Vera wipe her tears on hearing noises, she got to her foot."Can't i've a moment of silence!".She puffed and storm out her room ,she stops on the hallway startled by the beautiful figure who was pleading with the guard.

"What do I do to gain such a visit from someone like you".Vera signal for them to let her through and they did.

"Thank goddess you came".She said in a soft angelic english accent that made Vera jealous of her and such heavenly beauty."I wanted to meet with you,Miss Vera".

"Talk".She urged her,eyeing her expensive dress.

"Is about Trina,your cousin".

"Oh".Vera said dryly and made her way into the sitting room and Alexia followed. "What about her?".

"She has someone I love-".

"Asher right?".

"Yes,someone told me I need to meet with you to take her out of his life,I need to know her weakness".

"Do you've any idea am so much In love with Asher Lee, huh Miss....".

"Alexandra but call me Alex only people important to me calls me Alexandra or Alexia" .

"I love Asher, so how can I support my other rival? ".

"When the time comes but right now Trina is our biggest threat".She said. Vera nods her head in agreement and her lips pulled up into a sly smile.'What a dummy!this rich lady was indeed naive by the look of it,how did such a person survived without been deceived'


Just like killing two birds with one stone.'Idiot'.She thought.

"Stay here i'll be right back".

Few minutes later,Vera came back with a document, she tossed it to Alexia. Alexia opened it as her hands covers her mouth in shock. "T...Trina".

"Yes,Trina suffered from bipolar disorder, this are the medical check up and results and this".She handed a video tape to her."This is the video of her acting crazy".Vera laughed. "Imagine if we give Asher as a surprise on his birthday, on his birthday he would discover his dear Trina is crazy, an insane psycho-".

"Quiet!".Alexia snaps."T...This isn't good, I..I can't do this to Trina,she. .she will be hurt-".

"That's the point of all this for her to get hurt!".

Alexia stood up."Not like this,I..I can't hurt her this way,I..I'll only show Asher the document not the video- "

"Is not like you've watched it".

"I don't want to...just burn the tape,it isn't good to show her what she turned into back then".Vera got to her foot and strode towards Alexia.

"Is she really your rival huh!she took Asher away from you, HATE her,Alexandra-".

"Alex!!".She growled at her."Am not gonna hurt her,am only going to scare her, that's all".Alexia grab her bag her storm off.

Vera smiled wickedly and picked up the tape.

"Stupid....What a soft hearted girl she is, Well,the party is going to be a big surprise for all of them even for dear Alex"She grins.

"WHAT! ".Gowon exclaimed. "Alexia is Alexandra, Asher's first love?".

Trina nods ."I was shocked myself and now I think she hates me".

"Does your mom know?".

"Probably".She drawl out."Cynthia would've told her already".Gowon moved closer to Trina and poked her by the stomach. "Ouch!what did I do?".

"Your gonna leave me alone in this bored neighborhood huh?".

"Come on Gowon it isn't like that...I won't forget you and i'll always visit you but you still got Gage's bands to not keep you bored and Ted- ".

"One Gage's band aren't so fun to hang out with,two I broke up with Ted a longtime ago"Her two fingers gesture emphasized what she tells her.

"Am gonna miss you".Trina swept her into a tight hug.

"Eww!get off me".Gowon pushed her off her.

"Your so shy".She giggle and got to her foot."Ok!let's go have some chocolate chips before Asher picks me up- ".

"And brown cake fish".Gowon grab her bag and followed Trina to the door,who turned the knob and the door opened.

She suddenly went rigid on seeing Alexia.

After Alexia met with Vera and found out more about Trina's past illness and what she had went through, she felt a little down, then she went to her apartment but she didn't have the guts to knock and 'say hi or 'everything is ok'.

Alexia sigh and sat down on her steps.

She sat there for an hour before she decided to go back home but the door suddenly open and two pair of auburn eyes was boring into hers.

Alexia, Gowon and Trina sat quietly in a Junk shop with a bowl of chocolate chips before them.

"So no one wanna eat?".Gowon asked breaking the awkward silence.

"Why do you want me here?".Alexia asked without beating around the bush.

"Why are you snooping around my house!" .Trina retorted.

"I...i...I was....was worried".

She answered, toying with her fingers nervously.

"Asher loves Trina".Gowon chimed in.

"Gowon".Trina scowls.

"A lot".Gowon continued. Alexia mouth went dry."Even if we were once friends...I won't think twice before beating you off if you do anything to Trina cause of your love for Asher".

The word'once friends'made Alexia heart sink."I'll do anything for Asher".

"And I will always be a step ahead of you".Trina says.

"Trina? ".Asher called as he and Ted made their way towards them.

The smile on Asher face fades off on seeing Alexia. "What is happening here?". Alexia got to her foot so hastily and smiled."Asher"." are you?".She stutters.

"Fine a while ago before I met you".He said coldly. "Come on babe,lets go pack up your stuffs".He offered her his hand and she took it.

" your house?".Alexia inquire.

"Yeah,what's wrong?".His brows rose up in question. Alexia lowers her gaze.

"Nothing,s..see you tomorrow night on your birthday party".She grab her bag and flee out.

"I'll catch you later Ted,I got to go".Ted gave him a slight nod and watch them go.

Gowon heart skipped when his burning gaze rested on hers.

"Gowon".He manage to say.


" you doing now?".He laughed nervously.

"Emm...I..i" .She lowered her eyes to his fingers which had cuts and bruises.

Abruptly she took his hand into hers instinctively. "Ted...y..your fingers".She said with a hint of concern in her voice.

Ted quickly withdraw his hand.

He was taken back by her sudden action."I...I've been stressing myself out with some paintings".His cheek turned warm."Y..You shouldn't grab someone hands like that Gowon".

"Ow!i..I..".She laughed nervously. "Sorry,I..I should head back to work,catch you later".With that she rush out without throwing a glance at Ted.