It was a usual day for me. Do my daily convenience store grab and run. It was going well too. I guess, I just took a bad turn that day. As I was running away from the convenience store I slide into an alley while rounding a corner so the owner would lose sight of me. As I was sitting there catching my breath. I heard a little girl crying down the alley. I hate when kids cry, it reminds me too much of myself. So instinctively I ran to the sound, and when I got there I found the little girl. She was just staring into the darkness of the alley, I asked her " Hey, what are you doing here, where's your parents"!? As I grabbed her hand and started leading her out. She pulled back and pointed in the direction of the darkness and said trembling " That monster took my mom". As she said that I turned around instantaneously knowing what that meant it was an Imp! As I was turning, a sinister grin started emerging from the darkness. This was the first time I had seen an Imp surprisingly, the nearest Portal was at least 500 kilometers away! I guess it somehow managed to get all the way over here.
It had horns curving and stretching upwards, no eyes, the most sinister smile grinning from one side of its face to the other, a slender pole like body, at least 10ft tall. At the sight of this monstrosity the girl collapsed and fell to her knees crying and praying, I didn't blame her, just looking at it made me want to throw up and sent a cold sweat coursing through out my body. I couldn't just stand here, I had to get her to safety, even if it meant sacrificing myself. I wasn't gonna let an innocent child be killed knowing I could have done something. And so, I stood her up shook her and said to her " Run "! At the sight of her running the Imp suddenly started walking towards us letting out a deathly scream. I stopped there where I was and pulled out my pocket knife. I knew I had no chance of killing it. I was only trying to buy enough time for the little girl to at least get to other people, even then I don't know if she'd be safe. As it crept closer and closer, I braced myself and tightened the grip on my pocket knife. But as it got to me it just ignored me, and kept after the little girl, walking over me as if I was just some Insignificant bug. Which infuriated me to the point I got enough courage to stab it in the leg. I say stabbed but my pocket knife just broke as soon as it made contact with the Imp. It stopped completely in its tracks and picked me by both my arms with both its hands. And without even another sound from it, it tore both my arms off without even a wince of struggle and tossed me behind it into the darkness of the alley and when I landed and looked to the side of me and there the girls mother was dead and half missing. At the sight of me being ripped apart like that. I guess the little girl, stopped and started screaming at the Imp, I could faintly hear it as I was slowly dying. " Why did you kill my mom and the nice man"! I guess now she was more angry at the Imp than scared. I would've laughed if it wasn't dying. As everything was fading to black. I got angry. I got vengeful, I started cursing my existence and the humans that made me this way. What gave that monstrosity the right to rid that girl of her future, she did nothing wrong! What gave that thing the right to take her world away? As far as I was concerned she was the only innocent thing I'd come across in this entire city full of scum. As I was cursing that monster I heard it. " Please Mr. Nice man comeback, I don't wanna die"! At that moment pure rage consumed me, and bright red ray of light shone upon me, and before I knew it I had punched a hole through the chest of the Imp. It's black blood spewing all over me when I pulled my fist out. I couldn't control it, I was overwhelmed with bliss. Killing it felt good. I couldn't help but smile. I snapped back into reality when the little girl ran over to me and hung onto my leg and asked if I killed the monster. I replied to her" Yes I did, go to the nearest nicest looking people and tell them what happened here, I gotta go now Mrs….. what's you name? " " Mary! " she replied eagerly. " Mrs. Mary, got it, you go do what I told you now". " Aren't you gonna go with me Mr"? " I'm sorry Mary, but I'm not a good person, I can't go with you, but just know you got big things ahead of you, even though it seems dull and dark now, you'll find the light and amount to great things". Damn… I just gave the same lecture I've heard a thousand times to this girl, maybe not all of them were as fake hearted as I thought.