I frantically tried to wake him up, thinking he only passed out, ignoring what I knew had happened. " Do not concern yourself with him. You'll also be dead soon enough. " At those words he picked me up and threw me into a wall of a building. It hurt, but I didn't die, thanks to my new found power. I was filled with rage once again, but this time could I really do anything about it. Even with my Ranker power could I even get close to him. I closed my eyes and when I opened them everything was black the only thing I could see were the blades in front of me, almost big enough to be two handed, but just small enough to dual-wield them. They had a cleaver like blade, one side being sharp the other side dual, with forming a point at the end, the most odd thing about these blades were the chains connecting them, the chains were glowing purple. They were calling to me. " Pick up the blades." I heard " Pick them up and fight! Fight! Fight FIIIIGHHTT!" As soon as I laid my hands on those blades I snapped back into reality. I felt power like never before, but with those powers came absolute rage. Those blades appeared in my hands the chains wrapped around my forearms. I had never learned any sword fighting techniques in my life but for some reason these felt right, like I could use them. " It seems the mark is taking effect, I have to finish you off quickly. " the imp pierced through my thoughts. I leaped at him without a seconds notice though. I wasn't scared. It seemed like my power surge took the Imp aback though because it was barely able to dodge my double slash attack. He fired a energy beam at me on retaliation though, but I just deflected the beam with one of my blades while simultaneously throwing the other at the Imp holding the chain so I could whip it back if needed, it seemed like the chains were never ending, they look short but it seemed like I threw the blade 1 kilometer and it never ended it just keep on expanding. It seemed like my attacked worked, though I did only seem to slice him in the shoulder. I could win this. " Fine, it's time to get serious. " When he said that he started growing blades out of his hands like swords, and in an instance he cleared the distance between us and was hacking away at me, I managed to deflect most of them, but came some attacks were getting through and cutting me. I had to go on the offensive from what I determined he's not used to losing, and it makes him panic and loose his cool. I saw my opportunity to mount an attack he tried slicing me at the same time with both hand blades so I parried both of them outwards and when his stomach was wide open I swung inwards slicing an " X " into his stomach. He fell to one knee and then collapsed onto the pavement. I had won.
I stood there for a minute trying to process what had happened, it seemed my new found powers were wearing off for the time being. My body ached all over I could hardly stand. I don't know if it was the power or the adrenaline that blocked out the pain but one thing was for sure I was definitely feeling it now. One thing was for sure though, I was being watched. I could feel there gaze and murderous intent. I took a big gulp when I realized that murderous intent I was feeling was coming from right behind me. " Don't move another inch. " the voice behind me said, as she nudged me in the back with her sword. " I don't think I could even if I wanted haha, I'm pretty tired."She kicked my knee out and both my legs collapsed falling on both knees, and at that a bunch of Rankers also jumped out from there hiding spots pointing there swords at my throat. And an important looking man started walking through them, looked at me and said " Ryker, you are here by put into custody by me, Section Commander Jeong Tae of the UNRA. Under charges of harboring your Ranker powers and suspicion of the murder of Johnny Dang. " The first charge didn't bother me so much but the second one infuriated me. " ARE YOU KIDDING ME, DO YOU NOT SEE THE Z RANK RIGHT THERE, HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY THINK I KILLED HI- " As I was ranting he gave a sign to the girl behind me, and she hit me upside the head with the bunt of her sword. I got dizzy and fell to the ground looking around everything was blurry until I finally fell unconscious. While I was unconscious, I fell back into that black void. Except this time the blades were gone and I could see a figure of a man there, I couldn't make out anything about him though because he was too far away. " I've chosen you. " he said " Chosen me? What are you talking about? " " You must become rage incarnate. That low ranked royal was just a taste of the tribulations that lie ahead, you must harness your anger, and use it as a weapon to sharpen yourself, I can only lend you so much power, you must get stronger if you want to unlock the full extent of my powers. " " Wait what are you talking abou-" before I could say anything else the black voids walls started to collapse in on themselves " I leave you with this Ryker, there is a war coming, and you are the key to humanity's victory. Trust no one."
After the walls collapsed I woke up gasping for air and felt short breathed, I tried to reach for my chest but I realized that I had been cuffed. I tried breaking out of them but I couldn't, I looked around and noticed I was in some sort of detainment cell. " Don't even try breaking out of those cuffs, there made of a sort of anti-ranker material, essentially they absorb your power so you can't build any up to break out. Any normal Ranker would be fatigued right now because of that, but your not normal are you? It seems you have an abundance of power to be drained." Said a voice over an intercom. I assume it was the Jeong Tae guy by the sounds of it. " Ryker, your a very mysterious guy. No records of your birth, nor known parents. You do have a pretty long petty crime record though. " he said. " Looks like you've done your research, congrats? What exactly do you want from me? " I replied. " Well first, I want you to join u-" I interrupted before he could finish " And if I refuse? " "Im sorry but you seem to be misunderstanding the situation your in there's no refusing,we'll just have to keep you detained in here until you decide you want to join the UNRA. " " It's kinda hard to join an organization that pinned someone's murder on you." " We know you didn't do it Ryker, that was all a facade. We had to use you as a cover up story for the death of Johnny, imagine if the public found out he died to the Imp. So we came up with the story that Johnny was swiftly taking out the Imp until some illegal Ranker attacked him unannounced and Johnny couldn't fend off the both of you at the same time. " " Oh wow so making me public enemy #1 is just a way to soothe the general public and protect the UNRA's reputation, yeah because that's gonna give me incentive to join, and what the hell even is this giving me an ultimatum like this, I saved that city by myself, and I get thrown in a prison of some sort because of it. " " You are an unregistered Ranker so we do have the right to keep you detained in here, Ryker. Not only that you seem to be a pretty powerful one at that at least top 4 behind our Resurrected Rankers of course. So let me take a guess, you Resurrected didn't you? " " You're pretty sharp, yeah I did. " " Hmm thought so, how long ago did you Resurrect? A month? 2 months? " " A day ago. " I said with a smirk. " Well your quite the specimen aren't you Ryker, now I really wanna see you fight the other Resurrected." " Too bad, because I have no interest to fight. " I was lying though, because deep down I kept feeling this urge to fight strong people, and I haven't been able to shake the feeling ever since I got my powers. " Oh but I think you do, I can tell when I see a caged tiger compared to a sheep, and you are definitely a tiger." Damn, he's not that strong but he's cunning. I gotta watch out for him. " Fine, I'll join but only because I'm bored. " " That's great to hear, I'll send Akane to fetch you right now, actually I believe you two already met, she's the one who one who knocked you unconscious. "