Meanwhile outside the street,Asher feets halted on seeing Trina.

He felt sad for what she had gone through all by herself.

She shouldn't have hid such a secret from her mother especially him,her boyfriend.

He cleared his throat,gaining her attention.

"Asher".He heard her say, surprised.

Her red eyes glued to his not daring to pull away.

"You've been crying?".She nods in response.She pads her feet toward him.

"I didn't mean to keep it from you but I..I was ashamed" .She lowered her gaze."Are you still angry-".He lunge her into his arms instinctively. "Asher".

"You must have gone through a lot,my love".He sigh."And yes am infuriated cause you didn't tell me,am your boyfriend and friend,I needed to know every single thing about you,your fears,likes and dislikes.absolutely everything".

"Do forgive me,huh?".She pouts her lips.

"What can I do when you're giving me that look-".

"That means you forgive me?".She looked up into his violet eyes.

He flicks her nose causing her to flinch.

"Ouch!Asher!".She harumph.

"Am still gonna punish you,don't think you've been forgiven".

"Yes Sir Asher".She entangle her hand with his.

"Don't hide anything from me in the nearest future,got me?".

"Yes babe".She stood on her toe and stole a kiss.

"Pervert!".He muttered as his ear turns red.

Trina giggle.

"Let's go home".She said, letting the word' home' linger on her tongue.

After taking a cold shower,Alexia got into a simple outfit which was a pink lacy top tucked into her black short.The bell suddenly ranged.

"Oh!my pizza".She pop out of her room and opened the door."YOU!!!".

"Yeah me".Aiden grins and lift up a package of pizza."Your delivery is here ma'am".He smile wider exposing his set of white teeth.

",why you actually here with my delivery?".She stutter in great surprise.

"Oh!I was on my way here after finding out where you lived and I bumped into the pizza guy who was looking for Miss Alexandra, so I offered to deliver it to you and I paid" .He kept the grin across his lips while he explains to her.

They both stood still,staring back at eachother in silence. Aiden brows rosed in question ,expecting her to let him in."Aren't you going to let me in, princess?".He shivered in the cold and step inside when Alexia stood before him.

"Where the heck do you think your going?".Aiden looked at her innocently.

"Letting myself in..I deserve a compensation from you and am sure you need company or friends".

Alexia dismiss his comment with a nervous laugh."Who told you I need friends cause I've one like the maids and butler-".

"No matter how friendly you're to them,they'll only talk to you as their master nothing else".He shook his head in disappointment."Tsk!tsk, so gullible" Alexia grab the box of pizza.

"Am only taking it cause I...I can't let it go to waste".She shut the door and brush past him, heading to the kitchen as Aiden follows.

"Alexia huh?".He said seductively, that would make any girl to fall for his charms."Hm,what a beautiful name for a gorgeous lady".Heat rush up to her cheek.

She whirl and glare at him.

"You.....".She was suddenly pinned to the wall with his hands and body.Alexia eyes widens in shock by his sudden movement. "You-".

"You?".He tilts his head."I feel so sad that you call me that,it isn't fair".He lean closer to her and brought his lips up to her ear.

The feeling of his lips on her ear made her shudder beneath his hot touch."To see that I know yours but you don't know mine".She looked up at him as words failed her.

What was this guy actually doing to her.She shut her eyes as his lips left her ear and rested on her bare shoulder.A hiss escapes her lips as she felt his hot breath on her shoulder. "Aiden".Her eyes suddenly pop open.


"Call me Aiden,say it".

"A..Aiden get off me".She blushed harder."Now!".He chuckled and took some steps back."H...How dare you corner me,here,here in my house!".She screamed.

He looked at her flushed face and he couldn't help but laugh.

"Am starving".He rubs his stomach,revealing a bit of his yummy abs. She suddenly felt butterflies in her belly.

He grab the pizza and led his way to the kitchen.He stops when he reaches the door and stare back at Alexia."Coming?".He flashed her a flirty smile and she couldn't help but smile back at him.

She sat down opposite him as he place a slice of pizza and ginger beer before her."Your majesty".He bow and sat down.

Alexia shook her head and concentrated on her pizza. She could feel his burning gaze on her,she looked up expecting him to look away but their gaze locked on hers.She could feel the heat in her as his gaze rested on her as if he could tear off her cloths with only his eyes.

Alexia quickly looked away with her cheek blazing with fire.She felt uncomfortable with the way his conspicuously gaze was glued on her.

"P...please stop that".She whispered, unable to look up at him.

"What?".He said innocently. "Eating?".His brow raise up in a feign confusion.

" know!".She snapped. Aiden laughed.

"How could I resist staring at a pretty girl like you".He ended it with a wink.


"Aiden".He was quick to say."Don't hurt Trina, Alexia".

" sorry,I didn't mean it-".

"And stay away from Vera".He warned.

Alexia nods in response. Aiden slide the chair back and shot to his foot.

"I got to get going".Alexia felt disappointed but she wash it off with an irritating smirk on her face.

"Finally" .She huffs. "A..Aiden".She called,noticing he was walking out.


"" .She lowered her gaze to her finger,intertwining it with her shirt.'Don't go and keep me company'.She wanted to say but the word."Are you going to Vera?".The word spill out from her lips before she could hold back.

Aiden eyes lits up like a Christmas lights.

"Missing me already?".He drawls as he took some steps toward her.Alexia was about to flee but he traps her in between his hands which rested on the wall,either side of her face,his sweet breath filled her nostril.

It had been a long time a man had been this close to her and been close to him raised goosebumps all over her.The way his eyes bright eyes stared conspicuously on hers,he was so close to her that she could pick up the sweet boyish scent of cologne and his hot breath on her,did something strange to her.

She was saturated by him,all she could think of was him,shaking a hand through his hair with her lips pressed to his tempting lips that was an inch away from hers.'Was he trying to seduce her?'."Or Perhaps".His word quickly snapped her out of neverland.

A wild blush spread across her cheek by her stupid thoughts." Your jealous".Her eyes snaps up to meet his.


"Is cute".He chuckled and pull away from her."Call you later".He gave her charming smile and walked away until she couldn't see him anymore. She sigh and collapse to the floor.

"What are you actually doing to me?".She said to no one in particular. "Aiden".The name brought a smile across her lips.