Alexia eyes fling open, hot tears flowing down her cheek.

"Kyle...Kyle".She hugged herself."Am sorry,am so sorry".She cried harder.

After work was over,Aiden went in search for Trina. He momentarily stops as he saw her with Asher,her hands in his.

His heart felt uncomfortable. He cleared his throat to make his presence known to them.

"Aiden?".He heard her say in surprise,sounding more like she was questioning his presence.

"I need to talk to your babe Asher,can you give us some minutes?".He requested.

"Cause you ask nicely".He winked at him."Don't touch what's not gonna be yours".

"Buzz off".Aiden grimace as he flashes him his annoying smile and walked away.

He heaved a sigh and said."Am sorry about my behavior that day and I just want to say I accept your relationship with that jerk ass cause I love you and I want you to be happy especially with him,I think it's time to finally let go of our past and my feelings too".He swept her into his arms.

"Thank you so much,Aiden".

"If it can't be me then it's him and no one else".He released her from his embrace. "You better run off now before your boyfriend will murder me with his flaming eyes".Trina giggle and ran off.

The smile on Aiden face fell,he sigh."I hope I won't regret letting you go".A tears spill out from his right eyes.

He made his way towards his car,his chauffeur quickly got out of the car and opened the door for him.

Aiden entered and he shut the door and the chauffeur returned to the car wheel and started the ignition."Home?".

"Paradise estate, I have some unfinished business to take care of".He said sarcastically.

Aiden alight from the car and storm into Owens mansion.

Vera glared at him and strode towards him.

"Look who finally showed up, I thought I was gonna throw a party before you showed up here....why did you leave your so called fiancee alone on Thanksgiving!!".She questioned.

"In bed with a pretty blondie".She glared at him,nose flared.

"How dare you go to bed with a woman!!".She raised her hand to slap him but he grip her wrist tightly.

"Don't you dare!!".His voice alone made her shudder in fear. "Ever raise your voice at me,Vera!".

"Fine,now let me go your hurting me".He shove her away as she staggered backwards.

"From now on I don't know you-".

"What do you mean?"Her brows furrowed. "your cutting off our engagement, the whole world knows we're getting engaged so you can't back off!!!".

"Watch me".He headed for the door but was pulled back.

"Do you always feel so satisfied to see me so pitiful, my reputation is on the line you damn fool,you need me Aiden-".

"You're wrong Vera,I don't need you,you are of no use to me any longer now have gotten what I wanted- ".

"You never loved me you f**king bastard, you just used me to get your company back,I hate you,I hate you!".She said hitting him hard against his chest.

"Not as much as I hate the likes of you".His words stings like pepper."Don't you ever touch me...I feel irritated to think I once liked you".He shook his head."Get lost".He pushed her aside and storm off as the tears she had hold back finally pours out.

Aiden heart felt lighter after his break up with Vera.

If he had known this how freedom felt he would've ended it a long time ago,he endured it all for his dear father,he endured her nagging,indirect insults, caging,do and don't do,her rules and law.Gosh!he was finally free.

He sniffs the air."Freedom".He muttered. "Free-".He suddenly choked as a toxic fragrance filled his nostril. He wiggles his nose in disgust.

"What!".He heard someone snaps and he whirl around for his eyes to meet a stunning brown large eyes."Do you think I smell bad,huh?".

"What?".He manage to say.He couldn't take his eyes off her.

"W...why you staring at me that way?".Heat crept to her face."If you think I smell weird".

"Too much perfume,too much costume,too much accent and tiny voice, your not my type" .

"What?".Her brows scrunch together in confusion.

"You're not my type".She scoffs.

"And I don't care,you're not my type're not a gentleman".She scowl.

"How gentle should I be..bow my head,clean the ground before you step on it".He scoffed."Dream high,Milady".He bow dramatically.

She glared at him."I...I..didn't mean that,I mean you shouldn't look or speak to a woman like that especially when she's a stranger, you dimwit- ".

"Who are you calling that!am one of the top student in the whole college" .He said proudly.

"I asked you if I smelled awful cause of my excess perfume so I wouldn't approach you,dimwit".

He laughed."Don't tell me you've taken fancy of me so suddenly".His eyes twinkles merrily.

His word made her crack a smile that made his heart skip a bit.

"I wanted to ask you whether a certain miss Vera lives here".She watched as his smiled suddenly fades away.

"There".He pointed at a mansion. "Don't mingle with her,Milady".He Said and walked off.

Alexia shrugs and made her way into the mansion. "Am here to meet a certain Miss Vera Owens".She told the guard who denied her entering.

"Am sorry but Miss Vera needs no disturbance, her order ma'am".

"Fine,I'll get going then".