexia,we do especially Asher,he loves you"

"Asher broke up with me,he doesn't love me-".

"He do,he just need you to learn your lesson".He gingerly came close to the edge and climbed up."He wanted you to learn how not to hurt someone's feeling,he did it cause he cares,his scared to let go of you,to find out that you cheated on him,so please get down cause a lot of people love you, you don't need others,only me,Mike and Asher we're your family".He offered her his hands."You still have a lot to fulfill at this your tender age,to get your own wealth without the help of your parents, get married and train your child with love and not to follow the mistake of your parents,please Alexia come down take my hands".Alexia looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

She took his hands without thinking for a second and step down.

"Thanks Kyle,now its your turn to take my hands and step down".She offered him her own hand with a grin written all over her face.

Kyle intended to take her hand and step down but he abruptly misstep and fell from the edge of the building but two hands appeared on his wrist."KYLE!!!!".Alexia yelled in fright. "Don't let go,am gonna save you".

"Don't let go of me,please...I don't wanna die".He cried out."PLEASE".

"Never".She said, struggling to lift him up."SOMEONE HELP PLEASE!!!".She roared.

"Alexia!!!!".He growled as one of her hand pulled away from his wrist.

"Kyle!!!someone help!!!!".

"Let go, gonna die anyway, there is no hope for me"

She broke into a sob."Am so sorry Kyle,It's all my gonna save you just like you did.I promise-".

"Stay safe and always keep Asher happy,I love you, Alexia".He let go of her hand and gave her a bitter smile.

"KYLE!!!!!!!".She screamed as she watch him,land hard on the ground.

She crash to the floor,her hands over her mouth,sobbing.

"Alexia!".Asher ran towards her."What happened, you called?".

"K...Kyle...Kyle is dead".
