It was finally the night of Asher birthday party,only family members was to attend and some friends like Gowon, Avery,Ted and Aiden.

Vera found a way to get into the party to execute her plan which Alexia didn't know about meanwhile Alexia went to the restroom and was returning when she bumped into Aiden.

"Ouch!".They both exclaimed."YOU!"

They both screamed pointing at eachother. "W..what are you doing here?".She snapped.

Aiden broke into a wide smile. "Tailing you"He said annoyingly that made her peeved.

"W..why?".His extremely long lashes that she envy flicked up and down,checking her out.

Her breath catches as her cheek turned warm.

"Just felt like pestering you".He responded with a shrug.

He was never expecting her here in the first place but now be saw her,his heart become suddenly warm and he couldn't help but tease her,she was damned too naive. And he couldn't keep his eyes off her,her gorgeous face,lips,hair,her accent and curvy body.

She was one of a kind but not his type.

"Fuck off,you jerk".

"Your wish is my command Princess" .He emphasises the word'princess' with a bow.

Alexia clench her fist."You-".

"Alexander" .She heard Kim called as he approached her.

"Alexandra".Aiden whispered to himself.

"Yes Mr.Kim".

"Asher is about cutting off the cake,is time for present,am sure you've one right?".

Alexia took a deep breath before she responded."Yes".

Kim place a hand over her shoulder.

"That's good,you can't let Trina steal what's yours".He walked her toward the hall.

Alexia couldn't help but look back,to see Aiden burning amber eyes was boring into hers. She quickly whirl back and let Kim leads her.

Aiden was not a fool to understand that Alexandra was in love with Asher and they were plotting something. Was that why she visited Vera.If that was the truth that means Vera might be also here.

"Is time for giving the birthday boy his wonderful presents".Cynthia says. Alexia was the first to walk up to him.

"Happy birthday Asher,thanks for inviting me".He only nods.

"All thanks to Trina" .He flashed her his charming smile that made her heart skip.

But that feeling was quickly replaced with guilt. 'Trina'.This wasn't right to do this but she wanted her man back,she wanted to earn that smile from him everyday. She was acting selfish she knew it but she was finally fighting for what she wanted.

She handed him his present. "Open it".She urged him.His brows rose in question.

"Now?".And she nods.

Asher quickly tore the wrappers and was staring at a hospital result,out of curiosity he opens it. Suddenly the file slip out of his hand and landed on the Alexia feet.

Everyone looked at him,surprised.

Cynthia quickly walked up to him and picked up the file.

"T..T..Trina had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder!".She stagger backwards in shock. Everyone suddenly went rigid.

Trina felt her hands was turning cold as all eyes fell on her.

"OMG!".Selena exclaimed. Suddenly the television was turned on and a video of Trina in an empty room with the doctors trying to calm her down when she was acting all crazy.

Tears flow from Avery eyes as she witness what her dear Rina had gone through.

"Oh!my,my...if you really wanna pick a fake girlfriend to act as your girlfriend you should've at least checked her background instead of dating a psychopath" .Kim added.

"What nonsense are you saying Dad!".Selena was the one that asked since word failed others.

"Are you so dumb or what?Trina is Asher fake girlfriend" .

"WHAT???".Cynthia,Avery and Selena both yelled.

Trina blink back her hot tears as she walked up to them."M..Mom I can explain, I... i didn't mean to hide it all from you".

"You all made a fool out of me!!".Cynthia roared.

She shook her head."Not any more cause am his actual girlfriend now,mom".

Cynthia took a step back as Trina tried to touch her.

"How can I believe you!after you hid a big secret from me,Asher,your mother,from Us!!".

"Rina".Avery murmured as tears kept blurring her vision.

"It was never my intention, I was so ashamed to tell you guys, am sorry".She pleads.

"Leave!".Asher demand.


"Gowon take Trina out".Gowon nods and took her out as Ted followed. Asher diverted his gaze to Alexia who was staring back at Trina.

"Haven't you done enough!!".Yelled Asher.

Alexandra was shocked herself when the video was realized, that wasn't her doing.

She clench her fist in rage. It was Vera's doing,she was sure of it. Alexia thought she would feel happy to see Trina in tears and heartbroken but she was wrong,she was overwhelmed with guilt,sadness.

She felt she had betrayed their trust, Aunt Avery, Gowon and Trina had for her and most especially Asher who was glaring at her with nothing but disdain.

"Haven't you had enough!When is it clear to you that I don't love you anymore, am in love with Trina!!!!".

"It wasn't my doing,I..I never planned to release the video, I...I didn't mean to".

Asher laughed incredulously.

"Oh!please cut the bullshit ...this was all your fucking plan Alexia. ...I can't believe you turn out to be this cruel,you just makes me hate you more and more"

"Asher".She broke into a sob."Am sorry".

"Listen to me very well,am in love with Trina, whether she's insane or not,I love her craziness, childishness, everything about her is perfect and I love her whether she's mad or not".And he shifted his flaming gaze to his father. "You should be ashamed of yourself, revealing secret like a little girl,tsk,tsk,tsk...yes,we first start as acting but now we're dating cause we're head heels over eachother, please excuse me".He brush past Alexia and walk out.

Alexia stagger backward as tears flowing out of her eyes.

She couldn't met anyone gaze especially Aiden for a reason not none to her.

Aiden was certain it was Vera's doing not Alexia, he had trust in her that she could never hurt Trina that way,so he went in search for Vera.

He finally caught hold of Vera.

"Aiden?".Her eyes widens in shock.

"It was you right,you devilish Bitch!".

"Let go".She struggles. "You hurting me!".

"How dare you hurt Trina-".

"It was Alex,it's her,that stinky Bitch is jealous of Trina,that bastard-".


Vera held her red cheek in shock.

" slapped me?".She muttered with tears lingering in her eyes.

"Don't you dare call her name,you manipulated her-".

"Did you ever loved me!you think I didn't see you two,how you teased, flirt and smiled at her,how your eyes twinkies when you saw her,What do you like in her!what do you see in her,that bitch!she's in love with Asher-".

"Vera!".Alexia strode towards her."How could you do this to me!I trusted you,I told you to delete that video,how could you frame me,you monster!".She said, hitting her at her face.

"ENOUGH!!".Vera pushed her and she landed into Aiden's arms.

Alexia looked up at the stunning face in shock.

"D..dimwit? ".She lifted herself up." wasn't me".He smiled and tucked the stripe of her hair behind her ear,leaving her perplexed.

"I know but i'll have to scold you later,my princess".His words made her heart warm.

Then he grab Vera and storm off.

Alexia sigh and touch her chest.

"Why do I feel discomfort to see him leave with her?".She wondered.