
Rank Z

What just happened? What is this feeling? What is this power coursing through my veins? I gotta get home, and figure out what's happening to me. I say home but I live alone in a shit hole apartment. " Hey Mr. Ping, here's my months rent by the way". " Why thank you Ryker, you know you don't always have to pay your rent so early, by the way boy, why are you covered in that uh black sludge"? " Don't worry about it, I just slipped in some really dark mud on the way here, I'm gonna go to my room now, talk to ya later Mr. Ping".
Dark mud? Really Ryker? Whatever seems like he bit on it, he probably won't pry any further. Now then I need a shower and change of clothes and then I'll assess what the hell is going on. After showering and getting a new pair of clothes, I started browsing the internet to see if I could find anything on what's happening to me. Turns out this phenomenon I'm going through right now is labeled as a " Resurrection "according to the UNRA. It's a rare occurrence like a 1 in a trillion chance of it happening. There's only been three other instances of these " Resurrections " . " Akane Hinata" I said aloud. " Looks like she's 1 of the 3 of cases of a " Resurrection " the other 2 seem to be classified, the only reason hers isn't is because it happened in public with plenty of witnesses. " I read up a little more, and from what I read it looked like the Resurrectors were usually blessed with above average Ranker skills. I wonder what that meant. There probably more powerful than just your average Ranker. But how powerful are they? Then again there's only 3 well I guess 4 now if you count me. I couldn't give less of a damn about these powers. I just wanna live a normal life, or as much of one as I can live. But it seems like shit like this keeps happening. * Sigh * . Why does this stuff always happen to me.
It's an absurd thought for me to want to have a normal life after my upbringing, and now this? Maybe it was just destined for me to not have a normal life. But screw destiny, I'm going to live my life how I want. How could I do that though when I'm literally super human now. Whatever, there's no reason to dwell on it, I just gotta continue life like I've been. I'll just sleep on it. Hey! Maybe it might even be a dream haha…
Too bad it wasn't, because when I woke up Mr. Ping was knocking on my apartment door almost damn near breaking it down. I ran over to the door and opened it. " Jeez Mr. Ping what is I-". " RYKER YOU GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW! THERES A RANK Z IMP ATTACKING THE CITY"! And before I could get another word in Mr. Ping was already making his way out of the apartment complex. The Imp sirens were blurring all around the city. It was the only thing I could hear. Usually not this many sirens would be going off if it was just your average Imp. Maybe 1-2 depending on what area the Imp was in. But this was a Rank Z Imp. The ranking go like this C-1, C-2, C-3, B-1, B-2, B-3, A-1, A-2, A-3. C-3 is usually the average run of the mill Imp. B-2 being your medium type power Imp. But the thing is the jump from the B category to the A is a huge one. Usually it would take about 500 average Rankers to take down an A-1. But a rank Z is a whole nother level of power. There's only ever been 2 rank Z's and we lost 5,000 Rankers each to those things. There used to be 25,000 Rankers throughout the nations but thanks to those things only about 15,000. Some of those Rankers that were lost, were also ranked top 50-25. There no joke. I still couldn't believe one was attacking the city. As I was rushing to get out of the city I noticed something. Usually when you think of a Rank Z Imp you'd think some sorta kaiju like monster. But there was no skyscraper type monster anywhere. Make no mistake I could definitely feel it's presence though. Constant energy blast flashes could be seen. You could hear the screams of Rankers. And as I was running down the sidewalk to get to the nearest evacuation site, I could hear those energy blasts and could see those flashes getting close and closer until… * THOOM * a Ranker came crashing right through a building and landing right in front of me. I ran over to check on him. " Hey! Are you okay! " but when I turned him over, the whole left side of his body was gone. I couldn't control it, the puke came up almost instantly. * Ugh* . But I don't think it was the Ranker that made me throw up. It was the Rank Z. It had a humanoid figure not like the one I had killed, it was bulky, and had a much more human-like face, and only about 6'7, it was a fleshy type red, with horns spiraling out from each side of its head. This wasn't like the last Imp at all, before I knew it my body was standing still. Not because I wanted to face the Imp like last time, but because I was paralyzed with fear. As it was walking down the street 2 Rankers were trying to fight it to no avail, one charged at it with a Ranker blade and when it hit his skin the sword shattered and before the the Ranker could evade backwards the Imp had grabbed his head and popped it. The other Ranker tried to escape after watching his comrade die like that but the Imp just fired and energy beam the size of the street so he was unable to evade it in his direction and nothing but ash was left of him. Once it caught wind of me 2 blocks down from it, it scanned me up and down and in an instance it was face to face with me. I stumbled backwards falling on my butt and hands. I started dragging myself backwards but it just kept walking forward, until it grabbed me by the arm and pulled my sleeve down. " You ". It said in a demonic voice that sent a chill down my spine. " You have the mark, you are chosen". Revealing to me what looked some sorta crest. Upon being revealed by the Imp it started glowing a bright orange burning my forearm.* Schink * Before I could asses what had happened I was on the ground again, and the Imp's arm was gone. And in front of me was the strongest Ranker, Johnny Dang. " Insolent human, you dare strike royalty! Youre nothing but a gnat to me"! " Your pretty ugly for royalty, you know"? And as he said that they began exchanging blows, going back and forth at light speed, I couldn't tell what was going on. All I could see were energy blasts, and the sparks flying off of his blade. They separated after Johnny was sent flying backwards due to a punch, he wasn't hurt at all though because he had blocked the punch with his sword, but still I could tell he couldn't prolong this fight anymore, he looked worn out. " I give you my praise human, for someone to go this long with me in a fight and not be marked its quite impressive. Alas you'll still die like all the rest!" As he said that he fired off an energy blast towards Johnny, instinctively he deflected it with his blade, but he reflected it my way. " Shit! " he screamed, I put my arms prepared to be hit and closed my eyes.
When I opened my eyes, I was perfectly fine, I couldn't say Johnny was though. He had sacrificed his body for me. I ran over to him, he was bleeding profusely. " Hey! Are you okay?" I tried to put pressure on the wound but I found it useless due to the fact his wound was a massive hole in his side. " Yeah, I'm fine, just a scratch." He said as he started coughing up blood. " Listen kid, you gotta get outta here, I'm not gonna sacrifice my life for nothing. " " Your not gonna die, you can't die for someone like me. " I never really get emotional but this time I could feel my tears starting to swell up. " Don't sweat it kid. " and just like that Johnny Dang was dead.